Looking Out For Family

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When Sensei gave me the bow, Teng Shen's bow, my world went dark and I remember falling. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up in the lab.

My head hurt but I managed to sit up. I held my head with one hand and looked around to see the familiar faces of the Turtles. Or a dragon or even a Lizard.... Where was everyone?

It wasn't until that I smelled food that I knew where everyone went. Not even Donnie stayed for me to wake up. He HAD to eat first... I wonder if he would have brought me a plate...

I got up and stumbled to the kitchen, my mind flashing with memories behind my eyes. Things that I knew... But at the same time didn't.

It wasn't until I pushed the curtain aside that it hit me what all those memories were. Donnie looked up from his plate toward me.

I smiled and he got up, "You alright?"

"I'm better than alright," I grinned.

"What do you mean?"

I heard a mix between a sigh and a half-hearted chuckle and look at Naomi. She looked up at us before announcing, "She remembers, brainiac!"

Donnie paused and looked at me. I giggled softly before wrapping arms aaround him and kissing him.

"Get a room," Raph grumbled.

"After I eat," I smiled, pulling back from him.

We went back to the island and had one of Mikey's best cooking. It was breaded chicken surprisingly. April must've gone shopping for us and let Mikey go nuts with the cooking.

It was am excellent meal. Sensei even decided to join us for the meal. I was wagging my tail through the taste. It was so good! If Mikey was human, he'd be a chef. I know he would.

Near the end of the meal, Naomi was growing quieter I noticed. It made me look at her curiously. Finally, Raph nudged her and she looked at him a little worried.

I tilted my head a little as she stood up slowly, "Guys?"

Everyone stopped talking. We all looked at Naomi and blinked. I was confused. What was she doing? I've never seen her so nervous about anything...

"I've got news..." she muttered.

"What kind?" Leo asked.

"Uhm...." she looked at us all before flicking her tail and announcing, "Me and Raph are expecting a... child...."

You would think that it would turn into complete madness, but it was actually quiet. Nobody spoke, not even Sensei...

Finally, Donnie spoke up, "I'm sorry... What?"

"They're adopting a kid, bro!" Mikey tried pitifully.

"No..." Naomi said.

"You're actually pregnant?" Leo asked.

Raph nodded this time. I looked at them in shock. What was I supposed to say? Especially with Naomi looking right at me?

I looked down for a second before looking back up and smiling, "It's about time, then."

Everyone looked at me with stunned silence and I blinked and smiled embarrassed.

Sensei then stood up and came up to Naomi and set a hand on her shoulder, speaking softly, "Then it is your responsibility to watch and care for the child."

Naomi smiled and bowed, "Thank you, Sensei!"

Donnie then spoke up, "You realize that it's mostly an egg and not a live birth child, right?"


"So it will have to incubate."

"But we need to train," Raph said, still in slight belief of our sudden agreement and support.

"Then I'll make something," Donnie smiled. "It'll be the perfect thing to let the egg heat up and you guys train."

I nodded, "I call helping!"

"I wouldn't ask for anyone else," Donnie smiled.

Naomi sat back down with a relieved expression and our dinner continued for another five minutes.

Donnie and I went to our room. It was Donnie's room originally, but he hardly used it since he either passed out in the lab or the main room so it was basically my room.

But we walked in and I basically tackled Donnie to the bed. He was blushing the entire time but let me.


I'm surprised Naomi or Sensei didn't come up to the door and shut us up after all that. But we were laying by one another and rating ourselves, our passion over.

Donnie looked at me and smiled as I got up. "We gonna go work on the incubator?"

"So soon?" He asked.

"Might add well start now. We don't know how long a mutant Lizard egg may last."

"I thought I was supposed to say the smart stuff...." he whined as he got up and followed me into the lab.

Naomi was there as if she was waiting for us. I came up to her, "You okay?"

She nodded before looking up at me, "After the egg's out, I'm searching for Mikito...."

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now