Katherine Doaldson is 19 years old. She wants to be a famous YouTube person. She wants to teach kids how to have fun while not doing illegal things and dangerous things. She moves to LA and sees her old friends: Jake, Chance, and Anthony. Katherine...
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Jake just got back from set, going up stairs to see our best friends upstairs. I was just right know vlogging, telling them about what's been going on with my career and telling them that Jake and the rest of the team are planning to buy a new house. "Um, anyway, in the next three seconds for you guys Chance and I are going to update you guys on our relationship." I smiled at the camera. "Let's go." I turned off the camera putting it on the counter, a idea coming to mind. I set it down on the counter, deciding to update them on other news. "Also, Alissa and I are going to recently see each other tomorrow because it's been years since we seen each other and I really miss her personality. Anyway like I said before with Chance and I it will be this time three seconds for you guys." I turn it off, standing up. I walk down the stairs, seeing Kade, Erika, and the guy-which I never caught his name-walked out the house. Jake comes out grabbing Tony's hoodie and pulling him back. He notices us, pointing at our friends that he just 'fired'. "I just fired them!" "Oh." Was all Chance said. "Party in Erika's room?" "Yeah." Tony agrees. All three of them go on there, humping Erika's bed. I smile, watching them from the entrance. Erika walks in from beside me, pushing Jake away. "No!" All of them started humping the bed, making Erika push them away more. I smiled, seeing Kade stand beside me. "Get out! Hey. Give me my fidget toy." Jake tells Kade, bringing out his arm for Kade to give it back. "And the team 10 shirt too." Tony says, Kade taking off his shirt. I just look at all of them, practically used to them all just taking off there shirts randomly know. Also, with Kade's shirt off... it would please the viewers that are girls. Out of no where, all three boys still left in Erika room starts making gorilla noises, all of them surrounding her. I walk out of the room, heading into the kitchen. I turned on the camera, deciding to play music, since I'm board. "I will soon get to the part with Chances and I update but for know, since I'm board." I pressed the play button, dancing around to a glee version, which is sang by the one and only queen, Santana Lopez! The song was 'Valerie'. While I was dancing, Kade comes running in followed by a sound of gorilla noises. "Your all fired!" Jake screams, Chance and Tony's voices following in. "Hey! Shut up! I'm trying to dance here!" I yell at them. I turn back to the camera. "They never know when to stop guys. Jeez." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a while for waiting for the Martinez twins, they walked in everyone screaming Martinez. They did it back but saying 'heyyyy!' "What's up guys?" Emilio says, high-five Jake. "Donald Trump brought you back?" Jake jokes, while Tony gives them both a hug. All of us started giving them hugs, telling the twins that we missed them. Emilio gasped, grabbing my hand. "Why is this on your ring finger?!" "Decoration?" I say, deciding to mess with him. "Decoration?" I nod. "Yep!" "Oh come on Kath. Don't mess around with him." Chance says, placing his arm around my shoulders before looking at the Twins. "We are engaged." They both dropped there jaws, there eyes still normal. They started jumping saying 'oh!' To Chance, all of them doing there boy thing. I shake my head deciding to go somewhere else. After we updated the Martinez twins, the started to do gorilla noises again, all three crowding around Ivan. Jake started shaking his shirt, Anthony joining in before grabbing his arm and tackling him. Tony started throwing his arms around Ivan's body, Chance joining in. They grab his phone, running into the office. I chuckle, watching them all come out of the office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jake, Tony, Kade, and I walked into Amanda's apartment, seeing a blonde and a guy in the apartment. I smile at them both, the guy coming forward pretending to be Amanda and kiss him on both cheeks. "It was that easy." Jake says, hugging the blonde girl. I have to say though, she was pretty. I smile at the blonde, the girl walking up to me. "Who is this?" She asks, having a Australian accent. "My name is Katherine Donaldson." I answer for her. "The name is Katja Gileson. It's nice to meet you." She says, smiling at me. Jake went to go find Amanda, while Kade, Tony and I stayed to talk to Jake's friends. I laugh, enjoying Katja so far. Jake comes out around the corner motioning for us to come but I stayed behind, talking to my new friends. Jake comes out around the corner, the rest of them trailing him. I stand up meeting Amanda and then going back where Jake was. He turned off of the handle, getting ready to hold his breath. "Ready. Set. Go." Kade says, starting the timer right when Jake put his face in. The timer was counting, all of us talking like we would for any video. I blink, knowing that so far Jake's plan was working. Jake lifts his head out of the water, the time 42 seconds. I have to say, he has lungs. Jake started to act like he couldn't breath, on the ground on all fours. We all started freaking out like Jake wanted us to, Amanda going on her knees to help him. "I don't know what to do!" She says, repeating it again when Anthony told her to help him. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Katja says, overly done with the challenge or just knowing Jake's plan. She presses her mouth to his, making me frown, Jake just got kissed... he just showed me... Jake started laughing, lifting up his upper body. "Oh, wow. Your good at kissing." Amanda and Katja both get mad at him, all three of them talking it over. I smile, shaking my head, practically amazed that his stupid plan worked. I walk away, going to the door. "What know?" I ask. "I guess... head home." Jake says, walking towards us. "Bye Amanda and Katja!" "Bye!" They say back, all of us leaving. ~~~~~~~~~~ Once we made it home, Chance and I came down stairs, deciding to tell the fans our big news. "Okay so guys.." I start, getting really nervous. "Ah! I'm getting nervous!" Chance chuckles, standing up and going behind me. He places his hands on my shoulders, starting to massage them. "Relax. Breath." Chance says. I smile. "Okay guys. So, we decided to tell you guys big news!" "Like big man." Chance says, sitting on my knee. "So, Chance and I are-" "Getting married!" Chance says, jumping off of my knee. "Woo!" I jump to. "We're getting married guys!" Chance stops, hitting his chest while screaming. I laugh, smiling brightly at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: I smiled thru the last scene because I absolutely love these two!