36# Limbo

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As Chance and I walk back out to the car from the baby hospital, I was still stunned about what the doctor said, even though I kinda knew already, it's shocking. The next your not pregnant, then you are, at times. Yes, I am indeed pregnant, with Chance's child. I mean, I am happy about having his child, I'm still worried about the systems. I have to sleep a lot because of tiredness, I have weird cravings and so on.
  Chance unlocks the car, he both of us getting in. I sigh, slugging into the passenger seat and buckling up. Chance starts the engine, buckling up and pulling out of the parking lot.
   He sighs, looking at my belly then ahead. "I can't believe it Kat."
  "You better be Chance. Because this is our job know. Mother and Father, raising a child. And also, even though is isn't as much as important, we have to tell the fans about the baby before some crazy person follows us and catches us coming."
   Chance nods. "Yeah. Yeah." He pauses, looking around at the traffic. "Kat. I'm so happy, nerves, and worried."
  "Why are you worried?"
  "You have another humanity being inside of you. Our child."
  "I get that."
  "I know you do but it's our child Kat. I'm just worried about the stress your going to get because I heard that stress is bad for the baby. And plus, what if you die from birth?"
  "Don't say that. I won't say that because if I do. It will happen, if I say it."
  "Okay. Okay. I won't say it, and you better not get weird cravings."
  "I actually am craving chocolate strawberries."
  "You always are."
"In also craving some chicken strips with chocolate." I gasp, getting another weird craving. "Also some chips mixed with strawberries!"
  Chance gives me a weird look. "What? Ho-? Never mind. Let's go to the store and get your weird cravings along with healthy food."
  I nod, closing my eyes and leaning my head to the chair. Soon, I feel asleep, in the car.
I roll around, hearing a scream. I sigh, getting up from my bed. I look around, knowing the tiredness is kicking in. Another craving comes in, making me want to eat it. I get up, walking out of the room and down stairs. I hear another phew 'ohs!', from outside.
   I walk into the kitchen, seeing chips, strawberries, chocolate strawberries, and salad. I smile, going for the chocolate strawberries. I open the container, grabbing the first one closets and taking a bite.
   I at least eat four, until I decided to tell my fans. I grab my vlog camera and set it down on the table, still eating the chocolate strawberries. I press the button, getting the juice on there, knowing Kade and Jake would kill me.
  "Hey guys! I'm really lazy right know, tired, eating strawberries with chocolate on them! Like yeah!" I laugh, hitting the table a little bit. "Chaaaaance!"
   "What?!" He calls back.
   "We have to tell them silly!" I say, waiting for him to come down. I stare at the camera, doing a small wave. "How are you guys? Good? That's good. Sorry if your having a bad day but this might make you happy or just eh." I say, taking a bite out of the strawberry. "Also, sorry about eating in front of you."
   "Hey babe." Chance says, walking into view.
   I smile, looking up at him. "Hey. We have to tell them some news."
  Chance gasps, getting excited. "Hey guys! Chance and Katherine Sutton here! Aaaand welcome to our news cast! Today for the Sutton's that right know the team 10 family is practically killing them selves but that's them!"
   "And as well this fine day. Is that," I smile at Chance, the both of us deciding to say it together. "Is that I am(Kat), is pregnant."
  "My wife is pregnant!" Chance yells, making me smile at him.
  "Indeed. Chanrine is having a child but right know I am really tired and I am making Chance carry this so that I can tell the team 10 family that I am pregnant."
  Chance smiles at me again, grabbing the camera, the both of us walking outside. When we got outside, Anthony fell down, Chad and Tristan making sure he was okay. I gasp, about to go all motherly on him but I knew he would be okay. I bite my lip, trying to contain my feelings. After they made sure Anthony was okay, the other guys went. Ray, Ivan, Justin, and Emilio.
   When Ivan went up, Emilio ran up and pushed his chest up the thing, making a tize sound. I gasp, running up to Ivan.
  "Ivan! Are you okay?! Are you okay?!" I ask him, shaking his shoulder. While Kade screams in pain too. "Oh my god! You guys have to stop this!" I say, grabbing a rock and throwing it at Jake. "Perra!"
  I look back Ivan, seeing him breath okay. I sigh, hugging Ivan. Ivan stands up, covering his chest where he got tazed, while Tessa went. I bounce up and down on my heels, biting my nails. I groan, looking back Emilio.
  "Go get ice. It will make it cool off, or something."
  Emilio shakes his head, looking at me. "I'm good."
  I glare at him. "No your not. Go get ice."
  "Kat, I am fine."
  I turn around, seeing Tessa make it thru. I groan, biting my nails. I start passing, watching everyone try. Jake tried it for the first time, but failed. He goes again, but jumps lower, making me bite my nails harder. Jake backs out, making Ray go, which he got, easily.
   Jake went up again, pretty low until he got stuck at the neck part. It got him on the neck, making him scream, making everyone scream. I jump, running back inside. I grab the ice pack in the freezer, running back outside.
  I go to Jake's side, pressing it to his neck.
  "Ow! Kath!"
  "Deal with it big boy." I hiss, putting it on his bruise.
  While I was pressing it to Jake's neck, I watched the other two go next. Which was Tessa, Emilio, and Justin. Tessa walked out practically, but Justin got tazed close to the private.
   Emilio started way back, yelling. "For Spain!" Two times.
  I smile, shaking my head. Emilio almost made it, but backed away, getting taxed in the same spot. I gasp, again, running towards Emilio. I bend down beside Emilio, hearing Kade scream, again.
  I press the ice pack to his neck, hearing Jake talk to Kade. Most likely shooting Emilio and then everyone else.
   Tristan stood above me, looking down at Emilio and then us. "We need hobbies!"
   Everyone started attacking each other, while Jake and Ray stood to the side, taking off the chargers on Jakes car. I sigh, deciding to get everyone's attention.
  "Guys!" Nothing. "Team 10! Attention please!" Nothing.
   I sigh, grabbing the net from Anthony and hitting everyone on the head. "Can I please grab your guys attention?!"
   "What is it?" Anthony asks first, everyone looking at me.
   I look at Chance, while he came to stand by me. "Well," Chance starts for us.
  "I'm....um," I start, noticing how hard this is. "This is hard."
   "What is?" Tristan asks.
   "I'm pregnant...."
   Jake screams, while pointing at everyone's faces. "I call being the god father!"
   Everyone blinks, practically shocked at this news.
  "Wow..." Anthony says, smiling a little. "My boy got his game on! Outta boy Chancey!"
  Chance smiles, looking away from everyone.
  Tristan smiles, walking towards me. "Congratulations!" He says, hugging me, whispering into my ear. "Can I be the grandfather?"
   "We will see." I whisper back to him.
   I break away from him, yawning. "I'm going to sleep."
   "Buts it's like, 3:00."
   "I'm tired."
A/N: This is shit first off and also, I'm going to be skipping some of Jake's vlogs because she's practically going to be sleeping, craving, eating, working out so she won't get stretch marks and what not.
   Have a nice day/night-B :)

{Complicated} Chance Sutton Where stories live. Discover now