1# Seeing Old Friends

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I drive around in LA, trying to find my old friends house. I stop at a stop light, looking down at my phone, reading Kade's instructions to there house. I look up, reading at the street sign, Rose street. Once the light turned back to green, I took a turn, driving down the street slowly, looking from side to side, looking for a white pickup and a small black car with camouflage on it along with Jake's signature.
Hold up! I should probably introduce myself; The names Katherine Donaldson. I'm a old friend of Jake Paul, my birth place is Ohio. Your also probably wondering why I'm in LA, that's because I got a letter from ZARZAR MODELING AGENCY. I'm actually pretty excited about moving to LA and getting to see my old friend. I actually miss his personality, crazy stunts and all. I actually watch his videos and I should know what it looks like but I wanted to make sure so I called Kade and asked him where they lived. But anyway, back to the story.
I finally found his house and parked my car to the side, parreoll parking. I turn off the engine, bringing the key out. I open my car door, coming out. The LA air breeze hit my face, the sun shining brightly down on my skin. I smile, pressing the lock button on key chain. I look both ways, clear. I walked over going onto his lawn, going thru the mazes of cars. I reach his door, knocking twice. I look around the neighborhood, it seemed peaceful even though Jake causes scenes, stunts, and makes loud noises. The door opened and I looked, seeing a brunette girl, I have to admit. She was cute and I knew her name since she's in Jakes vlogs.
She smiles, "Hey!"
"Hey!" I smiles at her. "Is Jake here?"
She nods, "Umm, yeah. He is." She was about to call for him until she stopped and looked at me. "If you don't mind but... who are you?"
"My name is Katherine Donaldson. Jakes old friend in the past."
"My name is Tessa Brooks. It's nice to meet you." She greets me. She turns around calling Jake.
I step in, going around her. I see the back of his head, a vlog camera in front of him. He turns around, seeing me. He smiles wildly, focusing the camera on me. "Katherine! Is that really you?"
I laugh, "Yes, sir Jake. It is me!"
He runs towards me, the camera still focused on me. "Jake Paulers! Meet my other friend from Ohio. Her name is.."
"Katherine Donaldson." I smile, pretending to tip a hat.
"How are you?"
"I'm doing good." I look at him, while speaking. "How about you?"
"Awesome!" He looks at the camera. "Hey Katherine. Do you want to help me out with pranking my brother?"
I smirk. "Of course! It's my specialty."
He laughs, "Okay! But first we have to wake up the Martinez Twins up and everyone else!"
Jake goes outside, grabbing the leaf blower and handing it to me while he focuses the camera on me and the sleeping Martinez Twins. I press the button, making a 'whooze' sound. The one Ivan, I think, turns his head, grabbing the covers to stop it from blowing away.
"Wake up!" Jake yells at them.
I laugh slightly, moving the leaf blower to the twin on the top. The one just swats at the air and the bed, his eyes clenched together. I move the leaf blower up and down to each of them. I stop letting them wake up, properly.
"Martinez Bro! It's a big day!" Jake says, "Do you know what's happening tomorrow! We have to get ready! Yo! Wake up!"
"You have to be ready." Emilio says.
"I have to be ready. And you have to watch." He pauses turning away from them. "Come on, guys! No?" He says, pointing the cameras at both of them. "Okay." He throws his hand.
He then walks away to the kitchen and I follow. I see a dirty blonde girl in the kitchen, making breakfast. Jake puts the camera on her, following her to the stove.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"I am ready for tomorrow?"
"Are you scared?"
"I'm scared for you." She turns to look at him.
"Do you think I'm going to die?"
"I think you might die."
He points the camera at me and back down to the food. "What are these? Eggs?"
"Egg whites."
"Mmm, healthy." He turns the camera to his face. "Hashtag basic."
We walk over to other people, which I knew where here. I smile widely, running towards the two people. "Chance! Anthony!"
They both look up, smiling as well. The three of us hug, the both of them giving me a bone crushing hug. The three of us break apart from our hug, we look at Jake which was pointing the camera at us.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"Yeah." They both answer.
