Chapter 13.2 ✦ Before Daybreak

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"I've been the best at letting people down;
I've never been the kind of person you could trust."
~ Lloyd (Simple Plan, I'll Try)


When Kai leads them to his own secret path he'd found long ago -- a small barred passageway along the walls of Caelus, one will think it's rather impossible for anyone to get through. However, up close, it is actually possible when you remove the bars; it is really a large tunnel space that is, perhaps, able to fit an entire carriage.

The opening is definitely small, but that's not the case on the inside. After all, looks can be deceiving.

It's a waterway canal. The stone ceiling is high above them, and the flow of water down the canal along with the occasional drops of water around the stone walls can be heard very clearly through the quiet tunnel.

They stand on the platform at the side, above the waterway; right below, the water rushes through the canal like a raging river. Not even getting a single drop of water on them, Lloyd is still rather displeased. He complains when not even Alaina does so, and Rose resists the urge to push him into the water.

As they walk along the stone pavement, their footsteps echo through the tunnel. The slightly curved stone walls around them are carved with certain marks, Lancaster notices, as they continue down the path. It doesn't take him long to realise this isn't a regular waterway canal.

"This is not a mere waterway, is it?" he asks, but it sounds like a fact he's confident of, and the only thing left that he requires is a confirmation to his statement. Squinting his eyes at the walls, Lancaster tries to make out the carvings. Not only are there odd marks along the walls, but there are certain words in random spots.

The marks may be random to everyone else, but they are marks he is rather familiar with. It was a necessary knowledge when Lancaster was still in Caelus.

"Those are war marks!" Lloyd exclaims suddenly, his voice echoing through the passageway. "I've read about them, too, of course, that these marks are used by soldiers back during the Great War," he says proudly.

"Do you know how to decipher it, though?" Lancaster challenges, unable to stand his ego, especially since this is something only the people of Caelus should know.

"I'm working on it. Slowly, but surely."

Eyeing them all suspiciously due to the unusual knowledge outsiders like them have on Caelus, Kai wonders just who these people are.

A princess who can defend herself and has no issues throwing deadly weapons; a scary looking, skilful young knight who might actually kill you with that sword of his; a bespectacled insufferable know-it-all who really does seem like he knows it all; and a hyper, lively girl who loves nature enough to be a part of it herself fearlessly. An interesting bunch indeed.

Lancaster is about to say something, but everything he wanted to say vanishes as his eyes lay upon the words on the wall right opposite of the platform they're walking on.

The words are too familiar.

Deep fire within.

And only in that very moment does Lancaster realise something very important: that those are the few words that make the difference between the old and new Caelus Anthem.

How did he not notice this very tiny, yet very important detail sooner?

Ruler of the skies and all of lands; amidst the skies there's a heart of gold, and the spark lies beyond.

That's what he has always remembered, but as he recalls Kai's words, he now knows for sure that only those three words make the difference between the two Anthems.

Ruler of the skies and deep within; amidst the skies there's a heart of fire, and the spark lies within.

But that finding isn't the only reason why Lancaster is just standing there, smiling ever so slightly; because when the three words are thrown together, they mean something else. Something of significance.

Deep fire within.

However, Lancaster's silent, satisfied moment of triumph is interrupted once again by Lloyd, who always doesn't seem to watch where he's going, as he walks right into Lancaster.

"How many times do you wish to stop in the middle of our track?" Lloyd says frustratedly, adjusting his glasses and straightening his clothes. "What if I fell over, right into the water?"

"It would be worth it, since I now know where we should be headed," Lancaster replies, earning questioning glances from the others. Lloyd opens his mouth to say something, but Rose slaps his arm for Lancaster to continue. Turning to Kai, he asks, "where does this canal lead to?"

"Only slightly beyond the walls; it doesn't take us further from the outskirts of Caelus."

"Where are we going? What do you mean you now know where we should be headed?" Alaina asks Lancaster for everyone, as they all have similar questions in mind.

"The church."

"St. Aether?" Kai offers.

"Not that one."

"Are you talking about the Holy Church of Iros?" Kai questions, rather confused. "Because that one's abandoned."

"Exactly," Lancaster says, "that is where the rebellion is."

Still confused like everyone else, Alaina asks, "how do you know that?"

Lancaster simply answers by pointing to the words on the wall opposite of them, across the flowing water.

"And what does that have to do with the rebellion or the church, for that matter?" Lloyd crosses his arms, not convinced.

"I will explain later," Lancaster replies, sending a glare towards Lloyd. "The only mystery left unsolved on my part is: who carved the words?"

Rose perks around the very edge of the platform. She would've fallen over already, if it isn't for Lloyd, who's grabbing her by the arm as she takes a look at the carved words. "They do look pretty new."

"Lucky for you, The Holy Church of Iros is right around the corner," Kai says as he gestures to a rusted iron ladder leading up to an iron trapdoor. He climbs up really quickly, and this isn't the first time Alaina notices his swift agility.

Finally breathing in fresh air, they find themselves in a deserted back alley.

"Welcome to the dark side of Caelus."

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