16# Coachella!

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The next day we were at Coachella, Jake went to go get a montage for the beginning of his soon to be new YouTube video

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The next day we were at Coachella, Jake went to go get a montage for the beginning of his soon to be new YouTube video. I sigh, looking into the mirror, fixing a few adjustments on my outfit for Coachella and my hair. I smirk, walking out of the bathroom that I was sharing with Erika.
I skip out of the room, turning a few corners until I made it to the kitchen. I look out the window, seeing Jake dribble a basketball with no pants on. I look back into the fridge, grabbing a pear.
"It's everyday bro!" Jake yells, a big splash at the end.
I laugh, taking a bite out of the pear, watching Jake crawl out of the pool.
"Oh! It's hot!"
Jake runs in, going into the room he was sharing with Kade. I laugh, watching the boys file in as one.
"Hey. Has anyone seen Tessa or Erika?"
"No." Chance answers.
"Uh. They promised that they would wait for me." I frown, walking around the couch and sitting down on the smooth materiel.
Chance walks around the arm rest, sitting beside. "What are you going to do today?"
I shrug. "Probably going to just swim." He smirks, causing me to widen my eyes. "Chance!"
He laughs. "What?! What's wrong thinking about that?"
"Uh, what's the word? Pervert!" I smack his arm, causing him to laugh.
I tried to play mad but I just couldn't when he was smiling, and laughing.
Jake came down, saying we got these 'vibes' from him jumping into the pool and shooting a basketball.
"I am going to go pick up our Coachella tickets. You guys stay here."
"Okay dad." Anthony says, smiling at the end.
Jake stays quiet, while Chance did a 'hey'. I laugh, watching as Jake left with Kade.
Aj came back to the house, Jake turning on the camera for him. I smile, leaning down the piano, listening to Aj do simple 'ayYyyy'.
"Hey!" Jake says, zooming the camera in on Aj. "Yo! Good morning Aj!"
"Hey!" Aj says, looking up at Jake.
"Do you need help?" Before Aj could respond, Jake started banging on the piano keys. "I can make this beat." Jake lifted up the gun rifle, and started shaking his leg.
I laugh, pointing at Jake's thigh. "Everyone duck! It's a gun!"
Aj and Jake started chuckling, Aj still playing the piano.
"Hey, Kath."
"Yeah Jakey?"
"Didn't you do the singing gig in school?"
"Yeah. Why you ask?"
He turns the camera to face him. "Can you sing a little something for the Jake Paulers?"
"Um, sure but I'm a little rusty." I clear my throat, thinking of a song to sing. "I've been trying to let it go
But these butterflies I can't ignore
Cause every time that I look at you
Know we're in a catch 22
We've been friends for so long but I
Need to tell you what's on my mind
I'm sick and tired of playing games
'Cause I know that you feel the same

I Know you inside out, so I'm asking now
Take a chance on me
How much clearer can I be?

Hey, boy, what you gonna do
If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move
I'm gold, gold
You, me, good as can be, want to be more than your company
So bet your money on me
I'm gold, gold

Do I really need to spell it out?
My heart skips when you're around
I got everything that you need
So come on baby get close to me
So confused that I'm not surprised
From greater bells, and rolled the dice
Know all your moves, don't know why I fall
Should put me out, but I want it all

I know you inside out, so I'm asking now
Take a chance on me
How much clearer can I be?

Hey, boy, what you gonna do
If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move
I'm gold, gold
You, me, good as can be, want to be more than your company
So bet your money on me
I'm gold, gold

