Chapter 8

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Comic sat back down in his seat with a huff as he watched Terry sat down as well and stare across the table at them. The witch currently, was flushed, his hair was a mess, and his cloak was somewhere in the room. Terry didn't look much better though.
The two had just made out in the corner and they were both now sitting across from each other at the table.
The two of them stared at each other in silence, Comic had adopted a very deep in thought look as Terry watched him. He felt slightly uncomfortable so the prince piped up, "That was good." He offered and Comic's face turned red at that.
There was some more silence before the witch mumbled from behind his hands, "I'm so screwed." He said and groaned.
"I don't think I did that." Terry said.
Comic let out a squawk and his face erupted in one of the darkest shades of red Terry had seen. The witch looked outright flustered and the prince chuckled slightly.
"Okay okay okay I dunno what just happened but I'm gonna forget about it for now and ask you what you saw in that vision." Comic said and spotted his cloak which was across the room.
"Well, I saw someone. I couldn't see their face, they seemed so gentle. Someone that actually loved me for me." Terry explained and actually started to get shy, "And yeah..." he said and looked down.
Comic just nodded and sighed, "I tried to look at the vision as well but my crystal ball exploded right as I tried to look at the person. That's never happened before..." he said and bit his lip.
Terry stared at the other and blushed slightly, he knew he shouldn't be thinking like this but his mind just wandered sometimes at the expressions Comic made.
The witch grumbled and got up, "We'll just have to try something else." He said and pounded the table before getting up.
The next few hours consisted of Comic getting so frustrated that his magic short circuited and he froze himself to the floor. Every trick they tried failed, from to getting electrocuted, getting blasted in the face, getting stuck together, and randomly getting motion sickness.
It didn't seem like Comic's day in the magic field, so it was a little sad and funny to watch the small witch stamp his foot with anger as he flipped through a book of spells.
Terry hummed as he sipped a cup of herbal tea, his gaze followed Comic wherever he walked. The prince eventually stood up and walked over to the witch. He put his hand on the small of the others back which made Comic go rigid and looked up at the prince.
"It's late. Go to bed." Terry said firmly.
"But I-" Comic tried but fell silent by the look Terry gave him.
"Go on." He said and gently directed Comic in the right direction.
"Fine.." the witch said and went to his room.
Some time passed and Terry peeked in to find the witch fast asleep in his bed. The hybrids face softened at the sight and he smiled softly. He caught himself though and shut the door as quietly as he could and slumped against it.
He could not be falling for the witch. There was no way! It was crazy! A prince, one with demon and angel blood, with an ice witch?! It was absurd, it was taboo, it was outright outlawed! It was..oh Vita it was wonderful. Terry slid down to sit, he put his hand on his forehead and ran his fingers through his hair. Great gods he was falling for the witch, the one that had been so kind to let him stay. To let him do what he wanted without complaint. Terry lit out a shaky breath as he contemplated his choices. He thought back to the kiss earlier, it was just a spur of the moment thing right? He had just leaned in and Comic reciprocated right? It meant nothing right? Right?
Terry wasn't so sure. Eventually he got up and went to his room, he changed and then laid down in bed. He stared at the ceiling as he thought about his life and what was gonna happen next.
The next few months consisted of Comic trying a bunch of different tricks and then all of them failing. Terry had pat the witch's back through at least three break downs. And then had to catch the other when he randomly fell asleep.
Terry currently sat on the couch watching tv with Comic who was in his pjs and was petting the cat. They hadn't talked about what had happened all those months ago, nor had that kiss progressed anything in their relationship. Though they had become very good friends, and Comic had taught Terry how to cook. Which was great, the prince could now make scrambled eggs and sticky buns.
The Royal ball was coming up soon, it was where Terry was finally supposed to choose a wife and they'd be married in the next few days. The prince sighed heavily as he reached over and pet the cat. Comic hummed gently at that and then took Terry's hand, "She likes it here." He said and guided the prince's hand to a spot under the cat's chin. Just like Comic said, the cat had started purring louder.
Small moments like these made Terry's chest warm. The prince had come to accept his little crush on the witch and enjoyed any company time they spent together.
"The ball is tomorrow." Comic said gently and looked over to Terry with gentle blue eyes.
"Mhm." Terry said and pulled away from the cat.
