Chapter 8 - Running For The Truth

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8. Running From The Truth


(POV) Bree

"Chase." I whispered. He closed his eyes tighter and flipped over. I laughed quietly and silently gave up. I had been poking him for about twenty minutes now. Apparently, he didn't want to wake up. I stood up quietly. I needed some fresh air. We had been up here all night, and I was bored. To be honest, I couldn't sleep. I was worried to say the least. Chase and I were now, kind of, a couple. Adam would never catch on of course, but what if someone else found out? What if someone already found out? There was that hole in the wall. Someone could be watching us from there.

That hole in the wall was creeping me out. Every time I looked over there, I felt like someone was watching us. I didn't like it. But who could be watching us? I knew that we had been watched in the lab before, and it felt about the same this time. The only difference, I knew for a fact someone was watching. Before, I just got a weird feeling when I went into the lab.

I walked over to the front door and turned back to look at the apartment. We wouldn't be able to stay here forever, but for now, it would work. I nodded to myself before opening the door, and making my way into the hall. I shut the door quietly and turned to see someone walking down the hall towards me.

My heart stopped. He was wearing a black hoodie. This could be it. Someone was going to catch us. I tried to act calm as I attempted to walk by him. He held his head low as he got closer. He ended up checking me in the shoulder and dropping his bag on my foot.

"Hey! Watch where you're going." I hissed. His head shot up as he heard me speak. His hood flew back to reveal the one person I never thought I would see again.

"Marcus?" I screeched. His eyes widened before he used his speed to run back down the hall. I sighed and ran after him. I needed to talk with him.

"Marcus!" I called. I ran over to him as he stopped at the entrance to the woods. I had no idea he was this fast. But, knowing that Douglas had created him, and the fact that he was a robot, he would of course be fast. He began to run again as he heard my voice. I ran after him until he stopped at the Hollywood sign. He raced around the side of the H, thinking he had lost me. I smiled at the boy. I was quick, too.

I walked quietly forward, listening for any sign he knew I was there.

"God! Why did I have to run into her?" Marcus spoke quietly. I smiled at his worry. He really hasn't changed since the last time we saw him.

That thought made me stop dead in my tracks.

He hasn't changed. He would hurt me again, and maybe this time, get farther than I ever wanted to even imagine. Marcus turned as he heard me.

"Bree?" He asked worriedly. I nodded and stepped forward.

"We need to talk. About everything." I started. I tried to sound confident, but on the inside, I was shaking. I was terrified. The sight of him brought back everything I had reminded Chase of last night. No one even knew I was out here with him. Before, at least they knew I was at school with him.

"No, we don't." He hissed. I shook my head. I needed answers. And I would only get them by talking with him. I needed to know why he thought I wanted... that. Why he assumed, instead of asking me in the first place. I needed to know why he wasn't dead. I thought we had killed him. I thought that when we faced off, we had left a dead android behind.

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