Day Two

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EDITED: 5/20/17

Location: Man Cave; Swellview


I was trying to communicate with a few other Dark Witches when Ray came down the Man Cave. "Ray!" I exclaimed, "I thought you were with the Dark Hero trying to figure out this super villain stuff." He chuckled,

"Oh Girl, you don't understand anything." Okay, so this wasn't Ray he was probably a supervillain disguised as Captain Man. I lowered my vision into the veil, a type of in-between world that allows dark witches to see a person's real shadow. I looked at Ray again and he was covered in fire. Oh shit! It's Inferno! I threw my hand in front of me and shot Inferno with a wave of darkness.

"Inferno! What are you doing here?!" He chuckled then took off his mask.

"I should've known you were a dark witch girly. I still have to complete my mission." Now I was confused,

"What mission?!" He said while lighting himself on fire,

"Burning down Captain Man's lair! Now, I'm just lucky I get to kill one of your kind as well!" I created a dome using dark energy to protect us. Inferno chuckled,

"You won't be able to hold that for long. Once your charm burns out I'll still be here ready to destroy you!" I glanced back at Henry's mom. She looked both terrified, yet she had hope in her eyes. I hope I can hold Inferno off before something happens...

Location: Dark Hero's base; Swellview

I started to clean my weapons and my gear for tonight. Phoebe knocked on the door and I growled at her, "what do you want Thunder Girl?" She winced then sat on my bed.

"I just... I feel like we've met before. Who exactly are you?" I chuckled,

"I'm not stupid enough to tell you." I continued to clean my gun then Phoebe pulled it away using her Telekinisis.

"What the hell!" I tried to grab it back, but she pulled it further away. "Look, just give me the gun back." She shook her head,

"Not until you tell me who you are." Someone shouted,

"Phoebe!" Max overrode her Telekinisis with his own and tossed me the gun. I caught it by the handle and twirled it then put it in the holster in my belt.

"Hi Max," judging by Max's expression he was pissed off. Where was Mikey when you needed him?

"Max it's fine." He shook his head,

"No it's not. My idiot of a sister tried to find out what your identity is." I shook my head then Piper walked in. She said,

"Oh... Am I interrupting something?" I glanced at her then said,

"What are you doing in here?" She sighed,

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to train me some more." Phoebe said,

"I'll train you Piper." She smirked,

"Thanks Phoebe, but no thanks. I don't want a traitor to train me to be a n Anti- Hero." My phone rang, it was Charlotte.

"Charlotte?" She replied in a frantic voice,

"I need help! I can only hold him off for so long!" Now I was confused,

"Charlotte, hold who off?!" She said,

"I don't have time to explain... I'm losing the shield! I need something to-" there was a static sound and she lost contact. I ran to Ray's room and saw him and Jasper talking to each other out of costume.

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