Chapter 6

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"What?" asks Gale, completely taken aback by my answer. Tears of joy begin to fill up in my eyes as I say
"I do. Yes. One hundred times yes! I would love to have kids with you!" Before I can even blink Gale takes my face in his hands and kisses me on the lips. We hold the kiss for what seems about 10 seconds before Gale pulls away, happy tears now filling his captivating grey eyes.
"You do?" he repeats.
"I do," I smile, and we both release the tears of happiness which now flow down our cheeks like a waterfall, and land on each other's shoulders which our faces are now embedded into. Eventually, we peel ourselves off each other and I lie next to Gale again as I was, my head on his chest and his secure arms around me, guarding me from the creatures which haunt the darkness surrounding us. I feel his body rising and sinking beneath me as he takes slow, deep breaths.

"So when do you think would be the right time?" Gale asks. When would be the right time? I have never even properly discussed the idea of even having children until now, never mind when.
"I don't know," I say openly. "Not yet, maybe in a few years, but not too long. And I would like to be married and enjoy life with my husband first, do the things I have dreamed of. I wouldn't want to feel like we were rushing the wedding because I was already pregnant, I would want to take it step by step and enjoy each stage. Then once we have settled down I guess I would be ready to introduce some little ones into the world." I can see Gale process what I have said and already know that he agrees with me, but I can still see the excitement in his
eyes, that spark which lights up his face in the darkness which engulfs us both.
     "I love you more than anything Catnip," Gale whispers in my ear, "you are so incredible, so beautiful. You could have any man in the universe, why choose me?"
     "Because you are everything I could ask for, and you have been by my side through everything. I love you more than anything Gale. I am so glad I chose you because you have made me the happiest person alive." I answer, and every single word is true. Because I do love him, and am thrilled that I am going to spend the rest of my life by his side. With his thumb, Gale gently rubs my cheek back and forth, and the feeling drives me crazy, in a good way, and I crave that indescribable sensation that only he can give me. Finally, my eyelids become heavy and give way, and I fall asleep in his arms.

A bird tweeting on my windowsill makes me stir in my sleep and I wake up to the morning light which awaits us. As I shift my body to sit up, I hear Gale waking up behind me and then one of his arms on each of my shoulders. They lock together by my heart and then I am yanked backwards onto him and we both giggle quietly before he plants a kiss on the top of my head.
"Morning Catnip," he says, just like he had done the morning before. So I say,
"Morning Gale," just like I had done the morning before. This time, Gale slides out of bed first and goes downstairs to prepare breakfast, meanwhile I decide to go for a shower. As I slide off my clothes my body is racked with the cold, but as soon as my skin makes contact with the hot water, I feel replenished and much warmer. My shower at home is nothing like the ones in the Capitol which have over 100 different settings and complicated control panels, it is simply hot and cold water, and soap and shampoo on a rack. However this basic shower is such a luxury in District 12, well, what was District 12, where there was no hot running water, just a tin bath by the fire or next to a gas heater. Finally, I brace myself for the cold and step out of the shower, trembling and freezing, and wrap myself in a warm towel which was hanging over the heater. Once my body is dry, is use my towel to try and reduce the amount of moisture left in my hair. Then, when it is as dry as I can get it by hand, I brush it out and leave it down to dry naturally.

The smell of breakfast cooking entices me downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Gale stood over the oven hob, frying meat and eggs and mushrooms, which we collected the day before from various areas of the woods. I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, and hug him tightly with my head against his back. Just as I do so, Annie walks in, holding the baby.
"I see someone made up her mind," she says comically. Most likely, she is referring to the fact that I have chosen who I love. Gale. We turn towards her, and as we do so Gale wraps his arm around my waist protectively, but I am in no danger. Probably, he just wants to let me know that he is ready to face any competition, ready to protect me from anything that lies before us.
"I think I did," I say, as I turn my body so my chest presses against his, and place my hands on his shoulders. "And Gale and I have a little announcement." He pulls me in tighter at the waist and I lean back slightly higher up so I can still talk without being muffled by contact with his body.
"Well, quite a big announcement," Gale replies.
"Gale and I have decided that we are going to introduce some little ones into the world!" I announce, as I turn my head towards Annie. I see the shock, excitement, happiness, every emotion possible whirl around her head and flow through her body. In fact she is so surprised, in a happy way, that she nearly drops Fin.
     "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! You two will make really great parents and I know for a fact your children will be adorable! And if you ever want any help with childcare I will be happy to help," she exclaims. Immediately I can tell that she isn't just saying it, she is genuinely ecstatic. I might even go as far as saying she nearly looks happier than us about the news.

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