Life Sentence

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I wrote this five minutes before I had to present on stage at a Youth and Law Forum I was invited to and I won a laptop bc of it, so I wanted to share it with y'all! 



Locked down,

House arrest bracelets.

Why do these items define what our color means,

what our fate is?

What is the correlation between black and jail,

white and bail?

No conviction

Life in prison

Our skin is our life sentence.

But the period at the end of your sentence should not be staring at you

behind the plexiglass,

Nor should it be staring up at you on your record.

The period at the end of your sentence should be when you are finished talking,

not when you're told you have the right to remain silent. 



if you do not think that we bleed the same color blood and hurt from the same wounds... get the fuck off my shit.

a humans difference from one another is literally just skin deep. we all breathe the same air, live on the same planet, drink the same water, eat the same foods, shit from the same place... we ain't different species. we are human. just love each other, y'all. 

— 𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧

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