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Polished glass shows only what it sees

But is what is seen really what is there?

Are you the reflection or the subject?

The one seeing or the one being seen?

You can never be sure,

But you can be sure of one fact:

You do not like what you see.

You can be sure that what is being reflected is only validated by what you think,

That sight and perception not only walk hand in hand,

But fight fist to fist,

Shattering any sense of security or certitude you may've once had.

You look in the polished glass,

Look until you can't bear it anymore,

Only to stare some more,

Thinking irrationally, hoping against logic

That what you see will change into something worthy,

Something acceptable.

A reflection to be proud of.

Instead, you are disappointed when the reflection you see remains the same,

Something unworthy of being looked at.  


for those who struggle to like what they see, just the same as I do.


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