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Once the others had rounded the corner, Grainger began to find them. He couldn't believe that he was the boy. The boy that destroyed Sofia's family. If her name was Sofia Kappen and her father vanished to Maverick before she was born, she would have taken her mother's last name. That's the way it worked throughout the entire universe. Grainger rounded the corner and caught up with the rest. 

"What now?" Valarina asked.

"Now we capture Anna and bring her down!" Grainger suggested. They went back to the front desk and bought 4 new tickets for a speeder. A speeder was almost like a car except it had no wheels. It was like a small ship but it couldn't fly much higher than a few feet of the ground. There where no cars in the whole universe. 

"This time, I'm driving." Sofia demanded. They all hoped into the speeder with Sofia in the driver's seat, Malice and Valarina in the back, and Grainger riding shot gun. Grainger put the coordinates to the castle into the GPS and they began their journey. 

"Grainger, what are we going to do when we get there?" Malice asked.

"When we get there, I will go in and see if Anna is still frozen where I left her. If so, I will scorch her and that will be the end of her. As for her army, we will take over. If she isn't frozen, I set up a barrier in the castle that will prevent her from leaving so we know she is still inside. She doesn't have her army with her. However, once she is dead, they will know something happened and send troops out for our heads. If Anna is loose, everyone will come in and we will face her together." Grainger planned.

"How will you tell us to come in?" Valarina asked.

"I am the nephew and the son of the two most powerful people in the galaxy. Telepathy of course." Grainger retorted sarcastically.

Valarina nodded and everyone was silent until they got to the castle. Sofia parked the speeder and Grainger hopped out. He sprinted to the castle and used his powers to open the doors. If Anna was still frozen, she would have been right there.

"Oh crap!" Grainger exclaimed. 

Guys! She is gone! Come on in!  Grainger communicated to the others.  Grainger drew his gun just as Malice, Sofia, and Valarina stormed the castle. The doors opened and Grainger saw Sofia with her hand out, like she was ready to use her powers. 

"What?" She asked, noticing that Grainger was staring.

"I didn't know you had powers." Grainger stated as they heard footsteps coming.  They  grew louder and louder until Anna, with a black Gothic dress, appeared. 

"Anna!" Sofia screamed throwing flames at Anna. Anna caught them and threw them back, almost hitting Valarina. Together, they marched forward. Malice threw ice, Valarina threw water, Sofia threw lightning, and Grainger fired the gun. Anna stood her ground and sent a shock-wave through the castle. This caused the ceiling to begin to crumble. 

"Are you freaking kidding!" Grainger exclaimed as Anna tried to escape. Sofia chased after her throwing bolts of lightning. One of the bolt hit Anna and brought her down to the ground. Sofia pinned her to the ground with her hands on Anna's throat ready to choke her. As they ran, Grainger, Malice, and Valarina dodged falling debris and found Anna and Sofia. 

"You killed my mother! Now your gonna pay!" Sofia yelled as she used her powers to electrocute  Anna. Anna laid flopping on the ground  as she electric current flowed through her. Sofia laughed as she watched Anna suffer.

"Who... was... your mother?" Anna choked out.

"Olivia Kappen! You killed her, right in front of me! You electrocuted her to death so that's what I am going to do to you! Remember the name Sofia Kappen!" Sofia yelled. Valarina stepped in and tossed water onto Anna. She crossed streams with Sofia causing an even stronger effect. Grainger had flash backs of times with Anna. The first one he remembered was when he used his powers to open a door and Anna scolded him. Then he remembered her words, "I'm going to count to three and if Malice isn't dead, I'll kill both of you!" These words taunted Grainger and filled him with hate. 

"Kill her!" Grainger ordered. Sofia gave her one last zap and Anna gave up the ghost. Sofia stood up.

"She's dead!" Sofia cheered. 

Everyone smiled. 

"Let's go!" Valarina yelled as the ceiling began to collapse. Together, they ran out of the castle and back to the speeder. They cheered and celebrated at a mission accomplished.

"Now what?" Valarina asked.

"Now we go to Rouge and announce that Anna and the Emperor are dead. Any soldier that gets in our way dies!"  Grainger announced. 

"How do we get to Rouge?" Sofia asked. Grainger pressed some buttons on the GPS and stated, "Just do what this things says. There is a bridge that connects Albea Point and Rouge that the soldiers use." 

Rise and Fall- Fight of FaithWhere stories live. Discover now