The Battle of the Decade

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EDITED: 5/20/17

Location: Swellview City


It was a full out war. If you weren't fighting then you were on the ground injured. Piper and I were back to back, Max and Phoebe were back to back as well. I was fighting Dark Meyhem. I ducked as he threw a green energy ball at me. I ran forward and started to fight him with my bow staff. I split my staff into two pieces so it was like I had mini swords
as weapons. I parried with him locked in a duel to the death. He tried to punch me, but I ducked and swung my leg out tripping him using my super speed.

"You should give up now! Villains will always-" I ended his sentence by stabbing him with my full length staff. He fell to the floor dead, still bleeding. As soon as I took a breath someone shot Ice in my general direction. I looked up and saw Aidan.

"Aidan?!" I shouted surprised, "why would you betray us?!" He smirked and touched a building, freezing it and made it shatter like ice. He jumped down from another building and landed in a superhero pose.

"You wouldn't understand Henry. You've only been a member for a short amount of time. Before I became a blackguard i was the son of the Ice King. My father was fears throughout the world!" His eyes glowed bright blue and a small blizzard formed over his head. I could hear Piper and Inferno fighting against each other a few meters away. "Now I will be able to avenge him!" I shook my head and twirled my staff in my hand and said,

"It's not to late to turn back." He shook his head and started to throw icicles at me. We started to fight. Icicles raced past me as I sped towards the traitor. He summoned a spear made out of ice and we began to fight. The war itself caused chaos throughout the entire city.

Firemen and police cars were trying to barricade the city so no one could enter. I was locked in combat against someone I used to think of as my brother. We fought for at least twenty minutes before he summoned a giant ice spear. Oh shit! I watched as it flung closer to me. I was frozen, ironically. It was a meter from my face then it exploded in black smoke.

"Oh hell no Elsa." Aidan and I both looked to see who it was. Charlotte stood atop a nearby skyscraper dressed in a black robe. She wore a gold chain necklace with a weird symbol on it. "You may be able to fight in the in-between, but I am not going to let you destroy this world to!" I looked at Aidan and he seemed to be terrified. Then he grinned,

"You won't stop me witch." He threw another icicle at me and I dodged it. Only to hear her scream. The only person who didn't betray me. I screamed in anger and the ground swallowed Aidan whole. I turned around and saw my sister kneeling in front of Inferno with the ice spear stabbed through her back. No. Not her! I ran to my sister's side after Charlotte blasted Inferno backwards into a building.

"Piper!" I screamed, I knelt next to her and reached out to touch her, but Charlotte stopped me. She said,

"Wait. The Ice is cursed, let me." She raised her hand and the spear turned into black smoke, the hole was still there.

"Piper..." I said, the battle was still raging around us but to me it slowed down. I held Piper in my arms. Her stomach was covered in her own blood. Her skin was cold to the touch.

"He... Henry..." She gasped, reaching out to touch my face. I grabbed her hand.

"Shh... I'm here Piper, it's okay. I'm here," she smiled slightly before her hand went slack. "Piper?" I said, by now I was in tears. Loe and behold, the great Dark Hero crying. She whispered,

"I... I will love you always. I'll be waiting for you..." Her hand fell next to her body, blood and tears still spilling from the wound. I shook with grief, I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked up. It was Max, Phoebe was still fighting. I shuddered and he stood behind me for a few minutes before my grief turned into anger.

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