It was now three years after Grainger and Sofia's wedding. They were living happily on Albea Point in Malice's castle. Every morning, they would wake up, have coffee, eat breakfast and then got ready to go. Malice was typically busy with tasks from the knights so she wasn't home all the time leaving the house to Grainger and Sofia. Grainger was the head of the Galactic Senate so he was always busy with senate meetings so then it was narrowed down to Sofia and Valarina. Sofia was managing the galaxy news and calling meetings to order. She also went of plenty of diplomatic, rescue, and undercover missions with Valarina, Grainger, and Malice. Valarina was alone for the majority of the day. Granted, she took care of the house work and cleaned up after everyone else, but she didn't have a "job". It was late one night and Grainger was the first one home. He reached into his pocket to find his card to get into the castle but he couldn't grab it. He decided to knock instead. He pounded the door and waited to a maid or Valarina to open the door.
"Valarina! It's Grainger, open the door!" he shouted.
There was no response. Grainger sighed and opened the doors with his powers. This scared the maid that was standing right behind the door.
"Sorry." Grainger apologized looking down at his hands with a smirk. The maid scurried off to fix dinner before everyone was home.
"Grainger?" Valarina called from the living room. Grainger took off his coat an hung it on the rack. He then walked over to the living room and plopped down on the sofa next to Valarina.
"Where are Malice and Sofia?" Grainger asked, looking around at the empty castle. It was normally buzzing with noise at this hour but tonight was different.
"Oh, Sofia and Malice called. They said that they are going on a diplomatic mission to Genosis. Some people are rebelling and refusing to follow the laws so they started a gang. Sofia is leading a small group with Malice to take care of it." Valarina answered as she picked up a magazine.
"Genosis! Do you know what Genosis is?!" Grainger gasped. Valarina raised her eyebrows and looked up from the magazine.
"Grainger I know it's a planet!" Valarina retorted sarcastically.
"Yes, I know that but Genosis is a terrible planet! It is full of war and terrorists. The people are protesting her being the Empress because she isn't related to the Turner and Cross families! When she gets there, she will be killed when her ship lands!" Grainger exclaimed as he rushed to the door. Valarina grabbed a gun and chased after him. They flew through obstacles sparing no time. Grainger jumped into the ship with Valarina right behind him. He rushed to start the engines and take off to Genosis. Valarina grabbed the radio and called the troops base in Rouge.
"What are Sofia's last coordinates?" She yelled.
There was only static. Valarina tried changing the frequency and all the tricks in the book to get an answer but things only got worse from there.
"Anything?" Grainger asked.
"Nothing!" Valarina said reluctantly.
Grainger shook him head and told Valarina to hold on as he pushed the ship to it's top speed. The acceleration of speed threw Valarina and Grainger back in their seats. Grainger reached up to ceiling and flipped a switch. A small green dot appeared on the screen in front of Valarina. The green dot was Sofia's ship. Grainger glanced down at the screen and turned the engines onto full power. Valarina stared out the front windshield as stars blew past them. It was a bumping landing because they where going so fast but they finally arrived on Genosis. Grainger jumped out first and sprinted to Sofia's ship that was right next to the. Valarina struggled to unbuckle but as soon as she did, she joined Grainger. Valarina boarded the ship cautiously with her gun ready in case anyone was trying to do a sneak attack. Valarina checking each corner of the ship carefully making sure that it was clear.
"Look!" she pointed out. Valarina pointed to the trail of blood on the floor. Grainger came quickly and bent down.
"It looks like someone got shot." Valarina murmured.
"That would be either Malice or Sofia! The blood is an orange-red color. The color that only magical beings have!" Grainger cried. He shook his head and they began to follow the trail of cold blood. It lead out the ship and then there where footprints. Heavy footprints. Those that would come from a rebel wearing military boots.
"Crap." Valarina exclaimed as she started to piece it together. Grainger started to tear up as he too realized what happen. Sofia or Malice was shot but both where taken and dragged away by the rebels. Grainger ran quickly with Valarina sprinting behind him as they followed the trail. They sprinted for a solid thirty minutes or so before they came to a structure. It resembled a small military base with guards on posts outside and a giant laser cannon on the roof. Grainger observed the structure until he saw two girls being dragged into the main area of the building.
"Down there." Valarina whispered.
"I know I see. We need to get them back." Grainger yelled in a hushed tone.
"But what about the rest of the troops?" Valarina asked.
"Forget them. They are meaningless to me." Grainger muttered.
"I heard that! They are people too you know." Valarina sneered.
"They are useless people. This is my wife and my mother we are talking about. We can't risk failing while trying to save everyone. We can replace the troops but we can't replace them." Grainger retorted.
"I can't believe you!" Valarina argued. She stood to her feet and stepped out from behind the tree they where hiding behind.
"Hey kidnappers!" She yelled to the guards. They started shooting at her and she shot back. Valarina jumped out of the way ducking and jumping to dodge the bullets until she fell to the ground.

Rise and Fall- Fight of Faith
Science FictionThe galaxy is in awe as the planet known as Tempolia is blown to smithereens by Malice Turner the evil sister of Anna Turner. Anna tasks Grainger, Malice's abandoned son, with the mission to Albea where the Accords base is. Grainger only has two ch...