Chapter 5

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It had taken almost half the day to get Terry up, dressed, informed of what was going on, packed up, and moved into the Witch's small house
Azure huffed as he set the last box on the Prince's new room. The prince himself was looking around, since Azure had suggested he do so.
Once the Witch came back out, he found Terry crouched down and scratching Azure's cat familiar under the chin. The witch watched the small, warm moment before Merci caught sight of him and padded over.
Azure hummed and easily picked her up and put her over his shoulders like a scarf, to which she stayed and contently purred.
"I like your cat." Terry said and stood back up to full height.
"Thanks' she seems to like you too." Azure replied and sighed heavily.
There were a few moments of silence before Terry spoke up again, "So this is your house?" He asked and walked into the kitchen.
"Yes." Azure mumbled and followed him in, deciding to make some tea.
"But its so...small. I would have thought it was larger." Terry mumbled and watched as Azure pulled a step stool over to the counter. And even then he had to hoist himself up on to it just to reach a cabinet.
"Nope. This was all I got, which is okay. It houses me and Merci, and now you." Azure mumbled and grunted as he finally grasped a small jar of tea leaves.
"Its nice." Terry said and walked over and closed the cabinet for the witch.
More silence passed as Azure unclasped the lid and breathed in the sweet smell of mint.
"You sure do use mint a lot, any reason for that?" Terry asked and walked up beside Azure as he hummed in thought.
"Its an herb that suits me as a person. Its cool and icy but also gentle and delicate." Azure explained and took another deep breath, but this time searching for the firey smell of the prince next to him.
"Delicate.." Terry repeated softly and watched Comic's hands move with precision and grace, "Gentle." He said and nodded to himself.
"You are cinnamon, warm and spicy at times. It can burn, but also comfort." The witch continued as he bent down and grabbed a pot from the lower cabinet and got off his stool to fill the pot with water.
"How do you know that?" Terry said as he tried not to stare at Azure.
"Magic." Said witch hummed and turned the faucet on.
"Thats a shit answer and you know it." Terry said which made Azure look back at him.
It took a few second before the blue witch snorted loudly and started laughing.
Terry watches for a minute before his usual stone face quirkes into a smirk as he chuckled a little too. Soon both were laughing, Azure was so hard that he had tears in his eyes.
But it came to an end and the witch sighed and wiped away his joyful tears, "Oh jeez, I haven't laughed like that in forever." He said with a smile as he blushed slightly and looked up at Terry, "Thank you." He said gently before going back to making tea.
Terry laughed nervously and looked away, "No problem." He said and rubbed the back of his neck, "Im gonna go put my stuff away." He said gently and Azure gave a soft nod.
The prince nodded and awkwardly scooted out of the room and towards his new one.
He walkes in the doorway and shut the door behind him. He let out a heavy sigh and stared at the ceiling with a quickly beating heart.
Why had Azure's laughter made him so happy? It felt so natural to make the other laugh. It felt good to make the other smile and break his calm, cool, collected facade.
Terry swallowed thickly as he looked around the small room. It was a lot smaller than his old room, but for some reason it felt more welcoming. It was cozy and warm, it smelt like ginger and summer berries.
The dark prince walked over to his bed and took the box off of it. He sat down on it, the mattress was soft in its own way. Not like the rich soft his old bed had, no it was like an old and worn in soft. The pillows were stuffed with feathers unlike the castle ones, the blankets were thick and smelt like earth and rain. He had a small window in the far wall with a tiny plant as his only company. When he looked across his bed, he found a dresser with a small note on it. Terry turned to see a modest book shelf. His bed post was made of twisting branches and the roots of a great tree. They seemed to twist so perfectly to make a cozy, almost nest like area for the prince to sleep.
Terry felt like this was better than his old house, he liked it here. He liked Merci, and Azure seemed to be likeable as well.
Eventually, the prince started to do what he came in here for. He put up some pictures, some documents, and a small teddy bear on his bed.
He hummed and eventually sat down in a rocking chair that was near the window. He opened the small note and read it over, he felt his cheeks heating up at the simple little gesture Azure had done.
Just a simple little note welcoming the other to his little burrow and yet it seemed to light the prince's cheeks abalze and his heart beat the weird fluttery pattern.
Terry looked around and then put the note with his important documents. After that, he left and walked into the living room where Azure sat with a mug in his hands and Merci on his lap. The tv was on, he was watching one of those competitive cooking shows. Terry wandered over and sat down on the couch a bit aways from Azure.
"Nice for you to join me, pour yourself some tea and kick back." Azure invited softly
Terry took the offer and poured himself a still warm mug. He sank back into the couch and stared at the tv, he eventually felt the warm presence of the cat next to him.
Terry smiled a little and watched as Azure muttered about things the cooks on tv and how they should have done this or not do that.
He especially got mad when someone put coco powder in their cake and nothing to moisten it since coco powder dries cake out.
The prince smiled even more behind his mug as he stared at Azure, the witch's cheeks were rosy from his yelling and he looked slightly flustered. His hair was fuzzed up and messy, unlike how it usually was. He had a white t-shirt on and some pj pants with cartoon cats on them. His socks were a light pink and his small hands gripped his number one boss mug tightly.
Terry sighed and leaned his head back, he knew he would enjoy it here.

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