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So, I was finally able to read this since I completed it. As in, pick out each and every one of my plot errors and everything like that. Thank you all so much for the continuous votes and support on this, but I am going to publish a re-written version of this. I will still have this work up as it is my first completed fic and I am very proud of it, but I am going to fix as many errors in the re-write as well as writing it in the third person(he/she) cause that's what I'm used to writing now. Also, for more Henry Danger angst check out my at Superavenger212. Please let me know if you read my .net stuff cause you found out I write here. I'm still new to .Net as a writer so I'm trying to figure out how the review/respond thing works.

Love you all,


Henry Danger: RebornWhere stories live. Discover now