After School...

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After the rest of my classes, I walked to my locker when April appeared right beside me as I was closing it just to receive my hoodie. I nearly jumped because not only was April there, but Casey too.

"What the hell, April?" I snapped, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. "You trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"You'll have worse," she said, rolling her eyes. "Trust me."

"What do you mean..?"

"We're going with you to meet Naomi."

"Why....?" I finally asked. "And how did you know I was meeting her?"

"We have our ways," Casey said casually. I glared at him and all he did was smirk. "But we won't tell you till midnight."

"So you're just gonna stalk me all night?" I asked, going down the hallway.

"Not stalk. Just follow," April answered. "Besides, we're not the only ones who know about your meeting with Naomi."

"What?" I asked confused, looking at her.

April shook her head. "Just try and act natural today.

"And how can I with two people that never spoke to me before following me?"

Casey thought about that then said, "Think of us as kids you're babysitting."

"Wow," I said, totally unamused. "It's weird hearing you call yourself a child, Casey."

"Well, you are older than us," April said. "Why not?"

"You're also in high school. I shouldn't have to watch you."

April sighed then looked at me sternly which sort of shocked me. "Then let's just go somewhere so nobody will see you as being followed."

"And you're still admitting you two are creepers."

"I got a place," Casey grinned.

"It's the ice rink, isn't it?" I guessed.

He looked at me shocked then pointed at me. "You really are Naomi's friend. You have the same mind reading ability."

"Eh?" I asked, confused. But before he could answer, if he even was, I shook my head then sighed, "Fine. We'll be at the skating rink. But I swear if anything happens that's weird after closing time, you both will be hurt."

"Yeah," Casey scoffed. "Good luck with that." then he walked off. April followed beside him and me following behind.

I thought they were going to follow me, but I thought it was better this way because when they talked, I could hear them talk. Not that anything was important, it just got me curious.

What really made me confused was that we stopped in an alley. Casey grabbed a bag full of hockey sticks and bats while April slid something in the hem of her jeans, making her shirt cover it up before I could see it.

They came up to me when they were done because I just stayed on the sidewalk, not even bothering to follow them down the alley. I wasn't sure if they were gonna make out or not. I mean, I didn't know if they were dating or not, but they have hung out a lot for a few months now, yet it happened kind of suddenly.

They continued down the sidewalk with me following. I checked my phone and sighed. No new messages, voicemail or anything. This sucked. And it was only three forty five. I would have to hang out with April and Casey for a long time. Maybe I could just ditch them....?

They weren't paying attention so maybe I could...? Looking around, I saw a noodle shop then an alley right by it. They passed it and I slipped inside the alley. I saw a side door to the shop and decided to walk in, but it was locked.

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now