Chapter 2 - Bionic Showdown Part 2

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2. Bionic Showdown - Part 2


(POV) Chase

I could feel it, we were winning. We were almost free of all this and things could finally go back to normal. I saw the ceiling to this, strange slaughter house lab, start to crack. Marcus was still trying. He wasn't going down without a fight. I had to warn him.

"Marcus look out!" I yelled before I even had a chance to think about it. But it was too late, within seconds Marcus was crushed. He was probably dead under there. Wait, I know he is, he's an android not a human.

"Where's Douglas?" Mr. Davenport asked. Actually he had a valid point. Where was our "dad"?

"We have to get out of here." Adam yelled as we ran out. We walked back to the lab slowly. Even though this was all over and we had gotten a lot of answers, I still had one question. Why didn't Davenport tell us we weren't actually related?

To be honest I was snooping through his super computer. I wanted to know whether I could find my next hidden ability or not. Then, I came across a file, one that would change the way I thought about our family forever. Adam, Bree, and I aren't related. We really were just experiments.

Then, there was his whole Marcus thing. We just found out today he's been lying to us this whole time. We were never friends, if anything we've always been fighting for opposing sides. I feel betrayed in a way. He was the only one outside of our family that I was friends with. Bree has all of her friends and then... Owen. I can barely say his name.

I found out I've liked Bree for a while. Ever since I found out we weren't related, things have changed.

"I'm really proud of you guys. You too, Leo. You came back and kind of saved us." Davenport said as we entered the lab. I'll never look at this place the same again. It still feels like someone is watching.

"I know that you might be let down that I lied about being your creator." Davenport continued. He did let me down, who would have guessed he had nothing to do with us being created, other than the whole bionic idea.

"Douglas might have created us, but your our real father." I said as I stood up and made my way closer. I looked over to Bree, she usually knows what to say.

"Yeah, you were the one to save us from becoming bionic soldiers." Bree said as she came to stand by me. She smiled up at me to make sure I was okay. I just nodded.

"Yeah Big D, lets bring it in." Leo said motioning for us to come together. Bree and I walked over together and joined the group hug.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen you cry." Adam said seeing Davenport was in pain.

"No I'm actually in pain. I think I broke a rib." I laughed knowing Davenport was exaggerating. He was barely in a fight whereas Adam, Bree, and I almost died trying to save him.

"Someone's gonna start crying.*" Bree whispered as Davenport walked back to the elevator. I laughed as turned back to see Bree smiling.

"Told you he'd start whining." I said as I went into my capsule. Adam laughed and closed his door. I know that everything is over now. I started to think about our "father" and Marcus. That was a lot to accept. I looked over to Bree to see she was actually trying to sleep. That was probably for the best. I shut my eyes slowly. But I had a big problem trying to fall asleep. I still didn't feel safe here.

I gave up after twenty minutes and walked over to the elevator. I turned back to see Adam and Bree sleeping so I decided to use the stairs instead. I walked slowly, trying not to make a sound. I walked into the art volt, knowing that no one would ever find me in here. I turned the corner and sat against the wall. I just needed to think things through. I liked Bree. But I would never be sure if she liked me. Davenport would kill us if she ever found out anyway. He doesn't even know I know, which is probably for the best. I could hear footsteps coming into the volt.

"Chase?" Bree whispered as she stepped around the corner. I looked up to see her struggling to adjust her vision.

"Bree. I'm down here."I whispered. she laughed as she looked down and saw me on the floor. She moved to sit by me.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked trying to make conversation. She laughed quietly.

"Not really. Then I saw you walking upstairs so I followed you. Are you okay?" Bree asked. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I just... This is all too much. Marcus was our fake friend, Davenport's brother is actually our creator-"

"Father." Bree corrected. I sighed, she couldn't know. I had to keep this a secret. I had to keep my feelings a secret.

"Yes, our father. It's just hard to take it all in I guess. I just needed a minute to think about all of this." I explained. Bree nodded before continuing.

"Chase, is there something your not telling me?" Bree asked. I had made it pretty obvious. I had called Douglas our creator and not father. I had left off the truth and came up with some kind of fake fact. Sometimes I think Bree knows me too well.

"Bree, I've told you everything." I started. I had no idea where to go with this.

"You know what? Just don't tell me. you think I don't know how to handle it right? You think... you think that because you have super smarts and I have super speed-"

"Bree, wait a minute. I don't think any of that. I think your amazing. Its probably better that you have super speed. Super smarts gets you in trouble. You find out thinks that you aren't supposed to." I mumbled the last part. Bree looked at me quizzically.

"Chase? What aren't you supposed to know?" Bree asked quietly. I sighed, I would have to tell her sometime.

"Bree, don't freak out when I tell you this but..." I left off as I heard more footsteps. If that was Davenport, I would be in huge trouble.

"Guys, are you in there?" Adam whispered obnoxiously into the art volt. I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I held out my hand to Bree to help her up. She smiled up at me as we looked into each others eyes for a second.

"Bree." I whispered as she took my hand in her's.

"Yes, Chase." She stated quietly.

"Guys I asked you a question." Adam said as he turned the corner to us. I dropped Bree's hand as I saw Davenport coming out of the elevator. He frowned as he saw us standing by one of his "priceless" paintings.

"What are you guys doing in here? Why aren't you in the lab?" Davenport asked as he motioned for us to follow him downstairs.

"Bree and I couldn't sleep so we came up here to talk. we didn't want to wake Adam. But apparently that didn't go as planned." I explained as we walked back into the lab. I turned to see if Bree agreed with my story. She nodded as we opened the doors to our capsules.

"Well, just to back to sleep. It's been a long day." Davenport said as we closed the doors. Davenport entered the elevator just as Adam feel asleep. I turned to see Bree looking at me. She smiled before she closed her eyes. I think now I can go to sleep.


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