17# Part 2: Coachella

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Thank you so much for the cover MegaMent12315!
Also, a little bit of smut...
The next morning I wake up, moaning slightly. The sun comes in, shining into the room. I look down, seeing Chance's arm wrapped around my stomach.
    I roll onto my back, turning my head to look at Chance. He was sleeping peacefully, a small smile showing on his sleeping features.
   There was a sudden a bang on the door, Chance bolting up straight, the covers following after him, exposing my under garments.
    "Chance?! You in there?!" Jake.
    "Um, yeah. Why?"
    It was quiet.
    "Leave is alone Jake!" I call to him.
    "Wait. Kath?! Oh shit!" Jake says, piecing it all together.
    "Chance! You did not! I'm telling your dad. And possibly Katherine's mom!"
   Chance and I laugh, hearing Jake run away.
   "You know," Chance turns to look at me, "if you didn't say anything he wouldn't have known."
   "He would've known sometime. He's Jake. Always, and somehow, finds out."
   He nods, raising a eyebrow. "True..."
   He leans down, causing me to laugh. "You know. I always thought that if you and I got together. It would be more romantic."
   Chance laughs. "It's different, sweetie. It's always not going to be like movies."
   "I'm area but a girl could dream." I say, placing my hands on Chance's bare chest.
   He kissed me, his hands curling around my waist, his thumb rubbing where the tip of my underwear where. He smiles into it, moving down to my neck.
    "Hm?" He hums, stilling traveling down my neck.
   I bite my lip, closing my eyes. "We... we, um... should stop..."
   I feel him smile on my skin, his hand trailing down my sides. He lifts his head up. "Say that again?"
   "We should stop." I swallow, trying to stop myself from falling into his little trap.
    He raises a eyebrow, looking around the room, thinking. "Yeah, no."
   He starts kissing me again, on the lips. Our mouths start moving, his tongue touched my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth wider, allowing him entrance.
    His hips started grinding mine, his hand slipping down my bra strap. He moves down to my belly, ever so slowly trailing down, teasingly.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
   We broke apart, both of us looking at the door.
   "Come out! You can't be in there all day love birds!" Jake says.
    "Yeah!" Erika agrees with him.
    I get up, Chance sitting up straighter on the bed. I swing my legs off the bed, walking towards my suitcase with my clothes. I bend down, grabbing new clothes and under garments. I turn around, looking. At Chance slip on his yesterday clothing.
    "See ya later today, Kath." Chance says, pecking me on the lips.
    I smile. "See ya."
    He unlocks the door, looking back me one more time, a smile on his lips. He turns back towards the entrance, opening the door.
    Erika comes in, smiling at me while the closing the door behind her.
   "So what?" I ask, deciding to play dumb.
   "With Chance! What happened."
   "Nothing happened." I say, slipping on my black shorts.
   "Uh-huh.... sure." She says, going into her suit case.
   The both of us dress in silence. Erika wearing a white outfit with white shorts, a white crop top, and flip flops. While I wore black shorts, mint green crop top, and white flip flops.
    Erika and I walk out of our room, seeing that Tessa and Jake were gone. I see Anthony in the fare corner, texting somebody. I skip over to him, wrapping a arm around his neck.
    "Hey, Tony Boney!"
   "Where's Jake and Tessa?" 
   "Drama wheel."
   I nod. "Oh."
   If you were wondering, lately there's been drama with Tristan and Tony over Tessa. Ha! All T's there but anyway. I actually like Tony and Tessa together but I feel like since Tristan knew Tessa before Tony, Tristan would be the best. Anyway, back to reality me.
   "Sorry. Been in Katherine world there for a sec."
   Tony smiles, giving me the snake eye. "So, last night. Huh?"
   I blush, knowing what he meant by. "I guess I can tell you." I paused.
   "First off... it started with me apologizing to Chance about his phone and later on he started jealous about the whole Kade and I fling. Until we got mad and then we made out."
    Tony smiled. "He finally got the guts to make out with you?"
   "Wait what?"
   Tony laughed. "He hasn't told you?"
   "Told me what?"
   "He liked you ever since his senior year."
   "Oh, wow. I told Jake this in high school but I actually liked Chance since I first started high school."
    "Damn girl! Your wish came true!"
    I laugh, punching him lightly on the arm. "Yeah, yeah!"
    Soon, Tessa and Jake came back. Quickly going towards Anthony.
    "Yo, Anthony." Jake turns toward the others. "You guys would want to hear this." Tessa laughs. "So, Anthony. You have a girlfriend, bro."
    Everyone started freaking out, Chance and I laughing.
    "No way!" One of the twins say.
    "Chance's a girl?!" Tristan says.
    I laugh, Chance walking around while laughing.
   "Yo! They know?!" Jake says, pointing at us.
   "It just got awkward." Erika said.
   "What's wrong with him having a girlfriend?"
   "Because he can't flirt with Tessa and kiss her!" Jake explains to Nick.
   I laugh, falling onto the couch. "This is great!"
  "Why not?" I hear Anthony say.
