🌹D1 - Twiddling them thumbs.

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[ Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter ]

'Hij zei dat Parker me leuk vind.' Zeg ik en Asia kijkt me aan. 'Kleine kinderen liegen niet, Allistair.' Zegt Asia en ik plaats een hand onder mijn kin zodat ik er op kan leunen.

'Hij heeft toch een hart.'

'Stop is met al die cupcakes te eten.' Zegt Asia en ze trekt de roze cupcake uit mijn handen en eet het dan zelf op.

Nou, die wou ik eten.

'Ik ben aan het stresseten.' Mompel ik. 'Dan gaan we zingen, in plaats van je te gaan volvreten!' Roept Asia en ze trekt me mee naar een podium.

'Wat voor liedje?' Vraagt Asia en ik kijk haar aan en begin te grijnzen.

'Thumbs, van Sabrina Carpenter.' Zeg ik en kort daarna begint het deuntje van het liedje. Ik knik naar Asia en ze begint te zingen terwijl ik ook begin te zingen.

Somewhere in the world there is a father and a mother,
and the father is a son, who has a mother.
The mother has a daughter who gets married to the brother of a mother, and they all just tryna multiply with one another.

'Cause that's just the way of the world.
It never ends till the end, then you start again.
That's just the way of the world.
That's just the way of the world.

Somewhere in the world they think they're working for themselves.
They get up everyday to go to work for someone else.
And somebody works for them and so they think they've got it made.
But they're all just working to get paid the very same.

And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.

Somewhere in the world you got a robber and a bank, and the bank robbed the people, so the people rob the bank.
And the police came to get him but they let him get away.
'Cause they're all just workin' to get paid the very same.

'Cause that's just the way of the world.
It never ends till the end, then you start again.
That's just the way of the world.
That's just the way of the world.

And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.

Don't believe everything that you hear.
Let it go through your left and right ear.
Don't just march to the beat of that drum.
Don't be one of them people just twiddlin' them thumbs.

'Cause that's just the way of the world.
It never ends till the end and then you start again.
That's just the way of the world.
That's just the way of the world.

And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs.

And so they keep on twiddling them thumbs.
They gonna keep on twiddling them thumbs.
'Cause that's just the way of the world.

Mensen beginnen te klappen en Asia legt haar arm rond me schouders en met haar andere hand houdt ze de microfoon weer beet en begint ze weer het liedje te zingen.

'And so they keep on twiddling them thumbs.'

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