Katherine Doaldson is 19 years old. She wants to be a famous YouTube person. She wants to teach kids how to have fun while not doing illegal things and dangerous things. She moves to LA and sees her old friends: Jake, Chance, and Anthony. Katherine...
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Just so you know, this was me the whole way watching Jake's video when they were at the asylum.... but I did it for you! (That's what Jake would say) and sorry about the song. I wanted a song to fit in the chapter... Anyway, back to the story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Kath. Wake up." A hand nudges me gently. I turn around, looking at Chance's eyes. I smile, kissing his nose. "Hey." He smiles, moving a strand of hair. "Guess what." "What?" "Happy birthday, Kath!" "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" Chance gave me a look, while smiling a little. "You forgot your own birthday?" I shrug. "It happens!" He chuckles again, giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Let's get up before Jake does." I nod, getting up off of my bed. I walk towards the corner of the room, grabbing white jeans, a Jake Paul sweatshirt, and just leaving my hair down. I walk into the bathroom, slipping them all on, and applying a little bit of makeup. I smile, walking out of the bathroom, and seeing that Chance left the room. I walk out of the room, heading downstairs to eat some breakfast. Jake came back, running up to all of us, a smile plastered on his face. "Guys! Guys!" "What?" We all ask, my face stuffed in eggs that Erika made. "We should play the ouija board at a asylum that I know about, and play it there." We all stared at him, Chance, Anthony, and I staring at him. I blink. "Boy! Your messing with the wrong people to play that thing!" Chance and Anthony nod. "Yeah! You have no idea what those things do." "Yes? Or no?" Jake asks, completely not listening to what his best friends said. We all sigh. "Fine." "Sweet! Let's go Kade!" So, we all drove to the toy store. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was walking around with Kade, mostly because I didn't want to get kicked out. We walked down the hallway, hearing a loud 'pow pow pow pow pow', I smile, looking back at the direction that Kade and I left our friends. "Oh god." "There definitely going to get kicked out." I nod, grabbing the ouija board out of Kade's hand. "One of us is going to die." Kade nods. "Jake is so dumb at times..." "Eh, true." We make it to the check out, seeing our friends getting followed out. I smile, deciding to walk out with them and wait for Kade. Once we went outside, Chad wanted to get carted out of those cart things. "Wait." Chad says, turning around to hug me. "I didn't hug Kath yet." I laugh, knowing what he meant. "I miss you to, Chad." "Okay! Let's go!" Chad turns around, jumping into the cart. Anthony wheels back, running forward but slowing down, letting Chad see what it would look like. "Oh! This is going to suck!" Kade started laughing, Jake talking to the Jake Paulers. "This is what we do guys." "Whee-ya!" Anthony says. "Ohio!" Chad says, Anthony running forward. Anthony runs forward, the cart hitting the concrete, Chad flying forward into the somewhat soft ground. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After getting everything ready to go, and Kade telling the Jake Paulers that Chance, Anthony, and I actually believe in this stuff, which I do, and where like... going to die. We all went into the van, Jake convinced Tessa to come, which her words was 'sure! I bet it won't be sketch.' I was sitting down next to Chance, all of us wearing our seat belts. I sigh, getting nerves every time Jake told us that we're almost there. "Okay guys. We just made it here." Jake looks at the asylum. "Yo, look at this place!" "Can I be the first to say... shit." I say, a weird feeling already over coming my body. "I already don't like it Jake. I'm stupid that I tagged along." I hit my forehead multiple times. Jake parked the van, all of us piling out of the van and walking towards the fence. I bend down quickly, grabbing a rock. Jake points the camera at me. "Kath.... why are you carrying a rock?" "Protection. I have this weird feeling... like feel my arm." Jake feels my arm, my skin already cold. "It's just the air Kath." "Your saying that know. Wait tell later." Jake tells us to wait, him going out to check if it's clear. I tapped the rock on the ground, looking around us, the hair on my arms standing up. I hear a whisper, I immediately turn around, throwing the rock. "Kath!" Jake whisper yells at me. "What the heck?!" I glare at him, all of us running over to him, I bend down again, grabbing a different rock. We go thru some halls, until we finally found a open window, with no board on it. I felt the air go cold again, my arm throwing the rock at Jake's head. "Kath!" Jake whisper yells at me again, holding his head. "I'm sorry!" I whisper yelled back at him. "My hair is going crazy!" Jake groans, climbing thru the window, I grab the rock before climbing into the old building. I swallow, looking around the trashed place, I grab Jake's arm, walking slowly forward with him, the others following us. We found a spot, laying down the blanket and placing the ouija board down. We all sit down, expect for Kade. We place our two fingers on the heart shaped thing, Chance sitting beside and Tessa on my left. We all started doing the words, a ghost moving the thing with our fingers on it. There was a sound, all of us jumping. We all started doing it again, Tessa leaving the board, when the ghost let her. "Kath, are you good?" I nod, clutching onto the rock harder. "Yeah.. yeah..." We did again, until Jake asked it his moms name, P-A- "Yo!" Jake jumps up, the rest of us do too. "Jake... I'm scared." Tessa sniffles. "Jake, I want to I want to leave!" "Hey, hey.." Jake says, hugging Tessa. "I got you. I got you." I jump, feeling a breeze past my face. I jump, seeing a old broom get knocked over. I felt warm liquid trickle down my cheek. "Chance..." I back up, grabbing Chance's arms. "Let's... let's go." Jake says. "No duh! You dumb idiot!" I yell. "Don't get mad at me Kath! Even though your scared!" "Well! Don't get mad at me either! You know how I am when I get scared!" "Hey!" Tony says. "We have to say bye!" We all sit down, placing our fingers back on the thing. We all said goodbye quickly, three times. "Let's go." We all ran back, finding our way back to the window. Jake was the last one in the thing, while we were all outside, Jake told us to hush. "There's foot steps..." "Let's go!" Kade tells him. We all ran back, hiding back whenever we saw the police lights. Jake looks up, then back at us. "We're good. Let's go." We all get up, running away, I look behind me, Jake jumping. "Go! Go! Someone's chasing us!" We all run into a open field were we cut through, Jake turns to the right, all of us hiding behind a concrete wall. All of us were lined up, Tessa was in between Tony legs, as I was in between Chance's legs. We watched the figure walk by us slowly, limping a little bit. "Go." Jake whispers to us. We all get up, scrambling thru the bars and looking back at the figure while we tried to sneak away. It heard us, looking at us while it held a door knob. "Go!" Jake yells, not even bothering to whisper. We bolted, going thru the fence, and to the car. I thru the rock backwards, opening the back door and jumping in. Kade getting into the passenger side, Jake putting the keys in. The guy that was chasing us, jumped into the thing, staring at all of us in a creepy way. All of us screaming, while Tessa and I practically screaming bloody murder. "Perra!" I yell at the thing, in Spanish. Jake backs up, the thing sliding off but walking away, all of us telling Jake to go. I look back, then back forward, feeling like I was just in a movie. Jake takes a turn the wrong way, all of us heading home.