Fire, Leaves, Snow and Rain

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The warm glow of sunlight bakes your skin and the feathered breeze is welcome to waltz languidly along your sweat dampened limbs.

The heat sinks into your bones, leaving you warm long after the sun bleeds into the horizon, and you find yourself in need of a chill to soothe your discomfort.

The shocking white-topped blue wave hits you, leaving you rigid, only to be swept into a melody the ocean sings as it drifts you around the shore.


The fires of summer are cooled by winds of fall, plucking leaves from the tree's branches and making them dance like puppets on a string.

The scent of pumpkin spice and marshmallows fill the air, flowing on the soft Autumn breezes like ancient sea turtles on the ocean's current.

As branches are laid bare, days are cut and scribbled together in the coming months, like the art of a child hanging on the fridge.


Fall winds are frozen by the bitterness of winter. Raging blizzards, relentless frigid storms and hail hurled angrily at the Earth.

Biting cold and mischievous frosts have people rushing to and from each temporary warm haven, leaving them shivering in their layers.

The world is drenched in soft white, the moon's shine making it glow with the spirit of holiday celebrations and the romance of mistletoe.


But even winter must cease its tirade, and the violent cold is turned into loving weather. The frozen ground grows lush with life, and the dirt softens in the budding warmth.

Scents of new flowers and chocolate fill our noses as we take joy in the world's rebirth. Warm rains bring hope, and with it, a sense of being renewed in the mild sunshine.

Music and laughter accompany the sound of the calming showers, like the harmony paired with the melody. Splashing around in the puddles with childish abandon fill the silence.

And the cycle begins once more...



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