Na ra ta la la
I'm gold, gold
Na ra ta la la
I'm gold, gold" I sang fluently, Aj smiling while Jake just smiled at the camera like he owned it.
    "I know who that songs for!" Jake says, doing a weird noise at the end.
    I laugh, looking at Aj. "Eh, I wasn't that good, Jake." 
    "Keep talking to yourself about that. I'm going to go mess with Ivan." He says, walking out of the room.
   I laugh looking at Aj. "Want to do some mashups?"
   "Sure! Totally!" He smiles, scoring over for me to sit by him.
I soon hear someone saying my name. I look at Aj, his clearly as confused as I was.
    I decided to just stay there, Aj and I doing more singing with know hit songs and from time to time doing the back when songs.
   Jake comes in. "Kath! Kath!"
  "Did you know that Chance was on tender?"
  I felt my face drop, a slight jealousy coming up. "What?"
   Chance comes in. "I was just looking." He looks down at me. "It wasn't that bad."
   "O-okay..." I say, a lot more jealousy raging thru.
   He takes out his phone, walking away. I started bouncing my leg, Jake walking out. Why was he even on tender? And why am I getting jealous over other girls on some app? You know, you could possibly get pregnant from a app? What? It could happen..
   Before I knew what I was doing, I got up and followed where Chance and Jake went. I saw Chance sitting on the couch, swiping thru tender. I glared at the back of his head, I marched forward, grabbing the phone out of his hands. I spin on my heel, marching towards the pool.
    "Kath! What are you doing?!"
    I turn around, facing him in the eyes. I drop his phone into the pool, him immediately panicking.
   "Kath!" He says, looking down the pool. "Seriously?!"
   I looked down, then back at him. "Yes seriously!"
    I marched toward the doors, the boys getting out of the way. I started mumbling, walking past Jake on the way with his camera probably following me.
It was later in the day, all of us swimming in the pool. Chance and I still haven't talked after the phone insist. I ran forward, jumping into the pool. I come up, wiping the water off of my eyes. I smile, looking up at the sky.
    I get out of the pool, laying down on the ground, watching Jake and Kade getting the 'vibes' of Coachella. I soon hear whistling, causing me to roll my eyes at the perverted guys. I knew it wasn't probably towards me, but might as well roll your eyes right?
    Jake and them left, leaving Tessa, Erika, Tristan, Nick, and I at the house. Tristan was laying down next to me, while Tessa and Erika were in the pool. I look over Tristan.
     "Yeah?" He turns his head to look at me.
     "Should I apologize to Chance?"
     "Sorry to sound rude but yeah... You really should since you thru his phone into that very pool."
    I nod. "I know but I got so jealous! Tristan?"
    "Yeah little sis?"
    "Wait? Did you?" I pause. "Never mind. I just hate feelings. You know?"
   "MmmMmm! Agreed!" He says, staring forward. "And if you like home so much. Why don't you just. You know?"
   He laughs. "Ask him out!" Tristan says, leaning onto his side. "Just ask the darn guy out."
   I bit my lip, thinking about it. "You know what! I will!" I smile, leaning up more. "Thank you, Tristan!"
   Tristan smiles. "No, problem!"
    I smile, leaning back down on the ground. Thinking of ways how to tell him.
Soon around the evening Chance and Anthony came. I was sitting in the house, I look down, making sure my outfit okay. I was wearing a black crop top, with light ripped jeans. I stand up going towards Chance.
    "Hey, um, Chance."
   He turns around. "What?"
   I swallowed, noticing how angry he looked. "Can we talk?"
   "Yeah, sure. Whatever." He says, Anthony hitting him on the shoulder.
   I turn around, going into the room Erika and I share. I wait for him to walk in, closing the door and locking it.
   I take a deep breath, turning around to face him. "Hey, Chance. I'm so sorry about your phone."
   "If your story about it then why did you throw it?"
   I bite my lip, starting to chew on it. "Because I was jealous..."
  "Jealous?" He slightly perked up.
  I nod. "Because Chance I actually like you. More than a friend way."
  He smiles, but it vanished as quickly as the smile came. "Then why did you go out with Kade?"
  I groan. "Because I liked him..."
  "You liked him? You liked him?!"
  Chance stood up, coming closer to me. "Do you still like him?"
  I paused, looking up at him.
  "You still do! Pssh!" He said, stepping away.
  I looked around, my foot tapping on the hard wood. I groan, grabbing his wrist, and spinning him around. "God dammit, Chance! I love you okay!"
   As if it was our moment like in movies, his lips meet mine, the both of them moving passionately and in a loving way. I smile into it, wrapping my arms around his neck, while his arms wrapped around my waist. Our bodies pressed together, Chance pressing me against the wall.
   He pulls away, smiling down at me. "I love you too."
   I smile, our eyes staring into each other's until our lips meant again. His mouth trailing all the way down to my neck.

{Complicated} Chance Sutton Where stories live. Discover now