9# Kissing?

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I wake up the next morning, rolling into my back. I smile, looking at Kade's sleeping face. I go onto my side, kissing Kade's cheek.
He hums, opening one eye. "Morning beautiful."
I chuckle, swinging my legs off the bed. "Morning."
I stand up, stretching my arms and legs. I bend down grabbing my jeans, and my shirt.
"Yeah, no."
Kade's hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me back into his bed, his arm wrapping around my waist.
"Kade we have to go."
"Jake can wait."
He kissed my cheek, his hand placing onto my bra strap. I hum, quickly stopping his hand.
"Even though we have our first layer off doesn't mean the next stage, Casanova."
I kiss his cheek, hopping out of his bed. I hear him groan, and I laugh, looking back at him. I open my mouth about to say something but my phone started buzzing. I look down seeing the ID caller 'Chance'. I pick it up, hitting the green button and pressing the cold medal to my ear.
"Katherine here."
"Kath! We're are you?! Are you okay?! Are you-"
"Don't worry Chance. I'm fine!"
He sighs, probably smiling on the other end. "Were are you?"
"Um, with Kade."
The line was quiet for a moment. "What did he do you too? Did he-"
"Chance, come on! You know Kade, he wouldn't force me into doing something that I didn't want to do."
He was quiet. "Just come home please. Jake is turning into over protective brother, or father. I don't know! Okay? Just please."
He hangs up, making me sad. I frown, putting the phone back down and getting dressed.
"I'll meet you back at the team 10 house. Okay?"
"Um, okay. Be safe."
I forced a smile. "Don't worry. I will."
I walk into the house, seeing Jake walking around, holding his neck. I raise a eyebrow, looking at Anthony. Anthony shrugs, looking back at Chance and Jake, music playing. I closed the door, deciding to voice my thoughts.
    "How? How? How can you change from in pain to dancing?"
    He just smiles. "Were lit! And hey Kath! Good morning!"
   "Morning, Jake."
   "I gotta go. Disney time!"
    He grabs his bag and car keys and walks out. I sighed, walking towards the kitchen. I open the fridge, looking it up and down, the sides of the doors. I decided upon a apple to eat for breakfast.
   I close the fridge doors, jumping slightly seeing Anthony by the fridge door. I shake my head, looking up at him. "Anthony!"
    He smiles. "How was... you know?"
    "Oh my god!" I bring my head back. "What's up with you and Jake wondering about sex?"
    He shrugs, crossing his arms. "We just want to see if Kade is right for you."
   "Which means grading him in..."
    He nods. "MmmMmm! And also give him a little." He started punching the air.
    I roll my eyes, looking at Anthony. "You are not fighting him. And that's final."
   I walk past him, taking another bite of my apple. The door opens and it was Kade. I smile at him, giving him a small wave, of course he waves back.
    I walk up the stairs, walking into Tessa's room and taking a quick shower, changing into clothes. I sigh, finishing up applying a little makeup. I close my bag, walking it if the bathroom and putting it into my suitcase. I walk out of her room, hearing screaming going on. I slightly wasn't surprised but I was curious to see who it was.
     I walk down the stairs, taking a turn and seeing Kade and Chance arguing, I sigh, hitting my face. Drama, gotta love drama, right?
    I walk towards them. "Knock it off!"
    Chance and Kade back away, both of them looking at me. I sigh, crossing my arms.
"Okay, um... Kade go and start working I will talk to you later." He nods walking away. I turn to Chance. "And you, I hate to yell at you but really? Why know, Chance?"
He swallowed, looking down at the ground.
"Chance? Answer me, please?"
He looks up at me, doing puppy dog eyes. "Katherine."
"Chance! Don't change the topic! We have to talk about it know before Jake comes home."
Chance steps closer, not like our chest we're touching close, just a little closer. "Katherine, I-"
"Hello, team 10! I'm back!" Jake says, hearing a door close.
Chance walks away, deciding to sit down on the couch. I sigh, running my hand thru my hair.
"So, what did you guys do?"
"I slept in your bed." Chance.
"I gave someone your phone number." Chad.
"Well that's not good. Anyway, have any have you seen my phone?"
"No." We all answer.
All of us went separate ways, looking for Jake's phone.
"Jake's cellphone!" Chad says, looking around.
Jake walks over to a cabinet, he opens it seeing some chick in there. I widen my eyes, slightly shocked at seeing this.
"Hey Jake!" The chick says.
"Who in the freaking world is this?!"
"She is cute!" Chad says, causing the girl to laugh.
"Yo, have you been in here the whole time?" Jake asks her.
"Jake! Who is this chick?"
"Her name is Teala." Jake answers me, turning back to her. "What are you doing Teala?"
"Just chilling. What about you?"
"Why are you always hiding in our house?"
"I'm always chilling in here. It's chill."
I swallow, staring at the girl. All the boys shocked as well.
"What are you doing in there?" Anthony asks.
"Yeah." The boys said, while the 'Teala' chick put her arms up in 'idk'.
"You have my cellphone?"
"You don't?"