"You're gonna have to choose a wife." Comic said even quieter and Terry nodded solemnly.
"I know." Terry replied and sighed.
"Do you want to try one more trick?" Comic asked quietly and leaned his head against the other's shoulder.
"Sure." Terry choked out and blushed slightly at the action.
"Okay." Comic said and put his hand on Terry's thigh before getting up and motioning for the prince to follow.
They both went back to the potion room, where the kiss had happened. Which was one of the best moments in Terry's life, and despite him not knowing it, Comic's too. The witch had even adopted the nickname Terry used for him, he told people to address him as that now. Comic hummed gently as he grabbed a few herbs and put them in a cauldron. He took a few liquids and poured them in as well. Terry tried to peer in but Comic pushed him back just in time to avoid being splashed in the face by boiling green liquid. The bubbles in it popped and splattered everywhere. The witch added a few more things before taking a stick and stirring it, he then pulled it out and took out a cup. He dipped it in and filled it up half way before handing it to Terry, "Drink." He said gently and went over to a mirror and smeared some of the liquid on to it. The liquid evaporated and Terry watched before he looked down at the thick, lime green liquid in his cup. He gagged slightly but pinched his nose and started to drink, just as he expected it was horrible. He swallowed the last drop and let out a low groan.
"Now drink this." Comic said and handed him a glass of almost clear yellow liquid.
Terry didn't argue and did so, he coughed and almost spit it out. It was unbelievably sour, "Ugh, was that lemon juice?" He asked and Comic nodded, "Why do I need to drink that?" He asked.
"No reason, it's just funny." Comic said and patted Terry's head and smiled softly.
"Har har har." Terry grumbled and walked over.
"This is called the Two Souls ceremony. You have a soul, and it's matched with a another soul at birth. Even if the soul you're matched with isn't alive yet. This is gonna help you find your soulmate I'm sure. You'll see the person, loud and clear in the middle. And your souls will light up in close distance to each other. So you'll either see them in the mirror or their soul will light up. You'll know where they are, so get prepared to travel somewhere."
Terry nodded and looked into the mirror. Comic blew out the candles and suddenly the room got ice cold. Terry let out a breath and he watched it cloud in front of his eyes. He looked around but couldn't see anything besides his reflection in the mirror.
"Calm down. Be silent, be quiet. The two souls ceremony is about to start." A voice whispered in his ear. Terry jerked away and tried to rub at his ear.
"Two souls." Another voice whispered and a million different ones giggled quietly.
"Two souls matched at birth." One said and the other broke into laughter.
"Born to love each other, born to be one." They all changed and Terry found himself being forced to stare at the mirror.
"Two souls." The voices chanted in his ears.
An image started to appear in the mirror, it swirled and shimmered. Just as he thought he was about to see a clear image, the mirror shattered and the voices stopped.
There was dead silence for a bit, Terry could only hear his own breathing.
"The two souls ceremony is complete." A voice hummed in his ear.
"Turn around little prince," one said and Terry found himself turning to stare at a blue soul. It was lit up, the color was a frosty blue almost white. But the outsides of it were rimmed with an azure color.
Terry looked down at his chest and a heart shaped soul was lit up, it was a fiery orange and red. It was hot and flaming.
The lights turned on to reveal Comic standing there frozen, staring down at his chest. His legs were shaking and pure look of terror, shame, worry, astonishment, and shock was plastered on his face as he looked up to stare at Terry.
"Comic." Terry spoke finally.
"Terry." Comic said in a broken voice.
"Comic." Terry said and starting forward.
"Terry." Comic responded and found his legs moving forward as well.
"Comic!" Terry said, his voice cracking as he crossed the room and stood in front of Comic. Comic met him in the middle.
"Terry!" Comic sobbed as tears started to fall down his face.
The taller lifted his hands up and wiped away the tears with his thumbs and smiles gently. The two were silent for a moment before Comic lifted his hand and wiped away his tears. He laughed a little and then looked up at Terry and stared at him.
"Kiss me." Comic demanded.
"Gladly." Terry said and grabbed the other.
The lights were soon turned off again and Merci sat in the living room with a pillow over her head and the tv all the way up, trying to drown out the noises coming from the other room. And they weren't exactly quiet.

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