Chapter 2.1 ✦ Consequence

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They can hear obvious noises, and it is exceptionally loud near the city centre.

"What is that?" Alaina asks, rather annoyed, when they approach the outer ring of the castle.

Beyond the palace and away from all the responsibilities that's expected of her as a princess, lies her element, her other home, her freedom -- her life, away from the castle. But the peace she's expecting is now ruined by the shouts and loud chatters in the distance -- all of those that can only mean bad news, as Theia is never chaotic with such disturbing noises.

"No idea," Lancaster says, still frowning.

"It is coming from the city centre -- but first, I know someone who can be of help."

With that said, they head far away from the castle. As they head towards their destination, though, the normally lively streets they would walk through are now only desolate; they are close to empty, deserted. What's left of them are only very few locals with looks of disappointment hanging obviously across their faces. Most of the locals are probably part of the crowd protesting at the city centre. The locals they pass simply ignores them, only minding their own businesses quietly.

Also known as the Land of Sun, the Kingdom of Theia is the liveliest and most fun-loving of all seven kingdoms of Asteria -- or so it was, because the atmosphere seems so gloomy, that they no longer live up to the title. The people are the ones who make up the kingdom; but without happy people, a happy kingdom would cease to exist.

Witnessing the situation, Alaina feels depressed as well, as if the feeling is contagious and with air itself carrying the virus. She feels worse when she feels incapable of doing anything, not that she even know what is going on to be able to do something to begin with.

Stealing a glance over at Alaina, Lancaster knows very well the princess is upset. "Don't worry, whatever it is, we'll fix it. We always do." That is what Lancaster says, but his frown gives everything away. Sure, they had countless protests before, but this is like no other; it is like the entire kingdom and all of its people are against whatever that's going on, just by looking at the empty streets.

Alaina bites her lip. She doesn't know what to say, so she just nods lightly. She can only hope that it is nothing but a mere misunderstanding of some sort, and nothing serious enough for any big changes to take place or for anything to leave a drastic consequence. She touches her mother's necklace hanging around her neck gently, feeling the diamond gleaming brilliantly in the centre of the circle containing it. Deep down, she hopes Lancaster is right: that they'll be able to fix it, whatever it is.


Contrary to the lively heart of the kingdom, the outskirts of the city is peaceful and quiet.

Alaina and Lancaster now stand in front of a small cottage, its chimney blowing off tiny clouds of steam. Not far away from the cottage there's a wooden stand and an old worn-out wagon, around it several large sacks of fruits and vegetables. You can obviously tell they are fresh, as they are standing in the midst of an open field, with a plantation field visible on the other side of the cottage. A figure of a man currently stands in the middle of the plantation field, busy with his work.

Although the Kingdom of Gaea is the one providing the other kingdoms with freshly grown and planted fruits and vegetables, the Kingdom of Theia knows where to find its own fast source within themselves: the Travis Merchants.

Alaina and Lancaster can only make out a shadowy figure of the man, what with the blazing sun hanging over them with its rays shining outstandingly and the distance that separates them and the man. They watch as his figure rubs his forehead with the back of his hand. After a moment, the figure finally lifts his head and glances in the direction of Alaina and Lancaster.

"Your highness!" he waves over.

"Mr Travis!" Alaina calls back, smiling. "Is Rose in?"

"Scarlet is currently helping her mother with --"


Both Alaina and Lancaster turn to the source of interruption, but when they do, Alaina is suddenly ambushed by a girl with brown pigtails in a hug. She is shorter than Alaina, and looks younger than her given her pinch-able chubby cheeks -- one would think she is a girl of only fourteen. She lifts her head up and meets Alaina's blue eyes with her large, round hazel ones.

"Young lady, I am not sure if you do realise that the person you are hugging so casually there is her highness, the Princess of Theia herself," Lancaster says, clearing his throat.

The girl pulls away from the hug, but remains close to Alaina. She leans onto Alaina, both hands on Alaina's arms for support as she turns to face Lancaster, pouting. "Who are you?"

"Lancaster Alnwick, personal knight of her highness." He nods lightly at her as a simple gesture of respect.

"A knight!" she says with gleam in her eyes. "But you know, drop the formalities when you're around her, she doesn't like it." She turns back to Alaina. "Right, Alaina?"

"It's definitely fine to drop the formalities." She smiles softly at her friend, Rose. "But Lancaster is too serious of a man to accept that. Anyway, what's happening around Theia?"

Rose pulls away from Alaina entirely this time, and turns around to head for the cottage. "Come, I'll show you." She gestures for them to follow.

Exchanging looks and shrugging briefly at each other, Alaina and Lancaster follow her.

Inside stands a woman with short curly brown hair whose hands are full with a tray of freshly baked cookies, near the fire place. "Scarlet, help me with -- oh." She stops when she notices the guests. "My, pardon me, I did not notice. Your highness, and her royal knight, I suppose?" She settles her tray down and walks towards them.

"Pleased to meet you," Lancaster says, his right arm moves in tune with his body, finding its spot in front and just above his waist, as he bows slightly in respect.

Alaina steps forward and holds both her hands. "Mrs Travis," she greets, smiling.

"Please, enjoy your stay."

Alaina nods in reply. "It is my pleasure." Turning to Rose, who is now back with a sheet of paper in hand, she asks, "so, what do we have there?" She nods to the paper flinging between Rose's fingers.

"See for yourselves." Rose hands over the paper.

Alaina and Lancaster both examine the paper. It looks like a wanted poster of some sort, with a picture of a man in his thirties in the centre of the paper, only that it does not contain the heading "WANTED". The man is expressionless in the paper, his square jaw and stern face look so threatening that one wouldn't simply defy him. His black hair is tousled in a very odd way, and his eyes look darker than the colour black. His eyes are swirling, infinite black holes, and Alaina shudders at the sight of it.

The paper reads:

Caecilius Black -- the Emperor of Asteria. Submit your respects to his imperial majesty, the one and only absolute Caecilius Black, who is far more worthy than any other kings of the seven kingdoms.

"Emperor?" Alaina scoffs. Lancaster frowns.

"The locals are concerned," Rose says, "you might already know, that they're all protesting in the city centre, hoping to catch the attentions of the kings in the meeting, showing their dissatisfaction."

Alaina turns to Lancaster. He understands immediately, and she need not say a word.

Rose is the only one who manages to smile, even if it's only slightly. "I'm coming with you."

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