"Hopefully you die. So I can take all your stuff." Chance says.
"Oh." Jake starts laughing, while Chance and Anthony smiling. "Okay! Yeah that's fine." He walks away I just stay by them.
I turn to the both of them. "How are you guys?"
I smile, sitting on one of the chairs. "How's LA?"
"Well," Anthony starts, "we only been here for one day so... I would say it's great here."
Chance looks at me, a questioning look on his face. "Why are you here by the way?"
Right. "Umm, remember when I said I wanted to be a model?" They nod. "Well, let's say I sent in one of my pictures in to ZARZAR MODELING AGENCY."
"What happened?!"
"Did you get in?!"
I chuckle. "Yes I got in and with the 'What happened' you would know."
"Katherine! I'm so happy for you!" Chance says.
"Totally! I'm glad." Anthony says. "What did your mom think about it?"
Right. "Well, she's glad for me. There was a few tears, which I knew what would happen."
We all smile, I look at them. Remembering way back when in Ohio that we would cause crazy stunts and laugh about it while we were running away.
Jake comes back out, without the camera on. "Come on guys! Let's go get the equipment for the prank."
Chance, Anthony, and I all get up and follow Jake to his car. I jump in the back with Kade and Anthony while Chance sat in the front. We drove all the way to Target and we were in a section filled with water equipment. While we were looking around, Jake was updating his fans. Kade was holding foam weights, making grunt noises, bring them up and down. We then left the toy section, and Jake found the speakers for the store.
"Action all shoppers. Tomorrow's video is going to be the most lit thing you will ever see!"
He then stopped and started chuckling. We walked around more and found Ice and Hot stuff for what you use for your muscles if there sour. We went to the check outs and Jake bought it.
We were back at the team 10 house, Jake put the camera back on, with Chance, Anthony, Jake, and I on the screen.
"Okay guys. We are about to go to Logans house with Chance, Anthony, and Katherine."
We then started explaining about the plan, with all of us nodding and saying 'yeah'. We then drove to his apartment, Chance holding the camera while Jake calls Logan.
"Wow! We're at your place can we go in?" Jake asks.
"I mean. It's lock but you can get in."
Jake just made a face, while throwing one hand in the air. "Alright, alright. See you in a minute! Okay?"
"Okay." Was all Logans answer.
"He has no idea what's coming. Alright let's wait for him."
"So, how's your day going?" Chance ask Jake, while looking at him. Jake looked away, with his mouth slightly open.
Anthony comes forward. "Can we watch today's vlog?"
"Yeah," Jake grabs the camera, "brb."
We are know walking down the hallway to Logans apartment. Jake telling his fans what's going on, while I looked around at the place, it was nice. We turn a corner, seeing Logans apartment door, Jake opens the door, pointing the camera Logan. Once we walked in Logan was shirtless while saying 'Jakey!'.
"Logan! What's up?!"
Logan turns around, looking at us, with this series face saying 'what do you want?' Look as well. "Just out here." He smiles.
"Say what's up to the Jake Paulers!" He says, lifting his hand up for a high five.
Logan looks at Jakes hand, still smiling. "Hey Jake Paulers." He looks at the camera. "Oh! Hey Jake Paulers!"
I look around, noticing a painting of Logans face, with half of his normal skin and half of earth for the other.
"Dude! That's a dope painting!" Jake says, walking towards the painting with the camera.
Jake comes back over. "Dude how long has it been since you seen them?" He gestures towards us three.
"It's uh been since Christmas, right?"
"Yeah. That's why I brought them over here to say 'hi'."
"Wow, wow! Two things that I noticed is that; they both got bigger and I hat them both still."
I cross my arms. "Excuse me! I am not big!"
Logan laughs. "Sorry, Katherine. But I still like you!"
I smile. "I like you to, Logan."
Logan than took the camera, pointing it at Jake and the three of us. "Guys! These guys combined are terrible! Bro! I hate this!" He started freaking out. "Oh great! There going to do the- oh god!" They started doing the dance, clearly enjoying Logans freak out.