"Oh this?" She brings out Jake's phone, causing all the boys to freak out.
"Oh, you do have it!"
"Okay, um, thank you." Jake takes his phone. "Thanks Teala. How did you get it by the way?" She does idk impression again. "Okay. See you in a couple of days." Jake closes the door.
It was a couple of minutes after that Teala incident, Jake and the twins talking.
"What did you say?"
"Build a wall." Ivan says, acting calm about that.
"Bro, you can't say that."
All of them started talking gibberish, which made me even more confused.
"Oh! Because you don't have a room!"
Jake and them started talking about equal, which I agree but even though I missed my best friends at times but they can be confusing.
"Are you serious right know?"
Chance said something I didn't hear, then Jake saying. "Your lips are messed up."
"It doesn't matter if my lips are messed up. I'm a better kisser than you."
"That's true!" Chad says, pointing at Chance.
"Your not a better kisser than me!"
"I bet out of anything I'm a better kisser than you! I literally mean anything!"
After awhile of them arguing, they all looked at me, smiling. I widen my eyes, looking at all of them.
I sucked my teeth, looking up at Kade. Kade shrugged. "It's for the video."
I looked back at them. "Sure, I guess."
I walk over to the couch, sitting down on it. Tristan walks over with a blind fold, smiling slightly.
"You ready?"
"Yeah..." I say, closing my eyes and letting Tristan put on the blind fold. "I'm scared."
"It has to be a real kiss but only 5 seconds."
I hear them walk away, allowing me to breath out. "Tristan?"
"I feel weird kissing my best friends."
"Don't worry." He whispers. "One is Chance. So, yeah."
I blush slightly, hitting his arm. "Wow, Tristan. Just wow.."
He laughs, there foot steps coming back.
"Welcome to the very first kissing contest!" I scream, slightly wishing I never agreed to this.
   "On Jake Paul's vlog! Our number one judge is Katherine! I'm saying there names but number one, number two, and number three. Katherine will be choosing which one is the best kisser."
"Hold up! Tristan fantastic job!"
"Any who! Let's begin!"
The first contestant comes forward, his hands below my my ears. The first thought that came to mind was; ew. It was real quiet until it went crazy, I open my mouth.
"Tristan! I need the mint! I'm freaking out! It's serious!"
"Mint!" I hear him clap his hands.
I laugh, quickly eating the mint. "Ready!"
"Are you ready for contestant number two?"
"Yes, I'm ready!"
The second contestant comes forward, doing the same thing with his hands but his thumbs on my cheek. The first thing that came to mind was; wow. The place went loud again.
"Five seconds only, Jesus!"
"Are you ready for your third contestant?"
The third one came to my side, his hands in the same position, our mouths moving slowly, and the first thing that came to mind was; hot damn.
"Oh, that was the one!" I say, placing my hands on my stomach.
The place went wild, while I undid my blindfold. Once I was done, I saw Jake stop in front of me, that camera pointed at me.
"Number one. How was number one?"
I thought. "Number one was really good but sloppy."
"Contestant number two?"
"Number two was good but romantic."
"Number three?"
"Number three was the best."
"Oh!" Jake says, running around the place along with Anthony.
"Who do you think was number one?"
Everyone started laughing, and then telling me who it was.
"Ivan?" He nods.
"Who was number three?" I ask, looking at all of my friends.
"You?! My best friend?! You!"
"It was serious right?"
"Yes it was! I felt the tension!" Tessa says, while the others nodded.
"I'm shocked." I say, looking at Jake and Chance.
I walk over to Chance, Anthony, and Jake. Listening in in there conversation.
"Hey, I may have been number two but I got the romantic one."
"Speaking of romantic. You have to go on your date."
"Date? What date?" I look at all three of them.
They started going on about Chance getting romantic until Anthony spoke up. "I mean, we all know I'm the better kisser than all three of them."
"We're not talking about that again."
I decide to walk away, and go outside, the boys soon coming out as well.
Jake was skateboarding, the boys soon following after him. I sigh, going back to my book. I hear all of them going crazy, throwing stuff into the pool. I decide to look up, seeing Chance walking towards me.
"Chance no!"
I set down my book, starting to run around the pool. I look back, seeing Chance starting to walk, I look forward seeing Jake. I stop, looking between them.
"Why does this happen to me?"
Chance picks me up, starting to cradle me like a baby. I cross my arms, looking up at him.
"I'm not a baby Chance."
"Yeah but your adorable." He says, winking down at me.
"Your unbelievable."
"On the count of three."
"Three." Jake.
"Two." Anthony.
"One!" Chance.
He throws me in the pool, soaking my clothes wet. I bob back up, seeing Chance smiling down at me. I scramble out of the pool, starting to chase Chance. Around like the third time around the pool I tackled Chance, the both of us going in.
    Both Chance and I get out of the pool Jake ending the vlog. I sigh, glaring at Chance.
   "Love you Kath!" Anthony says.
   "Yeah! Love you Kath!"
   "Love you too, Chance."
   I walk off, deciding to clean up the house with Erika and Tessa.

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