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(Donnie's POV)

"Raph! Get in here!" I cried into the T-Phone. I blocked another hit, putting up the device. Nobody was getting past me to Julie...

Rahzar snarled and jumped up, using his over mutated feet to kick me back. I gritted my teeth as I hit the far wall. Before I could get up, the black hound had me pinned.

"NAOMI!!!!" I heard someone scream. It sounded like Raph, but I couldn't tell. Rahzar had his arm pressing into my neck, making it hard to breathe and I was getting lightheaded. I thought I heard glass shattering in the distance as my vision grew black around the edges.

A loud screech saved my breathe because Rahzar let me go and back up, holding his head near his ears and whining. I looked over as a black blur of Topaz ran past to where Naomi was fighting Shredder. Something must've happened....

Rahzar ran away, the pain in his head too strong. Julie saw and snarled, "No you don't!" And ran after him. She didn't see that Karai was still alive and was getting up.

"Julie!!" I tried calling over to her, but her rage was getting ahold of her. I chased after as Karai followed Julie who was following Rahzar. Even though I wasn't as injured, Karai caught up with Julie first. The yellow mask was fighting Rahzar, not even noticing me or Karai.

I tried holding Karai back. Her form was stronger than it seemed because she turned and slammed the hilt of her Wakizashi into my temple, making my world temporary dark and spin. I fell, trying not to go into unconsciousness. I had to warn Julie.

"Julie..." I muttered, hoping she would hear me. I heard a scream turned into a gurgle cry. I got up and looked over. Julie had the Wakizashi of Karai's in her throat. I cried out as her body fell. Shol roared behind me, but he felt a million miles away. The only thing I could see was Julie falling....

I got up, pushing past Rahzar who was in my way and fell to my knees, the force of my run making me skid most of the way. I stopped by Julie's body and removed the blade gingerly as Karai and Rahzar retreated. I picked up the limp form of my Julie and tried to talk her back to life.

"Julie, please wake up.... please...." I cried softly, my body starting to shake. I didn't even notice Shol coming up and healing the wound. I continued talking and I looked around. Raph was hitting Topaz's snout to drop a limp Naomi. We lost.... We gained nothing.... This was Shredder's win... As I noticed this, Shol had summoned Glitch.

I hadn't heard anyone talk besides me... No one... Maybe I was waiting for Julie to speak with me... Waiting for her to come around and smile like the blonde Turtle she was... I didn't want to hear anyone besides Julie. Or maybe I was deaf and imagining my voice...?

Glitch had waved his hand and two wisps appeared. One black with spooky outlines. The other yellow with frilly and soft outlines. The black flew to Raph while the yellow darted over to me.

Julie's spirit stayed by my side and watched as Glitch tried putting Naomi back into her body. It didn't work. I couldn't hear what Raph and Glitch were saying. But when they stopped talking, I asked, "What about Julie?"

The name itself seemed to trigger my hearing and Glitch sighed, "They're officially dead..."

I heard a low whine and shriek loud enough to crack the walls and looked over at the dragons as Shol disappeared, followed by Topaz. Who would blame them? Their riders are dead....

Raph couldn't take it and cried at Glitch, "We have to get them back!! Please! anything, Glitch!"

After a thoughtful moment, Glitch said softly, "I could transfer their souls.... But to different bodies."

"Different bodies?" I asked, my voice cracking from fright of what was to be.

"Yes," Glitch replied. "They won't remember you--"

"B-But!" I interrupted.

Glitch snarled. "It's they live or die and stay with me for eternity!"

I looked at Julie who's form shuddered at the thought of living with our half son for eternity. I agreed and nodded after Raph did. Just then, Naomi's wisp darted over to Glitch and starting shaking like she was talking to him.

"What'd she say?" Raph asked.

"She wants Mikito and Sophie to go with. So they will be with them. They won't remember you boys either," Glitch replied.

"But Leo and Mikey! They'll be crushed!" I gasped, eyes wide with shock.

"Aren't we?!" Raph snapped at me. "They'll have their girls while we may not ever see ours again!"

I looked at Raph shocked and looked away, thinking. It's true.... It would be fair and neither of us wanted a dispute of things like girls. I only nodded. "All right..."

Glitch waved his hand and I gasped, sitting up in bed, shaking and sweating from the stupid dream. I ground my teeth and wiped my palm against my eyes to wipe the tears away. I took a deep breath and looked at the sleeping form next to me.

Julie wasn't in her Turtle form.... Julie wasn't dead.... It was a dream. A nightmare. I sighed and laid back down and stared at the ceiling. I hoped Julie would remember soon....

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now