Meeting the New Max Thunderman

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A/N: Takes place after Thundermans Banished! After feeling betrayed by his twin, Max created the AHL(Anti-Hero Leauge) for all superheroes and villains who want redemption or to be a vigilante.

Location: Metroburg (Anti-Hero League base)

Max Thunderman watched the Dark Hero fight the men on the roof from a secret camera. "Colosso!" He called his rabbit, "I need to go to Swellview. Do you think the other Anti-Heros will handle things in Metroburg while I'm gone?" The rabbit nodded,

"If anything horrible happens I'll contact you." Max looked at the Anti-Hero lair around him, he put good money into this place. It was for children of superheroes who don't want to follow directly in their parent's footsteps.

"Max!" One of his friends said, "the twins are fighting again!" Max sighed then blew his ice breath over the fighting twins freezing them in place.

"Alice, I have to go to Swellview, there might be a new recruit there." She frowned,

"Are you talking about that Dark Hero guy?" Max nodded,

"No matter their past, all heroes need redemption." And left for Swellview.

Location: Swellview (Dark Hero's base)


I entered my apartment and laid down on my bed sighing. I shrugged off my costume to get a better look at my wounds when I froze. Someone else was in my base. I grabbed my emergency gun from my bedside table and fired it in the direction I heard breathing. I watched as the person held up their hands and stopped the bullets using telekinesis. "Thunder Girl?" I asked, but the person chuckled,

"Nope. Max Thunderman at your service." I groaned then went back to dealing with my wounds. He blew his ice breath over the bullet holes setting the wound.

"Why are you here Max?" I asked, honestly curious.

"After Dark Meyhem crashed my prom I set up this Anti-Hero League thing and it's where outcasts, heroes and villains, come together to fight for a different kind of justice." I frowned,

"And you want me to join?" Max nodded,

"Two conditions. One, you tell me who you are. I promise not to tell anyone you don't want to know. Two. No more killing people." I thought about it then said,

"Where's the League located?" Max chuckled,

"Can't tell you unless you agree to the terms." Hmpf, he's smarter than the last time we met. I held out my hand and shook his,

"Deal." I slowly started to take off my mask. "Remember me? Henry Hart." Max looked shocked, but quickly covered it up.

"Henry?! How did this happen?!" I frowned,

"Captain Man traded me for my mom and sister." He bro hugged me then said,

"We're based out of Metroburg, but you can stay stationed here. The only thing I want is for you to meet the other members." I nodded,

"When do we leave?" He grabbed my arm and said,

"Right now." I felt a tug in my stomach, saw a swirl of colors then we landed in a building I assumed was the AHL. "Hey guys!" Max yelled, "I got a new recruit!" Five different teenagers ran into the room, well, one teleport-ed and another girl used a portal. Two were girls and three were guys, not counting Max and I. I analyzed them out of habit and realized they were all supes. "Meet the Dark Hero." I smirked,

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