Chapter 1

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  Jade sat in her throne, her leg bouncing up and down as she drummed her fingers against the fine golden armrest. A monstrous dragon rumbled lowly below her and she looked down at it with a cocked eye brow.
She then turned back to the large wooden doors with the kingdom crest carved into it. The dark queen growled to her self and checked the time, "Ugh, where is he? It's been an hour." She hissed and the dragon below her let out another rumble in response. The temporary queen stamped her foot and slumped back in her chair.
Just as she was about to ring for a servant, the door opened to reveal a black haired man with pale skin and signature rosy cheeks.
"Terrance you're late!" Jade stated and his fist clenched on the armrest.
"Your highness I tried to find him! We were searching the castle everywhere, only to find he was hiding in the garden again." A servant woman said as she rushed in after Terrance. Her petite form making quick ways across the extensive throne room.
"You've done well Maybelle, you are dismissed. As for you.." Jade said and stood from her throne, "Why in the hell are you late?!" She snapped as she watched her younger brother climbed the steps to her throne.
"I was in the garden." Terrance said simply with a shrug.
"We have suitors here waiting for you and you choose to sit in the garden," Jade seethed and grabbed her little brother once he got to the top of the stairs, "You're filthy! No maiden will like you if you're caked with dirt and smell of fertilizer." She growled and let go of the other.
"We have no time to clean you up since you're late." She said and pinched the space between her eyes, "Its fine its whatever we'll just go with it." Jade exclaimed and started to shove Terrance out the door.
The younger just blinked and let his sister pull him, it wasn't like he could do anything despite him hating this. He hated all of it, being set up for marriage and being forced to rule. His sister was much better fit for that role, not him. All his suitors had no spunk either, they just giggled and batted their eyes. What kind of act was that even? It just made them look like idiots. What was even the appeal of girls anyways? Their boobs were just sacks of fat on their chest, they fussed over their hair too much and made themselves look like dolls. Terry always knew he wasn't normal, he seemed attracted to the boys rather than the girls. It was just a thing, but of course his sister didn't know.
If she knew there would be male suitors in that room, not women.
But Jade didn't so he was currently being shoved down a hallway towards a room filled with headache inducing perfume and faces cakes with makeup.
He groaned inwardly at this, but his face remained neutral. He could hear them now, he could head their flittery giggles and the servant announcing his arrival. Jade had stopped pulling him and adopted that regal look.  He had always admired that regal look, he had once attempted to mimic it but then was told it looked like he had a boner and it was pushing up against his pants awkwardly. He had given up being royal after that.
So that's why he was currently scratching his elbow as he walked into the room. The giggling stopped and the girls stared at him as Jade put on that tight smile.
She glanced over to Terrance who was currently scratching his elbow like and idiot. Her eyes flared with wisps of red before she watched Terrance jump and rub the back of his head at a sudden tug from a spell.
Ah magic, it will never get old.
"Greeting ladies." Jade said and curtsied politely as she looked at her brother who stared for a minute before getting the idea and bowing to the woman who giggled and curtsied as well, "I assume you're all here to see if you are a suitable wife for my brother, yes?" Jade asked.
The girls nodded and waved at Terry who just nodded his head. Jade internally face palmed but kept her smile plastered on her face, "Great! Lets get started."
The next few hours consisted of Terry doing the waltz with each individual girl and then sitting down and drinking tea with her. He was extremely bored throughout this, not even bothering to initiate conversation. He responded with blunt answered and purposely slurped his tea just to make the other uncomfortable.
Eventually, he was freed when one of his suitors smacked him for not even trying and stormed out.
That's how he ended up where he was now, walked beside his sister with a burning red hand mark across his face. Jade looked pissed, her aura was all over the place as they walked towards the balcony.
Once they made it, Jade leaned over the railing and motioned for her brother to come.
"Do you see all of this Terry?" She asked softly and gestured to the large expanse of kingdom. People bustling in the streets, trading and other things happening.
"Yes I'm not blind." Terry said and watched as his sister's lips quirked into a smile.
"You know what I mean, ass." She said and sighed, "Terry you're going to be ruling all of this. Aren't you excited?" Jade said and looked at Terry who looked down and leaned over the railing.
"No." He said bluntly and looked at the busy kingdom.
"I don't get why. It's so beautiful, all those people waiting for you and watching you and respecting you." The older said wistfully.
"That's the point, I don't want that. I want to be free, I don't want the weight of everyone's eyes upon me." Terry said and looked at his ring.
"Terry it's not like you're in prison. You're free, just..not free to do what you want all day." Jade said, "You're being overdramatic." She said and looked at him with a cold expression.
"I'm not being over dramatic." Terry growled and took a step back.
"If you weren't then you'd grow a pair and choose a queen to rule this kingdom!" Jade snapped and her eyes flared with the boiling anger stirring in her gut.
"I don't want to! I want to choose my own path Jade!" Terry snapped back and his own magic flared in his hands.
"Just grow up! You've always been like this, why won't you tell me the reason behind your resistance?!" Jade yelled and jabbed a finger at Terry.
"You don't tell me what to do! You're not Dad!" Terry snarled and pushed Jade's hand away from his chest.
"I might as well be! If I didn't take care of you all those years while we were with mom then you'd be dead!" Jade growled and her fist clenched.
"I rather be dead then fucking living my life like a slave with a bitch I don't even like!" Terry screamed and his magic sparked into orange flames that blasted right next tot Jade's foot.
The temporary queen jumped back and stumbled slightly as she stared at her brother who was absolutely seething. Smoke came from his feet as he burned the fine marble the balcony was made of.
"I will not marry and I will not lead this kingdom. You can't make me." Terry said and with that, stormed away with burnt footsteps behind him, leaving Jade to huff and right herself before going the opposite direction back to her quarters.

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