3# Worlds Biggest Game Of Jenga

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I was at Disney with Jake, watching him act. Mess around with a kid named Ethan. Speaking of them I was in his dressing room, speaking with them both.
"So, Ethan."
"I want you to meet my friend, Katherine Donaldson." Jake guest urges to me.
I waved. "Nice to meet you."
"Yeah, nice to meet you too."
Jake started moving the camera between us, a smile on his face. "Hey! Ethan, Ethan, come here."
Ethan goes over to him, bending down to here him. Jake looks over at me, "Do you think she's cute?"
"Oh god!" I say, standing up to leave. "I'm out!"
Jake just laughed, getting up to follow me. "Bye Ethan!"
"Good Afternoon! Jake Paulers!" All of us said into the camera.
"That's right Jake Paulers. I said good afternoon because I went to Disney."
I walked away, deciding I should start my own vlog. "Hey guys! It's me! Katherine Donaldson!" I smile at the camera, doing a small wave. "And if your wondering. Yes, I am the girl from Jake Paul's latest videos. And since I mentioned him I should say, that Jake is helping me out make YouTube videos." I turn around, smirking at the camera. "Let's do some Katherineing." (I'm sorry I had too! It's a TVD quote!)
I walked back to the others, my camera off. "And then we went to Home Depo. And know we are here." He points the camera at us, "We are going to play giant jenga."
"Giant jenga!" Chance mimics Jake, in a deep voice.
"We're going to see how high we can get it!" Jake then starts explaining the rules, but one thing stood out for me. "The losers have to get tazzed!"
"What?!" Anthony.
"Wait!" Chad.
"Oh hell no!" Me. Duh.
"Plot twist! Plot twist!" Kade.
"Yeah." Jake starts explaining the rules again but adding the tazzing part of it.
"No, you already know the twins are going to make fall!" Chad says, remembering the time with the toilet papers. "Remember the fort we build." He lift up his arms, pointing in the direction where they built their 'fort' at.
"Oh, yeah. True." Jake says, zooming in on the twins.
"Wait. Did you tell them about the new tazzer we got?" Kade mentions, stepping forward.
"That's worse."
Jake points the camera back at him. "We got this shock collar that goes around your neck. Yeah, that's worse."
"I like that though because you don't have to run away from it! It's like a dog collar!" Chad says, rambling on about the collar.
"Getting someone to control that I feel like I'm going to get tazzed already."
I look at Chance, raising my eyebrow slightly. Jake then started saying, wait!
"There's to many guys here."
Excuse me? I push Kade aside, stepping into view. "Hey Jake Paulers! Katherine is here and she's the girl here."
"It's everyday bro." Was all Chance said.
Chad started laughing, with me kinda joining in. Jake started introducing himself for the new I case they were watching. We all soon started building the giant jenga, with wooden blocks.
"Yo, we calculated this wrong. Like if we fail and this falls on you, you could die." Jake says, looking at the camera and then all of us.
All of them started agreeing, nodding there heads. Jake stopped talking, pointing the camera at me and Chance. "Hey Katherine! How's it going?"
I look down at him. "Just great! And did I forget to tell you that I love you?"
Jake smiled. "I'm honored to be loved by you." He started making kissy faces.
I glared at him, throwing a block at him. "You know what I meant by! You sick freak!"
All of them started laughing, going back to work on the tower of blocks.
We then stopped again, Jake examining the massive work we created.
"It's like a falling tree in the wilderness."
"You never been to Montana kid! It's not going to be like that!" I say.
"How would you know what Montana is like? Hmm?"
"Because I have relatives down there."
"Oh yeah!" Chance, Anthony, and Jake say.
I role my eyes, going back to building the tower. And by building, I mean like just the guys, with me watching.
"In commin for it!" Chad says, pretending to tackle it.
"No, Chad!" Jake says, actually thinking he would do it.
"Dude, you can see it tilting." Chance says.
"What the heck?!" Tessa comes out of her room, a smile plastered on her face.
"Morning Tessa!" He goes back to looking at the blocks. "If this falls. Someone is going to die."
Tessa and I bring our hands out, pretending we're going to push it forward.
"Calm yourself boy!"
Jake was quiet for awhile and look at all of us. "Do all of you have savers, right?"
"Yeah." Chance answers Jake's question.
Kade just stared at Jake, a terrified look on his face. He shakes his head, both Chance and Jake tell him to 'get out of here' or 'go sign it'.
We all stood around each other, looking at the 'death game' tower. Kade held the camera, pointing at Jake and Anthony.
"Okay what are the teams?"
"Chad and I. Anthony and Ivan."
We are know starting the game, Jake introducing the teams to the fans. Team 'Twins' verses Team 'Don't come for us'. Anthony was first, then it went Chad, and you know the routine.
Nick comes in and looks at what we made. "What are you doing?"
"Playing Death Jenga." I say.
"You have to put the blocks on the top."
All of us looked at each other, I just smiled, watching Anthony and Jake place the blocks on the top. I shake my head, staying where I was standing at.
I stood beside Chad and Chance, I watched as Anthony was pulling out a block where Ivan already pulled out a side block. I but my lip, knowing it was going to fall but stayed where I was, hopping that it won't fall. Until, it did. All of us running somewhere. But I didn't, I just stood there because to be honest my body has trouble thinking it should run or not. My mind was saying, run, run, run. But in reality my body was a stiff as a boulder. I felt two hands grab my hips, pulling me out of the way of the tower. My body finally went out of its daze and I grab the persons arms, looking up at who it was.
I look at him, then back where Ivan was. I know I should have gone over there to make sure Ivan was okay but I started freaking out. My breathing becoming faster, I decided kneel down, and take deep breaths. When I got my breathing under control, I went towards Ivan, helping him up with the others.
"Yo, I told you that it was coming down!" Jake tells Anthony.
"Dude, we were doing chest bump until I saw it and yeah.." he says.
"I almost witnessed two deaths bro." Kade starts. "Dude the angle from up here- dude."
"That's Ohio athleticism." Chance says.
"Expect me. My stupid body!" I say, while rubbing Ivan back.
Jake and my other two bests friends frowned, knowing what I meant by.
"Yeah, what was that there Katherine?" Chad asks.
"I'll explain later." He nods, going back to Ivan.
"Dude I think it's not broken. Just messed up." Chad says, watching Emilio exam his brothers toe.
I have to say though, what these two are doing is cute. There like sibling goals. Chad picks up Ivan, Anthony keeping his injured foot up.
Chance comes back, examining the area know. "Realistically, it could've gone a lot worse." Chance smiles, with a slight laugh.
"Yeah!" Jake says, examining the situation.
We were know in the office watching the video of what happened. All of them were laughing about our reactions to it, pointing out Anthony's dive, Ivan noticing the last second to death, Erika even. Until it came down to me and you know who.
"Dude.... look at Katherine there." Chad says, pointing at me in the screen.
Kade pressed play, all of them went silent, watching me in the video. I watched as Chance grabbed my waist, i watched all the way until I noticed in the video that I was leaning against his chest.
"Ooooo!" All the boys said.
"Oh my god..." I put a hand on my forehead, walking away slightly.
"Katherine and Chance! Oh boy!" Anthony says, probably patting Chance on the back.
"Okay Jake Paulers! That's it for today's video! I hope you guys have a great day! Smile everyday and a great day! Peace!"
"Wait!" Chad voice says. "Follow and scribe please!"
"Peace!" Jake says, ending the video.
There we go guys.... what did you think about Chance sorta in a way saving Katherine? I though it was cute and also question. What should be Chance and Katherine ship name? Comment, vote, and have a good day/night! -B

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