Piper's Choice(Part 2)

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EDITED: 5/20/17

Location: Blackguard


I paced around our main lair floor, we just got word that the Master was trying to make a move in on Swellview, and since it's my city, I could call the shots. I didn't want my family(Piper and my mom) in any danger, but now that Piper had her earthquake vibration power it makes her a prime target. Especially since Vlad-I shuddered at the thought of his name- knows who I am. Not to mention, Piper has to choose between Ray and I by Friday. "Woah dude, calm your thoughts down!" Eddie exclaimed.

Max looked at him then put his hand on my shoulder, "Eddie. What did we say about reading our thoughts?" Eddie shrugged,

"Sorry Max. It's just, I can't help it sometimes. Besides, half the time Henry's thoughts are so loud I don't need my power to hear them." I nodded,

"It's fine Max. It's mostly my fault anyways." I sat down in a black swivel chair then logged onto the Blackguard database.

"What are you doing?" Max asked me, leaning over my shoulder. I pulled up every file we had on the Master and scanned through all of them. "Hen!" I jumped then asked,

"When was the Master first a 'thing'?" Max sighed then said,

"I think... A few years ago, it was before my sister betrayed me. The hero League didn't do anything because he wasn't really a 'superhero.'" He smirked, "I guess he proved Super President Kickbutt wrong."
Then all of a sudden, we were in the middle of the Hero League headquarters. I glanced at Max, he looked uncomfortable.

"Hello Max."

Location: Hero League headquarters

I stared in the eyes of my sister. Luckily we were all in costume, I felt Alice create a shadow creature, but I waved her off, "not right now Sleeping Darkness, we don't need the attention." She looked disappointed, but made her shadow creature disappear.

Super President Kickbutt stood up and approached me, "we need your help." I smirked,

"Please. When did the HL ever help me?!" My sister snapped,

"-Max!" And I rolled my eyes. I noticed her new Z-Force uniform and said,

"I'm glad you reached your dream Thunder Girl!" Henry put his hand on my shoulder,

"Hey, don't start a fight now Max. At least wait until we are all back at our base." I nodded shakily,

"Fine.  I just..." Wish I could speak to Phoebe like she's my sister, not an enemy. I thought, as soon as he realized where we were​ he made a 'mind link' where we can communicate through our thoughts.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to. "I assume you're communicating by thought?" Super President Kickbutt asked, I shrugged,

"What? It's not like we can use coms in here, you would block the signal." She sighed,

"Where did we go wrong with you Max?" I sighed sarcastically then said,

"Hmm should I start before I felt like nothing if my twin was in the room, or after my twin betrayed me on a whim that I night take her powers?" Phoebe protested,

"Okay. First of all, you wrote it in your diary and I read your diary and found out about it." Henry clenched his wrists then she turned to him and asked him, "you look familiar... Have we met before?" Henry shook his head,

"No, but I don't like the way you're treating my friend." Phoebe rolled her eyes and I shook my head,

"Don't, Dark Hero. She's not worth it.", Henry growled darkly,

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