Chapter 11

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"Comic...?" Terry mumbled under his breath.
His eyes widened with realization as the figure standing before them was Comic indeed. He looked around and caught the enraged look on his sisters face. He looked back down at Comic who was actually meeting the queen's fiery gaze, with his own burning coldness that actually made his sister flinch.
"Why are you here?!" Jade finally called and stood from her seat, "How did you get out?!" She demanded and made her way down towards Comic calling for the guards.
A few guards that were there darted towards Comic to grab him, but the witch seemed to react quickly. A spell blasted from the witch's out stretched hand that spread around him and created a barricade of sharply jutting ice spikes. The guards managed to scramble back in time. One tried to take a swing to break the ice, but ended up breaking his hand.
Comic didn't even flinch at the sudden scream of pain from the guard.
Jade stopped in her tracks, Terry watched a glimmer of fear flashed over her face before she covered it up with anger, "You have no right to be here witch! You have no right to even see the prince and his bride." Jade accused and stopped in the middle of the walkway, some ways away from Comic.
"I do." Comic spoke, his voice shaking with his own rage, "I have my rights and you are not one to tell me who I can and can't see." The witch said and took a step forward.
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" Comic screamed, his voice thundered and bounced off the walls making the people cower and scream in terror, "YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CAN'T LOVE. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO MY HEART, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO MY MIND. I AM AZURE HAMILTON AND YOU CAN'T KEEP ME TRAPPED HERE ANYMORE!" The witch screamed and flashed his hand out. Spears of ice darted out from the fast acting spell, Jade had barely any time to block it. But she managed to do so.
"YOU CAN'T KEEP ME FROM HIM. I AM AZURE HAMILTON AND I AM A WITCH, BUT I AM STILL A PERSON LIKE YOU ALL. I HAVE WANTS AND DESIRES AND I LOVE. I LOVE LIKE YOU ALL, JUST BECAUSE I AM A WITCH DOES NOT MEAN I CAN'T LOVE WHO I WISH." Comic continued, cold tears falling down his face and once they hit the floor. They froze, "I AM AZURE HAMILTON AND I AM IN LOVE WITH THE PRINCE." Comic said and looked up at Terry and was silent for a few moments, "And I know he loves me too." The witch said and looked down, "You have no rights to my heart." He said and stared directly at the queen.
"But you are a witch! A relationship between a witch and one with demon or angel blood is absurd! Unheard of! Especially with one of no royal blood." Jade argued and stood back up from her crouched and defensive position.
"Actually," a soft voice was heard from behind Comic and soon a soft grey cat padded into view before jumping onto Comic's shoulder, "Azure is of royal blood, witch wise." She said matter of factly.
"Merci you can talk?!" Terry's surprised voice echoed through the shocked and silenced room.
"Of course she can! She's a familiar!" Comic said and smiled as the cat rubbed her cheek against his scratched up face.
"Back to what I was saying, Azure is a descendant of a royal and powerful witch clan. It was a clan of powerful ice witches that could freeze time itself, which Azure can do as well." Merci said.
"You can't freeze time?!" Terry asked again and watched as Comic blushed and nodded.
"Yes he can, anyways. The clans died out and they simply just became a democracy type thing. One elected leader." Merci purred and earned a gentle scratch under the chin from Comic.
"Smart kitty." The witch praised and Merci sighed and settled on the shoulder of her assigned witch.
Another silence set in before another voice piped up, "Well I'm for it!" It said.
Everyone turned to see Jesse throwing off her vail and heels before running down to Comic and hugging him, "It's so cute that you guys are willing to fight for each other! Very romantic." Jesse said cheerfully.
"But I thought-" Jade said and stood up and walked over, seemingly slightly taken aback that Comic backed away.
"I'm suffering the same situation as Terry. I'm a lesbian, I've got a cute servant girl to go home to now." Jesse said and smiled widely, "My dad wanted me to marry in to keep the royal blood line or whatever." She explained and waved her hand dismissively.
"Go figure." Terry said as he joined them, "So what now?" He asked and looked at his sister who sighed.
"Well this clearly isn't gonna work out," she gestured between Jesse and Terry, "But..I do guess that we can make some law changes." Jade said with a small smile.
"So does that mean..." Terry asked with his face lighting up as he stole a glance over at Comic who was talking with a child.
"Yes, I do suppose so. I, Queen Jade of the Golden Authority, here by proclaim that Azure-"
"'s Comic." The witch said and walked over, "Your highness." He said and bowed to her.
"Er- yes Comic and Terry are legally and socially allowed to be together. Those who oppose please say something now." She said and looked around, no one made any complaint so she smiled and took the hands of both Terry and Comic, "You have my blessing boys." She said and joined the two hands together and smiled, "I'm very proud of you Terry." She said.
Terry smiled brightly but it didn't last long as he was pulled down by his tie and into a deep kiss by Comic.
The crowd cheered happily, and since no one seemed to want to leave just yet. They continued with the wedding, but without the wedding part and skip straight to the after party.

The end.

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