Chapter 11 - Preventing The Worst

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11. Preventing The Worst


(POV) Bree

"So you've been rebuilding yourself since we fought at Douglas' lab?" I wondered aloud as he led me into the apartment building. He nodded slowly, looking upset at my mention. "I'm sorry." I mumbled as we walked along the hallways and over to the stairs. He shook his head.

"It's okay, Bree. You had a question, and now you have an answer." Marcus replied before grabbing onto my hand. I smiled slightly as he pulled me gently up the stairs.

"So, Chase and I are together." I started, trying to prevent the silence that was attempting to overtake us. He laughed as he dropped my hand. "Oh I didn't mean it like-"

"I know what you meant. I was kidding too, Bree. But I do hope that little nerd boy makes you happy. He's a hell of a guitar player if I do say so myself." Marcus rambled. I felt myself laugh as he spoke of Chase. I could tell he respected him in a weird way, but hated him wholeheartedly in another.

"He does make me happy, and he always will." I mumbled as we stopped just outside of Marcus' door. He smiled and leaned back against the wall as we stared back at each other, almost trying to remember the last good talk we had had.

"This is nice." Marcus breathed. I nodded, instantly agreeing with him. I had missed this, having a friend outside of the family... Even though he was technical family.

I jumped into Marcus' side as I watched the door fly open, revealing my boyfriend stomping out into the hallway. He stopped the second he saw Marcus and I. I pulled away, scared at what Chase would do next. His mouth dropped while his eyes widened in disgust at the boy next to me. I knew Chase would be the hardest to convince of Marcus' change of heart. But I also knew that it would take more time than we had. Maybe this, right here and now, would be enough to swing him over to my side of thought.

"Bree." He whispered lowly. I could sense the one thing happening that I had hoped I wouldn't. Chase closed his eyes as he tried to hold Spike back. I knew he would want to deal with Marcus as he was himself, not his evil alter ego. I had never cared much for Spike anyhow, but if I had to, I knew exactly how to be rid of him. I had to play the innocent card. Chase would never see it my way, otherwise.

"Chase, I can explain." I whispered softly, trying not to sound as forceful as I had wanted to. I walked calmly over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder in attempt to stop this, what I knew was coming.

"No." He muttered under his breathe before pushing past me, shoving my hand to the side in the process. Chase walked over to Marcus with ease, never once breaking eye contact with my supposed android brother. Marcus took a slight step back, holding up his hands in defense as he did so. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched the scene play out before me. I hated to admit it, but Marcus was a robot. He could take Chase any day. Chase shook his head at Marcus' tries, pleads almost. I leaned in a bit, seeing a hopefulness in Marcus' eyes that could even melt Chase to the point of no return.

"Chase, listen to your girlfriend-" Marcus started, only to be cut off by Chase raising his fist to punch Marcus in the face.

"Uh!" Chase groaned as he pulled his hand back, the blood soon making it's way out of the cuts in his knuckles. I closed my eyes as my hands flew to cover them. I didn't want to see this happen. Marcus fell backwards into the wall at the left of us, holding himself up just barely. I wanted to rush over to help him, but I knew who would need the most help and support after all this was over. Marcus would be fine, Chase on the other hand, would be lying on the floor in pain.

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