Chapter 13 - The Stupid Boy Band

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13. The Stupid Boy Band


(POV) Chase

I let my right foot tap against the floor in anticipation as we waited for some kind of signal that the two were leaving. I still can't understand how Bree believed Marcus... Pretty much from the start. It took me another half hour of convincing, and the only reason I gave in, was because of Bree. If she hadn't trusted him, all the more reason to not get ourselves into this. But we're too far from 'too late' to back out now.

It wasn't just this Marcus thing that had me so antsy, though. Adam told me too, about my brothers that I left behind. I feel slightly bad. I felt bad that I was the one picked to become the bionic hero. That I may have turned out better than the others. Actually, I did turn out better than one of them.

I looked up the information on my real brothers from my chip when we returned to the apartment yesterday. My three brothers names are Clark, Cam, and Chester Henderson. They all still live in California at the orphanage that I was adopted at. It was all fine until I came upon a very vital piece of information. The worst part about it is, Chester is sick. He's been in a coma for the past seven months because he was in a car accident. He's exactly eleven months older than me. Cam is the next oldest, being two years older than me. Then, Clark is four years older. I can't believe no one told me where I had come from. I had to have Adam, tell me the truth. That never happens.

"Chase? Are you okay?" Bree whispered as she took a seat next to me on the couch. I nodded, breathing out slowly as she reached over and took my hand in hers. I could never get used to this. It was too great to.

"I'm fine. Just, not sure about tonight. I guess-" I left off as I heard something crash against the wall separating us from Marcus and Douglas. Just another thing I hadn't known about. Marcus allowing Douglas to roam free... just for revenge... in the apartment right next to ours.

"God, Marcus! Don't break yourself on the wall! Better yet, don't break the wall!" Douglas yelled as he flung the door in their apartment open. I listened in carefully as I waited for them to exit the apartment. That had been the plan, anyways. For Marcus to send us the signal, the crash, before leaving for the concert.

"Sorry, Douglas." Marcus mumbled as the two walked out into the hallway. Marcus turned on his GPS as they began to walk out of the building. We had connected all four of our chips in case anything happened tonight. If one of us got hurt, the others would be alerted. It had I be this way. All for one, and one for all. We were in this together.

"Too late to back out now. Let's get going." I ordered as I stood up up from the couch. Bree sighed as Adam rubbed his hands together, Adam walking out into the hallway with Bree and I following. I stopped and turned as Bree pulled me back.

"I love you." She whispered, a leading tone to her voice. I nodded, a smile coming to my face at those words. I took an extra step towards her and let my face stop inches from hers.

"I love you more." I whispered against her lips as I leaned in and closed the gap between us. We had been officially dating for forty-eight hours. The best forty-eight hours of my life. Bree smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Okay, you two need to stop, that, right now." Adam teased as he waltzed back into the apartment. Bree reluctantly pulled away from me, leaving her arms securely around my neck before Adam grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me out into the hallway. Bree laughed and shut the door behind us.

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