Chapter 3 - Avalanche

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3. Avalanche


(POV) Chase

"Yes we did it!" Adam cheered as we jumped into the helicopter. I just laughed, of course we did it. We get there, and get the job done. There's also the fact that we're bionic. But who's counting?

"Adam put the pelican back." Bree ordered as she saw the bird poke its head out of the bag. At least Bree was paying attention to Adam. Seriously, if someone's not watching him twenty-four seven, who knows what could happen.

"Don't you think we did good Chase?" Bree said, looking behind Adam and to me. Adam was directly in between us, but I was happy she wanted my approval.

"Yeah, the mission went great. I think Mr. Davenport might actually be proud of us this time." I said, thinking back to the weeks before. He was still coming up with lists of things we do wrong. We're teenagers, what does he expect?

"You're still on that?" Adam asked, turning to me as he did so. I just shrugged, of course I still was. I wasn't exactly over the whole thing yet. I personally think Mr. Davenport's side of the family is insane. At least I'm not related to them. Adam is Davenport's son, and Bree is Douglas'. I personally have no idea where my parents are. From the looks of it, I was taken from a nursery the day I was born. My real parents are probably still looking for me.

"Chase, Davenport hasn't criticized us about a single mission since then. We're fine." Bree pointed out in a reassuring tone. I sighed. I knew for a fact Davenport would have something against this mission.

We landed and made our way into the lab. I had been waiting for this, the moment when Mr. Davenport would tell me how good of a mission leader I was. Lately, I've felt a little unappreciated. But hopefully, things would change.

"Great execution you guys, that was one of your best missions yet. You saved that island from one of the worst tropical storms in history." Mr. Davenport said as he walked over to us.

"Big D's right you guys, you've been doing great." Leo said with a smile. I laughed, knowing he wanted some say in the congratulations.

"Yeah, and the even better part is I brought back these hairy fruits!" Adam said. He set down the bag and started to grab one out, causing a worried look to grace Mr. Davenport's face.

"Just be glad I made him put the pelican back." Bree said, a small laugh coming from me.

"With Bree's speed, and Adam's strength, this team is unstoppable! See, this just proves that speed, plus strength, equals success." Mr. Davenport continued.

"Um, excuse me. Let's not forget who put this whole thing together." I said motioning to myself. This was not happening. They had to acknowledge that I put all my time and effort into this mission.

"Oh right, let's not forget our fearless leader. Mr. Davenport." Adam said while he and Bree turned to our adoptive dad. I sighed.

"I meant me!" I yelled back.

"Chase let's just face it. Your super smarts are just no match for our hustle..." Bree left off.

"And muscle." Adam looked down at me. Would I ever be taller than him? I always find myself looking up to him.

"This isn't fair. I'm sick of these two getting all the credit just because they have super speed, and super strength." I added before my 'brother and sister' were able to derail me even more.

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