  "Because you can't teach kids that!" Jake says.
  "You kissed Chance!" Tristan says.
  "Yeah! You kissed Chance!" Jake pauses. "Dude. How long did you have a girlfriend?"
   "Five months."
   "Mmmmmmmmmm, okay! Right! Right! I'm not buying it!" I hear Jake say.
  After the whole playing around with Anthony, Jake came back with a idea in mind. He walks towards Emilio grabbing his wrist.
   "Bro, yo. I have a idea." Ivan nods. "Since Anthony has a girlfriend and Chance has Katherine." He coughs. "Smashed." Cough. "Anyway. We should try and get girls, right?"
   "You and me?"
   "Yeah. You and me." Jake says, gesturing towards each other.
   "All the girls are for me?"
   "No. For both of us."
   Jake pauses. "You can speak Spanish to them."
   I laugh, Chance sitting down next to me.
   "Oh, okay! Let's go!"
   "Yeah! Let's go!"
   Emilio gets up and follows Jake, once and a while them walking thru.
     Emilio walks into the living room, with a blonde girls arm around Emilio's shoulder, and his arm wrapped around the girls waist.
    "Emilio! You sly dog!" I say to him, Emilio just smiling.
I ran outside where Kade, Jake, Chance, and Anthony were. All of them talking.
   "Jake! Jake!" I say.
   "I hit four hundred k!" I say.
   "Yo! The boys did too!"
   The three of us started jumping, all of us jumping up and down.
   "Still not on team 10 still! Still not on team 10 still!" Jake says, Kade joining in.
    Chance, Anthony, and I stopped jumping, looking at Jake.
   "It's okay though!" Anthony says.
   "Dude! I was like up here," he puts his hand in the air, "know we're like down here." Chance brings his hand down to the ground, Anthony joining him.
   "But we still have these though!" Anthony says, pointing at the team 10 bandanna.
   "Hey! Takes those off!" Kade says.
   They started kicking it off, Anthony getting his off first, Chance still kicking his off.
   "Hey. You know what you else you can do." He pauses. "Take off those tattoos on your arms.
   Chance and Anthony started to pretend and whip off the markers of 'x' on there arm.
Jake soon came by me, telling me to do something vibe like. So the best I could do was, twirl around, tucking my chin into my shoulder, looking at Jake while somehow flowers flew down in front of me.
   During Jake doing more montages, he got me coloring my dark hair red, that a lady gladly did for me. I soon got a crown floor to, Chance and I dancing together too.
    Somewhere during the party, Kade and Jake left, saying they had to use the restroom. I laugh, Chance twirling me out and back in, Chance giving me a kiss on the cheek.  
      Tristan comes by, smiling at me and Chance, a slight wave to me. I wave back, turning back Chance. We just started dancing to the music, until a water balloon splashed beside me. I shrug, going back to the dancing. Again, a water balloon came but hit me on the head. I scream, water dribbling off of my head, I laugh slightly, immediately knowing who it was.
   "Jake! Kade!"
   There was another scream, a girl across the pool. I look up, seeing a balloon dropping down on my face.
(Jake pov.)
  There was two screams so far, Kade and I laughing.
   "Jake! Kade!"
   I laugh. "Dude. We're dead if that was Kath. I mean, when she's angry... she's like the vampire Katherine from her favorite show."
  "Oh, yeah! She told me, it was The Vampire Dairies. Right?"
   I nod. "Yeah..."
(Katherine pov.)
I storm into the house, seeing Jake at the front door.
  Jake spins around, his mouth dropping. "Kade! Angry Katherine 101!"
  "Knows not the time to joke Paul!"
  He screams, throwing a balloon at me, I easily dodge it, running at Jake.
  "Jake run!"
  I chase after him, grabbing a water balloon from the basket Nick was holding. I throw it, waiting for it to drop on Jake. It fell down, landing on Jake's head.
  "Take that Paul!" I say, throwing my arm in the air.
   I turn on my heel, walking back inside. I sit down, looking at everyone. I sigh, watching the three boys come in. Jake started throwing the balloons at Emilio, but somehow Anthony got one, throwing it at Jake.
   "Wow! Wow! Wow!" Kade says. "Outside! Outside! Outside."
   We all listen, going outside. Tessa, Tristan, and Chance joining us. Everyone started throwing water balloons, Jake getting hit.
   "The camera guy got wet!"
   Everyone started throwing at each other, I threw a water balloon at Kade, hitting him on the belly. I laugh, throwing one at each of my best friends, and Chance.
    Tristan threw one, hitting Kade in the eye.
    "Oh my god! I meant to miss you!"
    "Kade got nailed!" Jake says, telling the Jake Paulers. "Kade. This back fired on us though."
   Kade was on his all fours, his curly hair hanging. "I'm just the camera man!" Kade says, laughing at the end.
For the rest of the night, I hanged out with Tessa and Erika. Jake and Kade sitting downstairs since they gave Chance and Anthony there Coachella tickets to repay them for not buying them tickets. I sigh, deciding to go to bed.

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