The Start of it All

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I just wanted to give a shout out to accchuck7. Her book Fired(Henry Danger) plus a few really weird dreams I had inspired me to write this. Go check it out if you haven't ​yet! Thanks to everyone whose been commenting and voting. On with the story!

EDITED: 5/20/17


Location: AHL HQ; Metroburg

When we got to the Anti-Hero League Piper gasped out loud. I guess the main floor was pretty impressive. She ran over to Veronica and said, "are you Henry's girlfriend? How long have you had your powers? What are your powers?" Eddie laughed,

"I guess that's your sister. Her thoughts are louder than yours! And that's saying something!"

Piper started to talk to Veronica about some girl stuff so I pulled up the security footage of Max's hospital room. Aidan walked up behind me and said, "hey." I jumped, "just go down there and visit him." I shrugged,

"I guess that makes sense, but not really." I said to Veronica, "I'm going to go and visit Max. I'll be back." She nodded then distracted Piper by teleporting them to the other side of the room. I walked to the elevator and pressed the red cross. I shot down to the hospital floor, when it opened I used my super speed to find out which room Max was in. When I entered he was sleeping, his shoulder looked better, but it was still covered with little red blots and lots of bandages. Max groaned and opened his eyes,

"Henry? What are you doing here?" I shrugged,

"you're like the older brother I never got. Where else would I be?" He tried to sit up, but groaned in pain and laid back down.

"I just don't understand it." I sat next to him and let him finish his thought, "she never left burn marks on Billy or me when we were still a... family... how was it possible she hurt me now?" I looked at him then said,

"maybe..." he waited, "maybe it was because your bond as being siblings protected you, Billy, and Phoebe from getting hurt." He looked thoughtful then said,

"so... I guess this means she really does believe Phoebe." I nodded,

"there's a bright side." He looked at me, "my sister chose to live with us instead of Captain Man." He smiled,

"great! When does she start training?" I put my hands up,

"woah there, slow down Maxie boy, I brought her here so we can teach her how to control her powers. I don't want her fighting crime until she's at least thirteen," Max nodded,

"I guess I'm just excited about having a new sister!" I smiled then through the coms Alice said,

"Henry! We're getting a call from the hero league!" Max said,

"go on. Right now, you're acting leader." I nodded and left him alone. When I got up to the layer floor I pressed, 'accept' and was met with an angered Super President Kickbutt.

"yes?" She rolled her eyes,

"when Max said he wasn't a Thunderman anymore it hurt his twins feelings." I blew up,

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" She winced, but I didn't stop. "MAX HURT HER FEELINGS?! SCREW YOU!" The building started to shake and I breathed slowly, when the shaking stopped Phoebe appeared on the screen. She was dressed in her Z-force costume and said,

"I expect Max to apologize for hurting my feelings." I was pissed off even more, I could tell Mikey was trying to get me to calm down. However, I was so mad I ended up breaking the connection he had.

Henry Danger: RebornWhere stories live. Discover now