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Captain Man decides it's finally time to pack away the gum ball tube and pass it on to Henry...

Please keep in mind; this does not take place in my universe at all! This takes place in the show's normal universe(season 3)!(might be considered as an AU) Just what I think should happen in the finale episode of Henry Danger.

I stared at my boss in shock. He wanted me to be Captain Man. "What?" I asked him, he chuckled;

"Kid, it's time I hang up the costume and live a normal life. I'm getting older, and I'm not the great fighter I used to be." I sighed, then the elevator dinged open and Charlotte and Jasper came out of it talking about some new ice cream shop.

"Ray, this is crazy! I still have a ton of stuff to learn!" He shook his head,

"You'll learn it on the job." Charlotte asked,

"What's going on?" Ray said,

"I'm leaving the superhero job." Jasper spat out the long gulp of water he took in a few seconds before shouting...

"What?" Captain Man just nodded,

"I've been a hero my entire life guys. I need to be normal, get a job... Meet a hot single mom like Henry's..." I shouted,

"Hey!" In protest. He shrugged,

"It's just my time kids." He held out his gumball tube for me to take. I smiled and asked,

"One last time?" He nodded,

"Yeah Kid. One last time." We both blew a bubble at the same time and transformed into our alter-egos.

"Feels goooood." The Man Cave was frozen in a layer of heavy silence.

"Kid..." I stopped him from saying whatever he was saying by hugging him. Jasper and Charlotte joined us and made it a group hug. "Look, it's not goodbye okay? If you ever need help I'll be there." I nodded then we transformed back into our normal clothes. "Say something Henry..." I looked up at my mentor then said,

"I'll miss you Ray, we all will." Schwoz packed up the minute Ray told him he was leaving, so if Ray left then Jasper Charlotte and I would be the only ones who knew about the Man Cave.

"Where are you going?" Charlotte asked her father-like figure. He replied,

"I found an apartment in Hiddenvile, remember Max and Phoebe? They're the heroes in that city." I nodded then he asked me the inevitable. "Henry Hart, will you promise to keep your superhero identity a secret from people until you deem them trustworthy enough to find out who you really are?" I nodded and held up my right hand,

"I swear." He continued,

"Do you promise to protect the city of Swellview and all those who reside inside of it?" I repeated my earlier statement,

"I swear." Then he said,

"Then you are ready." He handed me his gumball tube. I took it and placed a gumball in my hand. I looked at him and he said, "blow the bubble." I dropped the gumball into my mouth and blew it. I felt the same feeling I felt when I popped my Kid Danger gum, but when the light died down I knew. I am Captain Man. "Well Kid? How do you feel?" I smiled and gave him a double thumbs-up.

"Feels goooood." He chuckled and I changed into my civilian clothes. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" He smirked then said,

"As a wise hero once said... I'm okay!" We all laughed then I turned to Jasper,

"You know Jasp... Now that I'm Captain Man; I'm going need my own Kid Danger." He looked surprised then shouted,

"You're serious?!" I nodded and handed him my old Kid Danger gum and he blew a bubble. He smiled then said,

"Feels goooood!" I chuckled then we sat in silence. Ray's phone went off and he said,

"Well, that's my taxi..." We all went up the elevator. When we got to Junk 'n Stuff we all fell out of the elevator.

"Ray... Thank you." He looked confused so I continued, "if it wasn't for you I would be a skill-less average teenager." He smiled and hugged me,

"I knew you were the one Henry." I smiled back at him then Charlotte, Jasper and I walked him to his taxi. "I'm glad I met you three, I know the mantle of Captain Man and Kid Danger is being passed down to good -no- amazing people. Not to mention you Charlotte, you're a tech wiz! With you at their side you'll make sure nothing happens to those to knuckleheads." He shook his head, "I sure will miss this place." I smiled sadly and we group-hugged again. The taxi driver honked the horn loudly making us all jump.

"Hey!" I said, "what are we getting all sad about? You'll still visit us, and you're only a few hours away right?" He nodded,

"Yeah... I guess this is... Goodbye then." We group hugged again then Ray walked out of the store activating the fire breathing dino head. We waved at him from the front window.

When the taxi was well out of sight we went back into the Man Cave.

Jasper asked, "so, what now?" I pulled out the Captain Man gumball tube and looked at it.

"Now, we protect Swellview like we promised, like we promised him." Charlotte put her fist out,

"we make Ray proud." I put my fist next to hers. Jasper nodded and put his wrist next to mine. He said,

"For Ray." I nodded,

"For Ray," Charlotte followed our lead saying,

"For Ray." We smiled at each other than the crime alarm went off. Charlotte checked her phone and said,

"There's a robbery at Patricia's Pottery!" I glanced at Jasper and we both blew a bubble. It felt a little weird to see Jasper dressed as Kid Danger, but I said;

"So... What do you say Kid Danger?" He smiled,

"Let's go stop Jeff Captain Man." I smiled as we walked underneath the tubes. I glanced at him and said,

"Call it." He smiled and tapped his belt buckle,

"Up the tube!"

Ray may not be Captain Man anymore, but I am; and I am going to make Ray proud of me.


There you have it! Short and sweet.(literally, this is like 1000 words long). Comment how you think the series should end below.


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