Katherine Doaldson is 19 years old. She wants to be a famous YouTube person. She wants to teach kids how to have fun while not doing illegal things and dangerous things. She moves to LA and sees her old friends: Jake, Chance, and Anthony. Katherine...
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@ImawesomeKatherineDonaldson A blast from the past when I was having fun with my girl friends! I sure do miss you girls! @AlexLance and @SarahDobrev! 💙❤️💜💗 (45.m likes) (223 comments) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ User: who are those people?
User: why isn't she wearing pants?
@JakePaul: @user I'm wondering the same thing.... @Anthony: I'm wondering the same freaking thing! @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson, explain now! @AlexLance: miss you too, girl!!! 💙💜💘😍😘 @SarahDobre: miss ya to girl! 💞💘💜💕😉 User: wait?! Is Sarah related to Nina Dobre?! As in the Nina?! @SarahDobrev: @user nope. Just same last name @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson: because I could. Plus this was a long time ago.... so, ha! @JakePaul and @Anthony! @imchancesutton liked your photo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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@kadespeiser I took a picture of this lovely girl, on our first date! I'm glad to call her mine! 💘 Love you @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson (Tagged; @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson) (Likes; 58.m) (comments 457) ~~~~~~~~~ User: but Catherine! Btw Chance+Katherine= Catherine!
User: I mean.... I'm glad Kade is happy with Katherine but I agree with @user
@Imchancesutton: she looks lovely! 😊
@imawesomeKatherineDonaldson: aw! Thanks Kade and Chance! Love you guys so much!!! 😘❤️💙💞 @kadespeiser @inchancesutton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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@imawesomeKatherineDonaldson Since Kade posted a picture of me, I thought might as well post a picture of him! But anyway... Kade, idk how to say this but I truly do love you.... your a good friend/boy friend, funny, a bright smile like up above⬆️⬆️ but out of all your always there for me. Love you 😘 (Likes: 28.m) (comments: 256) ~~~~~~~~~ @JakePaul: but what about Me?! Anthony?! And Chance?! Girllll! You better get over here!!! User: same @JakePaul same.... I want her to be with Chance. :( @kadespeiser: love you too, Katherine! 💘 @imchancesutton: bro back off! @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson: guys.... please don't do a internet argument please... @imchancesutton: Katherine. We need to talk know, please @imawesomeKatherineDonaldson: okay.... @Anthony: sorry but ohhh!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: so, um..... yeah... sorry about not the regular chapter but it will come back tomorrow... so, yeah...