Chapter 7 - The More Bionics The Better

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7. The More Bionics, The Better


(POV) Mr. Davenport

"Have you got it yet Leo?" I called up into the shaft. Leo sighed.

"If I got it wouldn't we be, oh I don't know, moving!" Leo yelled back. I could only see a glimpse of his face before he stood up and reached for the emergency button for the fiftieth time in the past hour.

"You know, Einstein once said trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results-"

"Meant I'm crazy? What are you getting at? You're the one that made me climb up here in the first place! And what else am I supposed to do? I just can't reach... Wait! I got it!" Leo cheered as he hit the button and we slowly started to move back up into the house. Leo hastily jumped back into the elevator before we but the ground floor. I laughed as he stumbled and regained his stance before the doors opened to reveal Tasha standing on the other side.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay?" Tasha asked worriedly as she wrapped her arms around Leo. I smiled at the two. They were still so close even since they moved here to live with us... I mean me. It might just be the three of us from now on. Don't think like that! You're a brilliant scientist and a billionaire- nope I'm not that anymore- but still. Money is no match for genius, and I am truly a genius... And handsome. A handsome genius if you will.

"Yeah we're fine. Douglas blew up the lab and we got stuck in the elevator." I explained. Tasha's eyes widened as she heard my brother's name.

"I thought Douglas was frozen!" She wondered with the anger evident in her voice. I shook my head.

"He's got another bionic helping him. I should have never created that technology in the first place!" I yelled as I made my way over to the living room. Leo and Tasha followed as we all sat down on the couch.

"No. If you two wouldn't have made bionics, then there would be no Adam, Bree, or Chase. You might not have even met us." Leo stated. I nodded. That was true. I taught him well.

"You're right Leo. Speaking of which, we have to find them. Douglas is after them too. We just have to figure out where they went... And we need a place to stay." I replied as I remembered that we could no longer stay at this, wondrous, Davenport mansion.

"We can stay at my mothers." Tasha cheered happily as she jumped up and made her way upstairs.

"I don't think-"

"Let her go. We probably won't even be here the majority of the time anyway." Leo whispered as Tasha began to gather our things from upstairs. I huffed.

"Fine. But if Rose starts yelling at me about... I don't know, my hair, we are leaving." I said simply. Leo smirked as he thought of the possibilities. I rolled my eyes and looked over to see Tasha coming down the stairs with two large suitcases in her hands.

"Tasha, we're homeless. Do you really need that many bags?" I asked. Tasha stopped dead in her tracks.

"These are yours." Tasha replied simply. I nodded until a thought came to mind.

"Do you have my cashmere socks?" I asked. Leo sighed and picked up the bags before walking outside.

"Have you called your mom?" I asked. Tasha nodded.

"Yes. She'll be by in a couple minutes. Since you don't really want to stick around, why don't you go off to one of your, techy places, to find the kids. I'm really worried about them. That, and you need to get the helicopter off the roof before the bank takes it." Tasha whispered as we walked along behind Leo. I smiled and hugged my wife before turning to Leo.

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