Once they landed on Rouge, Grainger thanked the Emperor and made his way to the base. He was stopped by a guard out in front of the station.
"Halt! Who are you?" The guard boomed.
"I am Grainger, here to receive training. The Emperor has come here with me." Grainger stated.
The guard nodded and moved so that Grainger could continue. Over the next few months, Grainger received vigorous and brutal training to prepare him for what he would see in battle. Grainger was at the top of his class and grew incredible powerful like his mother. Just then, the loudspeaker came on and announced Grainger to come to the Office of the Senate. Grainger left the fleet and jogged up the winding stairs to the top floor. He put his hand on the scanner at the chrome door opened, reveling the Senate. Right away, Grainger watched in horror as he saw a giant, purple, laser shoot at Tempolia followed by rumbled that shook the ground and a huge explosion took over the sky.
"Who is reasonable for this!?" Grainger yelled as he watched Tempolia be destroyed. Grainger was especially furious because he lived on Tempolia before he was dumped on Maverick.
"Malice. Malice did this." General Hope stated. General Hope was the only girl in the entire Galactic Senate.
"Malice!" Grainger yelled, remembering everything she did to him and all the pain she caused.
"We have a special mission for you, Grainger. Go to Albea Prime and see if you can seek out you mother. When you find her, you must destroy her before she destroys the galaxy!" Anna exclaimed as she walked from a connecting room.
"Anna." Grainger stated. This was the first time he had ever seen her in person. He was aware that she was his aunt. He knew this because she looked exactly like Malice and was her twin sister. Anna smiled and greeted him. Grainger was star struck as he was meant to kill his own mother.
"There won't be any problems right Grainger?" General Hope asked.
"No Ma'am. No problems." Grainger replied.
When he was dismissed from the office, we ran down the stairs as fast as he could. He gathered some amo and suited up, putting on all his heavy, white, armor. It was an honor to wear white armor because only the best would get to where it. Grainger smiled at this thought and loaded up his fighter jet. He climbed into the seat and pushed the green button. This started the engine and sealed him in the plane. He buckled up and flipped the switches and the plane took of. Grainger set the coordinates for Albea Prime and right to his mother's castle. Grainger thought of what he was going to see when he saw Malice. He hadn't seen Malice since he was six and she left him. He didn't know if he should be mad, sad, angry, or forgiving. He crossed sad and forgiving off the list as these weren't traits of the Knights of Ragnarok. Besides that, he could never forgive Malice for leaving him alone for ten years. When he entered Albea Prime's atmosphere, he was being shot at from all angles by enemy ships. Grainger quickly put up his shield and fired missiles and other weapons at the ships. As he shot them down, he began to land. Once he had safely landed and shot down all the enemy ships. He grabbed his weapons and exited the plane. As he sneaked into the castle, he had to take out some guards. Grainger didn't fell bad at all as he knew they were evil. He began planting bombs as he grew closer and closer to the middle of the castle. He then saw Malice in a tight black dress smiling as she watched the fire in the sky that was Tempolia. Grainger took cover in the shadows as he fired the bombs. This created a ring of fire around Malice and she attempted to push back the flames. Grainger crept up behind her and knocked her out with the handle of his gun. She fell to the floor and he dragged her out to the balcony. There He would speak to her before he left. He had ample to opportunities to kill her though he couldn't bring himself to do it. He remembered the good that she gave him before his sixth birthday. Grainger knew there was still good buried inside her somewhere. He could feel it. He left the castle that day knowing that he had failed the Galactic Senate and his grandfather but he just couldn't kill his own mother. Grainger was filled with rage. She left me alone and I couldn't kill her. Why couldn't I kill her? I am not the knight I should me. What is holding me back? Grainger thought as he stormed out of the castle. Before completely leaving, he was struck on the head and collapsed to the ground.

Rise and Fall- Fight of Faith
Научная фантастикаThe galaxy is in awe as the planet known as Tempolia is blown to smithereens by Malice Turner the evil sister of Anna Turner. Anna tasks Grainger, Malice's abandoned son, with the mission to Albea where the Accords base is. Grainger only has two ch...