Chapter 7.2 ✦ Land Of Sky

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"We're all just looking for something
that gives us a reason to believe."
~ Rose (Plug In Stereo, To Be Wanted)


After so long, their only wish is to arrive at their destination without any more hassles. They now have, only, not in the way they'd imagined.

"Wrong place, wrong time," Kai says angrily as he rests his arm against the cool metal bars of the cell that confines all five of them, his forehead on his arm. "This is all your fault; if you hadn't come to Caelus in the first place, none of this would've happen," he tries to say as calmly as he can, trying to control his anger that's about to burst out like a volcano.

"Then it's fair to say that this is partly your fault, too; if you weren't in Caelus -- doing whatever you were doing -- when we were there, you wouldn't be here. Most importantly, I wouldn't be here, if you hadn't done what you've did that made us so suspicious," says Lloyd, who is sitting in the far corner of the room, leaning against the cold stone wall. He shakes his head and buries his face into his palms. "This is so wrong."

"Oh, how the almighty has fallen," Rose comments, "we're all stuck."

"Which reminds me," Lloyd says suddenly, standing up and startling most of them in the room. "You," he approaches Kai, "are the one we saw back then!"

Kai takes a step back. "The what you saw back when?" he asks, trying to mask his panic. He certainly did not expect to meet them again, and he's currently lost for what to say. Right now, he isn't sure if they are the enemies.

"You produced flames out of thin air!" Lloyd exclaims, with a hint of fascination in his tone. Alaina, who was pacing around minutes ago, stops and pays attention to the ongoing conversation curiously.

"The Lion's Den, you were there."

"Wait -- that was him?" Rose asks in disbelief, clearly with no clue because she wasn't really conscious.

"Wrong person," Kai says, quickly looking away when he finds Alaina watching him. She knows, he thinks, more than anyone else; because they'd caught each other's eyes, twice.

Although she remains silent, it's obvious she's watching, but he doesn't know what's on her mind.

Alaina takes in his features; he has messy brown hair, and it gets messier as he constantly runs his hands through it out of habit or frustration, she isn't too sure. He's around her age, but is only taller than her by an inch or two. The most stunning feature of his, though, are his eyes. They are amber, and as rare as amber eyes were, his are not entirely amber -- a mixture of red and orange is fused within them, just like the colour of sun setting skies or perhaps even the sun itself.

Most significantly, they glow. And in the rather dark confinement room they are trapped in, they glow even more obviously than the first time Alaina had noticed from the first time their eyes met.

Captivated, she soon finds herself staring in the depths of his eyes from the corner of his face.

"You have weird eyes," Alaina states bluntly, when no one else speaks.

Kai turns to glare at her, his gaze fixing onto hers. Alaina is slightly taken aback by his stern glare, but holds his gaze anyway; somehow, she doesn't want to look away. Finally, he says, "I know," and he does. He pulls his eyes away from hers. "I get that a lot. You're not the first," when he finishes, he feels frustration rising, his body fuming.

He loathes it when people point out his eyes being odd as they are.

"Like the sun," she whispers, "beautiful."

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