Day One

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A/N sorry I didn't mention this before, this book takes place during the newest seasons of each show.

Henry Danger: season 3
Thunderman: Season 4

If you come up with any superhero ideas for any of my OC's and Piper I will use them(and give you credit).

EDITED: 5/20/17


Location: Dark Hero's base; Swellview

After I set the clock I got up and grabbed one of my guns. I shot three bullets at a wall right next to Ray's head. He yelled in surprise then ducked down for cover. "What was that for?!" I smirked,

"You were in the way. Follow."  They followed me down the stairs and into a spare bedroom. "Ray, you can stay in here, Jasper can stay next door." Ray hugged me and I tensed at the contact he started to cry,

"God kid! I'm so sorry! What happened to you that made you like this?" My eyes flashed darkly and I said,

"Trust me. You don't want to know." He squeezed me then let me go,

"Can you forgive me?" I laughed,

"Ray, I forgave you long before I even became the Dark Hero." He smiled then said,

"How would you like to come back and work as Kid Danger?" I glanced at Jasper, he looked sad,

"I guess I should give you this back..." He started to undo the Wiz Watch, but I stopped him.

"No." They looked at me surprised, "Ray, yes I forgave you, but I can't go back to being a sidekick. As much as I want to return to the life I had I'm afraid that's just not possible." He looked confused then I continued, "my father is an evil maniac trying to take over Swellview and then the world. My mom's married to you, my sister wants to be a superhero, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to start killing people soon. Besides," I hugged Jasper surprising him, "Jasper's doing an amazing job, probably better than I did to be honest." Ray shook his head,

"Kid, no one could ever replace you." I shook my head then he said, "I'm serious. Yeah Jasper's Kid Danger now, but you'll always be my son." I turned around and Piper was there with her arms crossed,

"I told you could work it out." I laughed and picked her up in a hug,

"And you were right," Max said behind her,

"Come see who decided to help us out. Just promise you won't kill me," I nodded then said,

"Show me." He led Ray, Jasper, Piper and I up to the main floor of my base and said cautiously,

"Don't freak..." He opened the door and Super President Kickbutt said,

"Hello Dark Hero." I looked up and saw the entire hero League there, including Max's family. Thank God I was in costume, but what the hell was he thinking?!

Location: Classified


The Earthshaker sat on his throne thinking about his son and daughter. Before, he hoped he could prove himself worthy of being a good father when his son rejected him it blurred his reality. "My Lord!" The Time Jerker said, running up to the throne,

"What is it?" He asked the time traveler,

"I have received word from our spy the Dark Hero plans on meeting you on Wednesday at midnight." The man cloaked in shadows stood up then asked,

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