Chapter 9 - Didn't See It Coming

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9. Didn't See it Coming


(POV) Mr. Davenport

I sighed as I pulled over two chairs for myself and Dr. Evans to sit during the simulation. Hopefully, this would go just as planned, and by planned, I mean Leo will fail. I'm not in the kind of capacity to give out bionics like Halloween candy. Plus, Dr. Evans will want to help, thinking he is my new lab assistant. Not that that would be completely horrible, but I put him out in the ice and cold for a reason.

Leo walked over and picked up the glasses off the controls. I walked over calmly, and picked up the remote.

"Leo, you ready?" I asked, he looked as though he had been lost deep in the twisted mind I must cal my step son's. He nodded quickly and stepped up onto the simulator before putting on the glasses. I smiled slyly as I clicked the on button, this was going to be fun... I hope.

I turned back to Dr. Evans who sat patiently in the lawn chairs I had set out. I had a monitor set up next to us where we could see what was happening. It was practically like the one in the lab that my evil brother decided to blow up. Jerk.

"What did you program it to do?" Dr. Evans asked as we waited for the settings to match up.

"I set it on surprise mode. We don't know what's going to happen." I explained excitedly. This was pretty exciting if I do say so myself. We had only every used the simulator on a non bionic human once before. Of course this non bionic human was Leo, but still. I didn't get to watch last time.

"Here we go." Dr. Evans stated happily as the setting came into view. I frowned as I glanced over to see a darkened sky with gray clouds. Tall grass was everywhere while an empty forest was off to one side, as well.

"Big D? What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go?" Leo asked as he began to pace back and forth. I flinched every time he came close to falling off the simulator, thinking momentarily that he would, indeed, fall face first. I shook my head, knowing with my brilliant technology, this would never happen. Leo looked to the side as he ran straight into a man dressed in all black. He fell down to the ground within seconds of the hit. Fear was suddenly written all over my son's features as he looked the man up and down.

"Big D! What do I do?!" He whined. I smiled, I was a huge influence on the boy's life. He wanted my help!

"Leo, don't worry. Just act on instinct." I called, knowing I was just feet from him. In the simulator he wore a headset that was mimicking our interactions. He rolled his eyes.

"Well yeah, I figured. Any better advice?" Leo sputtered as he stumbled backwards a bit. I sat in silence as I racked my brain. I've never had to give this detailed information to anyone during the simulator.

"Stay alive." I replied as I sat on the edge of my seat. Leo nodded and looked back as the thug clenched his hands, ready to hit him. He smiled slyly before throwing a punch Leo's way. Leo jumped to the side, easily dodging the punch before leaping to his feet.

"Hey! Haven't you heard the saying, don't hit a man while he's down?" Leo asked sarcastically, leaving the man in black stunned. He still seemed in shock at the fact that Leo had missed his punch. Leo smiled evilly before bringing a round house kick to him, knocking him down to the ground. Leo's eyes widened as he watched the man on the ground before making a quick decision to run. He used his speed to get away.

"Super speed. Nice!" Leo said as he nodded approvingly. He stopped for a second as he did what could only be thought of as a victory dance. He stopped as he realized who was surrounding him, more thugs.

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