Grainger ran to Valarina's aid. "Are you alright?" He asked urgently, worry clear in his tone.
Valarina nodded, getting to her feet, wincing. "I'm fine," she said, scowling. "Just fell trying to dodge those dang bullets."
Speaking of bullets, they were still flying. Grainger pulled out his gun, aiming it at the rebels. Valarina threw out her hands, golden flames erupting on the Accords hands'. The rebels let out screams of anguish, the guns falling from their hands as they doubled over an attempt to sooth the burns and dying flames.
"Want me to cool that down for you?" Grainger asked, smirking wickedly as black washed over his hair and his brilliant blue eyes darkened into blood red. Ice crystals enveloped the rebels' burned hands, tinging the red and abused fingers blue.
Valarina sent two lines of flame running across the ground toward the Accords, but the golden harbingers of death died themselves as Valarina stumbled, falling to the ground again. The red and black faded from Grainger's appearance as horror instead came over his face. "Valarina!" He yelled, dropping down beside her. "What happened? Are you alright? Of course you're not alright-"
"Grainger, watch out!" The terrified words leaping from Valarina's mouth were all the warning Grainger got before a blinding pain shot through the side of his head and the world disappeared in a jolt of blackness.
"Grainger!" Valarina felt her wrists being grabbed as the Accords came to grab her. She struggled as they began to drag her cousin away, blood pouring down his lax face from the gunshot. "Grainger!" He kept getting farther away. "No, you can't-" her words and vision were cut short with an agonized cry as her broken ankle crashed over a rock and a sharp pain knocked her out cold.
When Valarina woke up again, she wasn't entirely sure she'd woken up at all. It was still pitch black. She blinked heavily and shifted, trying to get a grip on where she was. Her hands and feet were tied together, thick, scratchy rope digging into her wrists. She licked her lips and called out in a hoarse voice. "Grainger?" There was no response, and cold terror crept in shadowy trendils over her heart. "Grainger!" She called out, louder. A low grunt answered, and she heard shifting somewhere to her left.
"I'm here," Grainger's voice says, just as hoarse Valarina's. "But... where is here?"
"I don't know..." flames crawled up Valarina's arms, incinerating the bonds in seconds. She quickly shook off the burning ash and stood. "Where are you, Grainger?"
"Here!" Comes the response, and Valarina follows it. When she finds her cousin, she breaks his bonds too. "Should you really be using your powers so much?" Grainger questioned, standing and rubbing his wrists.
"What do you mean?" Valarina asked, wandering through the dark to find a wall, and hopefully door.
"Well... what if know. Turn?"
Valarina feels a jolt run through her at her cousin's words. It’s crossed her mind, of course - it's impossible for it not to - but she's never really considered it before. "I'm not giving up to the dark, Grainger," she reassures, her voice much more sure than she herself felt. "I believe that being on the side of light out powers any kind of dark power this universe can offer. Light can save, dark only destroy. I won't be seduced by the power I could obtain - what's it matter if that power executes itself through fear?"
"Light didn't save Tempolia," Grainger mutters. Valarina pretends she didn't hear.
"Let's find a way out of here."

Rise and Fall- Fight of Faith
Bilim KurguThe galaxy is in awe as the planet known as Tempolia is blown to smithereens by Malice Turner the evil sister of Anna Turner. Anna tasks Grainger, Malice's abandoned son, with the mission to Albea where the Accords base is. Grainger only has two ch...