"Will you come back and help us?" Grainger asked.
"Maybe." Valarina answered. Malice looked concerned but she too was looking at Sofia.
"Please. We could use your help too Sofia." Grainger pleaded.
"Alright. I'm only coming if Valarina comes too." Sofia teased. Grainger couldn't tell if she liked him or not. She was making 'jokes' about him but she looked at him the way he looked at her. Grainger hoped that Sofia liked him.
"Let's go then!" Valarina exclaimed with a smile. Sofia rolled her eyes and laughed. Malice led the way as Grainger, Sofia, and Valarina followed her back to the ship. They boarded the ship in an orderly fashion and as before, Malice sat in the pilots seat with Grainger as the co-pilot.
"Shove over!" Sofia sneered pushing Grainger out of the seat.
"Hey!" Grainger exclaimed. Sofia looked over at him and smiled. She wasn't being mean, just playful. Grainger found her amusing.
"Alright, everyone strap in." Malice announced as the started the engines and closed the doors. Grainger sat next to Sofia and Valarina sat next to Malice. It was only a few minutes before they had left the galaxy and reentered plain space.
"What's it like in your galaxy?" Sofia asked.
"Well we have four planets- Maverick, Rouge, Albea Point, and Genosis. I live on Rouge because I am the Chosen One and I am a part of the Knights of Ragnarok. Malice lives on Albea Point, it's where her castle is." Grainger stated.
"Is it pretty?" Sofia remarked.
"Albea Point is a dusty planet, Rouge is a lava planet, Maverick is a frozen wasteland but Genosis is pretty." Grainger cooed with a smile.
"Genosis. How pretty is it?" Sofia questioned.
"It's not as pretty as you. You're very inquisitive, Sofia." Grainger flirted.
Sofia nodded and narrowed her eyes. This made Grainger laugh so she giggled and smiled back. Grainger had no idea what he was getting himself into. Loving a princess when he wasn't even a prince. Grainger didn't care. Sofia thought he was a prince and that's what mattered.
"So what happened to your father?" Sofia asked- killing the mood.
"He's dead. What happened to your family?" Grainger sighed. Grainger stood up and walked away. He didn't want to talk about his father. Not after he spend his life fighting on the same side as the person that killed.
"Grainger!" Sofia called. She tossed her head-set to Valarina and got up to chase after Grainger. She continued searching for him and calling his name until she found him in the living area, sitting on the sofa with his hands over his face. Sofia hurried to sit next to him.
"I'm sorry I didn't know." Sofia apologized. She patted Grainger on the back.
He lifted his face and whispered, "Yeah neither did I. I never even knew him and I was told that he died in a ship accident. I was abandoned on Maverick on my sixth birthday. Eleven years ago today. I found out today that my aunt killed my father and lied to me. My mother lied to me. Everyone lied to me.""I know how you feel." Sofia said softly.
"No you don't! You don't know what it's like to live your life without knowing a thing about your parents! You don't know what it's like to be left to die by your own mother then to be looked at a disgrace and a dishonor! You can't possible know what it's like to be told to kill your mother or your aunt will kill you both!" Grainger snarled, standing up.
Sofia stood up and threw her hands to her sides.
"I do know! Holden Harvey was my father! I was told that he left me so he could raise a young boy and he didn't care for me! Anna killed my mother. I lived alone on that planet for seventeen years! Seventeen years alone has it's toll." Sofia fired back. Grainger scratched his head.
"Holden Harvey is your father?" Grainger stuttered.
"Not anymore but he was." Sofia retorted.
"When Malice left me alone on Maverick, I almost died. A man named Holden Harvey took me in and raised my until now. I left exactly a year ago today since I'm turning seventeen today." Grainger gasped.
"It's you! Your the boy he left to take care of!" Sofia growled threw her teeth. She flung her hand up and slapped Grainger in the face.
"I didn't know! You think I wanted things to be the way they where?" Grainger retorted.
Sofia didn't answer. Instead, she slapped Grainger again and walked back into the main area with Malice and Valarina.
"How is he?" Valarina asked.
"Did you know that Holden Harvey was my father when you left Grainger with him?" Sofia sneered.
"I.... I am so sorry, I didn't know." Malice stated. Sofia smirked and sat down. For hours, she sat staring at the floor well Grainger wept in the living area. No one said a word until the ship landed back at the air station.
The doors opened and Sofia was the first one to leave. She waited outside for the others. Grainger came out last with Sofia's hand print of his cheek. He glared at her when he exited and turned away from her.
"Grainger." Sofia called. He turned around slowly.
"Wanna slap me again?" Grainger muttered loud enough so Sofia could hear. Sofia ran to him and threw her arms around him. "I'm sorry." Sofia murmured. Grainger rested his chin on her shoulder and then let go of her a few seconds later.
"You hit hard." Grainger remarked smiling. Sofia was happy to see that he had forgiven her.
"Well I am a trained assassin so I have to hit hard. I didn't slap you as hard as I could've though. Guess you got lucky." Sofia flirted. She began walking to catch up with Malice and Valarina who were watching the scene.
"What?" Sofia asked.
"Nothing. Just nothing." Valarina laughed.
"Back off. He's mine." Sofia replied. Valarina laughed and Sofia laughed too. Grainger was still behind them with a smile on his face.

Rise and Fall- Fight of Faith
Ciencia FicciónThe galaxy is in awe as the planet known as Tempolia is blown to smithereens by Malice Turner the evil sister of Anna Turner. Anna tasks Grainger, Malice's abandoned son, with the mission to Albea where the Accords base is. Grainger only has two ch...