Chapter 14 - The Darkest Fall the Hardest

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14. The Darkest Fall The Hardest


(POV) Chase

I held up my hands as he pulled the trigger. Bree raced over and pulled Adam behind me as the ray flew at us, my forcefield holding it back just as it was about to hit. I smirked as I let my hands fall to my sides.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" I taunted as I raced forward, using my molecular kinesis to pull the ray gun out of his grasp. It flew off and smacked into a tree before it fell to the ground in pieces. I watched as Douglas reached behind him once more, attempting to get Maecus' help. He frowned as he spun around and looked to his android.

"You're just going to leave your creator hanging like that?" He yelled as he spun around to face him. I rolled my eyes as Marcus held up his hands in defense.

"Weren't you the one who instructed me not to bring any weapons." He asked sarcastically. Douglas groaned loudly before looking back to us.

"Alright, you three win. What do you want? More answers?" Douglas yelled, the anger sort ten all over him as he clenched his fists at his sides. Marcus nodded surely before coming over to his side, gripping his arm with full force before pulling him away with his speed.

"Come on!" Bree yelled as she reached out and took my hand in her own, and and raced off along eith Adam and I. Marcus ran along with Douglas screaming at his side. He and his brother were too much alike. It had always perplexed me why the two hadnt gotten along. Other than the fact that he was a diabolical maniac and had planned to use is as bionic soldiers this whole time. Yeah... Never mind, he's crazy.

"Marcus!" Douglas yelled as he beat into Marcus' chest quickly. Marcus rolled his eyes and speed on the though the woods. I clutched Bree's hand tighter as I felt a flash at my side.

"What was that?" I asked as we stopped, Marcus stopped, seeing it too.

"Who was that?" Marcus called, knowing he and Bree were the only ones that could move that fast. I turned around once more, looking from side to side as I tired to figure it out. Things weren't adding up, and that was rare for me.

"Or, what, was it? Think logically, Marcus. That couldn't have been a person." Douglas countered as he crossed his arms over his chest. We stood in silence as the pieces still sat jumbled up in my head. I tried and tried to out them together, still drawing a blank. I turned to look at Bree as she set her hand on my shoulder.

"Did you see that?" Bree whispered, her reaching quickening as she pointed to the closest tree, one of which was still about ten feet away. I shook my head as I looked back. Not seeing a thing. I pulled up my thermal scanner to see if it was indeed a human that had been with us. That would mean there was another bionic among us. My eyes almost popped out of my scull as it read hot. There was someone watching us.

"Who's there!" I yelled, the anger flooding through me as I took a step forward. If someone did end up telling our bionic secret to the world, we would be stuck on the run far longer than we had planned. We had thought after we had been rid of Douglas, we could return home, no problems. But this, could change verything.

"Chase, it can't be a human." Douglas tried once more. I rolled my eyes, turning to face my adoptive father.

"Did you implant bionics into anyone else?" I hissed through my teeth, hating even looking at him. He took a step back, Marcus holding him forward as they both knew I needed an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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