"Dude. Your looking smaller." Chance says, holding the camera. "The gym hasn't been paying off for him."
We then went downstairs, following Logan. "Hey! Can we see Maverick?"
Oh good god, no. Not the devil bird.
"I hate Maverick so-" Maverick then came flying at Jake. "Wow! No! No!"
"Wow! This is a evil bird."
"Nobody likes him!"
"He a devil! Oh thinks we should cook him?" I ask. Both Chance and Anthony raise there hands.
      "No one is cooking my bird!" Logan says. "Just walk in!"
       Jake slowly goes toward the corner until Maverick comes at him again. Causing the four of us run back a little, I glare at Logans room entrance.
     "Freaking hat you Maverick!" I yell, causing Maverick to 'chirp' at me.
     We walk away from Logans room. "I'm not going in there." Chance says, putting his hands up.
    "Yo, put him away Logan!" Jake tells his older brother. "I hear him!"
     "Just walk in." Logan says.
     I grunt, while Chance walks in. He stands by Logans bed, putting his hands up into fists, looking at Maverick. I look at the evil bird, it was perched on its cage door, staring at Chance.
    "Go pick him up." Jake says.
     "I'm going too." Chance says, walking towards the cage slowly.
     Maverick flys towards him, Chance ducks, smiling, while Jake screams. Maverick then flys back to his cage, Jake still freaking out. Chance then runs away while Jake says 'dip!'. By then all of us were outside Logans room.
     "Dude, I'm going to the beach to tan later if you guys want to come." Which reminds me, I need to unpack and find somewhere to stay. "But right know I need to take a shower." He grabs clothes and puts it on his bed.
    "Okay. We will let you shower." Jake says. We start whispering but then we stop, Logan coming out of his room, flipping the light on. I start bursting out in laughter, the reason why because Logan was standing by another painting of himself, with a globe covering is under garments.
     "Are you going to-"
    "No. We're not going to harass your bird."
    "Okay. Okay. Good. Pinky promise?"
    "Pinky promise." They wrapped there pinkie together. "Put Maverick away."
     "Okay. Let's do this."
      Jake slowly opens the door, popping his head in. We all walk in there quietly, but I decide to walk towards Mavericks cage and flip of the evil bird. I turn around and see Jake putting the Hot and Cold freeze in Logans under wear. He then pats it down a little, laughing quietly.
    Logans phone started going off, we look at each other and smiled. Jake, Anthony, Chance, and I start dancing to the ring tone. We stopped, placing the camera on Logans shelf. We all wait outside his door for his reaction.
    "Oh! Ah!" We his screaming. "What?! Jake! Jake!" 
     Jake runs into his room and takes back his camera. We grab our shoes and bolt out Logans apartment, running the halls and to the elevator. We go into the elevator, all of us putting on our shoes. We come out of the elevator, walking towards Jake's car.
   "Should we try face timing him?" Jake asks us. We nod. "Dude, are you mad at us?"
    "Mad? Of course I'm mad! I told specifically not to do anything! And you did!"
    "Yeah, well. You shouldn't have put socks into my closet." Jake responds.
    Logan sighs. "You have no Idea! You have no idea! Let's it end! Because know I have to retaliate! And your not going to like it!"
    "I'm not even mad."
     Logan screams, clearly done with Jake right know. "Did you do it?"
     "Yeah. I did it the other day. It hurts for awhile. Alright bye."
     "Oh come on Jake."
     "Link and subscribe."
     "Alright bye." Logan hang ups.
     I lean back, kicking up my feet. "Man I miss you guys."
    They all smile at me. "We missed you to, Katherine."
After Jake drove us back to his house, I decided to bunk with them for know until I found my own apartment.
    I sigh, sitting down on the sofa. Kicking my shoes off, and leaning back.
I know the ending is short but idk how to finish it but all I know is that in the future the endings are going to be better. :)
Comment, vote, and have a nice night/day!-B

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