A New Life for All

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EDITED: 5/21/17

One year after the 'final battle,' most of the villains either switched to the good/Blackguard side or were caught. After Max moved back in with his family in their house Alice took over Blackguard. Charlotte went back to the 'dark realm' wherever that was, and I moved into my mom and dad's house with Penelope. Speaking of which,

"Henry!" Penelope shouted up the apartment stairs, "you need to walk me to school!" I groaned and stood up stretching.

"Coming! Give me a few minutes!" I pulled on blue jeans, a navy blue t-shirt and leather jacket. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs giving my mom a hug on the way.

"Hurry up! I have a test first period!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a man-cake from the plate on the table.

"Just go, I'll catch up with you!" She nodded and walked out the door. I pulled on my shoes and saw my parents exchange a look. "What?" I asked they hesitated then my mom said,

"Ray, you tell him." Ray shook his head,

"no, you do." My mom shook her head,

"you tell him Ray! You are the man of the house!" I shouted,

"will someone just tell me what's happening?!" My dad sighed then said,

"you may want to sit down..." I frowned, I've seen enough movies to know when someone tells someone to sit down nothing good ever comes out of it. I sat on a chair by the kitchen table and asked,

"why? What happened?" He sat next to me then said,

"it's um..." My mom said,

"there maybe a way to bring back Piper." I froze, what did they mean? My dad sat next to me,

"Charlotte said that her mentor told her of a possible way to bring back the dead and was willing to try for Piper." I sighed and leaned forward, putting my head between my hands. "We want you to make the choice," I looked up at him and asked,

"why me? I'm the one who got her killed..." my mom sighed,

"Henry... you know that's not true. You aren't pressed for time or anything, but you need to decide rather or not you want to try this okay?" I nodded and stood up,

"I have to catch up to Pen, see you guys later." I used my super speed kicking up the papers in the air. I tapped Penelope on her shoulder and she jumped surprised.

"Hey Henry! Are you ready to go back to school?" I nodded,

"how about you? It's been awhile hasn't it?" She nodded,

"my last day of school was the day of the boss fight." I chuckled at what she called the Battle of the Decade. "So, what's wrong?" I frowned,

"nothing, why do you ask?" She smiled,

"Henry, I'm your sister. I know when you're lying." I sighed then sat down on a nearby bench,

"it's really nothing... Mom and dad just told me there's a way to bring Piper back to life." Penelope sat next to me and leaned on my arm.

"Are you going to do it?" I shrugged,

"I don't know. On one hand, I really want my little sister back, but on the other, hand... I know messing with life and death can get pretty catastrophic." Penelope looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

"You should do what you think is right Henry." I looked at her,

"what if what I think is right ends up being the wrong decision?" She frowned then said,

Henry Danger: RebornWhere stories live. Discover now