Chapter 5 - No Going Back

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5. No Going Back


(POV) Mr. Davenport

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked up to see Leo walking down the stairs. Leo stopped and smiled slyly at me.

"I live here. I'm the one you didn't cobble together in your basement." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as he continued to walk towards my desk.

"I mean, why aren't you at school?" I asked more directly. He shrugged and held up his tissue box.

"I was in class and I sneezed. I don't know what came out, but I came out 2 pounds lighter." Leo explained. I shuttered at the visual. He really didn't need to tell me about that.

"Donald, something's wrong with your credit card. I went to buy groceries today, and it was declined." Tasha called as she walked over. I frowned in confusion as I pulled up my credit card information.

"I know where all the money went! She spent it all!" Eddie exclaimed as he popped up on the screen. I turned to face him.

"I didn't spend all of his money." Tasha said calmly. I turned back to see the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

"That can't be right... Someone must have hacked my account! All my money's been spent on a speed boat, hair dye, colored contacts..." I ranted as I read down the list. I looked up to see Tasha and my step son eyeing me.

"This time it wasn't me!" I said holding my hands up in surrender. Tasha rolled her eyes.

"Well then who did it?" Leo asked. We all looked to each other, waiting for the other to come up with the answer. Truth he told, I don't think any of us would be able to figure it out up here. It was lab time.

"Do you want to come down to the lab with me, Leo? We might be able to find this guy." I asked as I began to head over to the elevator. He nodded and followed me.

"Don't spend too long in there! We may just want to call the police." Tasha yelled after us. I nodded as the doors shut. We stood back silently, letting it all sink in. How could someone do this? I'm so smart and my system is locked up so tight merely from my own genius. This was simply impossible for anyone of average to above average genius to accomplish. The only person that should be able to do this should be... Me.

"Who do you think did this?" Leo asked as we entered the lab. Leo sat down at his mission specialist desk and waited for my answer. I walked over to the cyber desk and began to follow the trail this guy, or girl, may have left.

"I don't know. But we'll find out." I said reassuringly. Leo nodded and began to search. I clicked on every link known to man, and still came up with a dead end. From the looks of it, Leo was coming up with the same.

"This guy is good. I can't find anything." Leo stated as I tried again and again; every time only coming up with the same ex mark on the page.

"I can't find anything! Leo, this isn't just some run of the mill hacker. This is obviously someone who hates me, and wants to ruin my life." I thought aloud. Leo looked up in though before continuing.

"Well that could be anyone." Leo said. I glared down at him as he held up his hands in surrender and went back to work. Then, I got an idea.

"I'm going to have to call my friend at the FBI." I said as I got my phone out and began to scroll through my contacts.

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