The Aftermath

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EDITED: 5/21/17

Location: Blackguard; Metroburg


After the battle was over we counted the wounded or dead. Only one person died fighting to save planet earth. Piper. When my father fell into the mountain I raced back to where I left her body. She was lying still in the street, not moving. I brushed some soot out of her hair then picked her up. I knew everyone must've been watching me. "We need a burial!" I shouted, Ray was standing behind me. He nodded,

"I know kid, but right now there are still other villains we need to capture. The ones who escaped." Max teleported next to me then said,

"I'm willing to allow all of you to rest up in the Blackguard Leauge headquarters. We're based out of Metroburg, I'll give you the exact location in a few minutes." I glanced at Alice, she was still in shock. Max addressed her once the crowd of heroes and villains talked to themselves. "Alice... are you okay?" She fell to her knees and all of the shadows within a thirty mile radius of her turned into black holes. She started to cry,

"my dad... I thought-I mean... I-maybe he actually loved me." Max slowly approached her,

"your father... you mean Nightmare?" She nodded,

"I know he's the reason why I joined your Leauge in the first place, but I thought when it really came down to it he wouldn't hate me." I sighed then hugged her,

"I'm sorry Alice. I know it probably doesn't mean much, but I mean it." She wiped the tears off her face and looked at me,

"no mask?" I shook my head,

"nope. My sister told me I was her hero, I don't need a mask anymore." Alice hugged me then said,

"you know we're all here for you right?" I nodded then dropped my hands and said,

"where's my mom?" Charlotte teleported behind me and said,

"you mom's with Druad." I looked at her and smirked,

"one question... since when are you a witch?!" She smiled,

"I've always been a witch Henry, you just never figured it out. I'm better at keeping secrets than you were." I frowned then asked,

"how did you even figure out I was alive?" Then I remembered Penelope. "Hang on a second!" I ran down the streets until I reached the cellar door where I hid Penelope. I opened the door and jumped down landing in a superhero pose. I heard Penelope open a knife and she shouted,

"get back! Stay away!" I slowly approached her saying,

"it's alright Penelope, remember me?" She nodded and put the knife down he ran at me surprising me with a hug.

"I knew you would come back Henry!" I squeezed her tightly then said,

"let's go kiddo, just a fair warning... it may not look the same as it was before the big fight." She

nodded then exited the hide-out. I  watched as she observed the damage done to her hometown. Penelope looked at me then asked,

"where's my mommy?" I froze,

"I don't know Pen, but if we go back to my home we can find her okay?" Penelope nodded and

held my hand,

"okay!" When the duo made it back to the Blackguard League Penelope fell asleep in my arms. Charlotte took Penelope and brought her to a nearby couch.

"Henry." I turned around to see who talked and was face to face with his mom. I sobbed and fell into her arms.

"Mom." Ray walked over to them and hugged both Harts. After she let go Mrs. Manchester looked at her son and smiled.

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