Julie's Temper

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(Donatello POV)

"You know how bad she'll kill you, right?" I asked Raph, looking at him. He just shrugged and backed away from her.

Naomi came up and tried to pick her up on her own. "God dammit! I forget how heavy she is..!"

"She is a Senior," Casey said from the ladder that Julie fell from."Of course she would be." He just looked at Julie and sighed. "Sneaky, isn't she?"

"Yeah," I snapped at him. I helped Naomi and said, "Don't touch her."

"He wan't going to," Naomi growled at me. I just glared at her, and she glared back.

Raph sighed. "You two are gonna start fighting more than me and Mikey if you don't knock it off."

"Don't you mean you and Naomi?" April asked. "You two do fight alot."

"Did," Raph corrected her. "We haven't fought since she turned human."

"But we will," Naomi sighed, helping me carry Julie to the lair.

Casey, April, and Raph followed. Behind me, April and Casey talked while Casey twirling a bat around. Naomi made sure to steer away from it. Raph only smirked, watching Naomi.

When we made it to the lair, Naomi and I set Julie on the couch. I looked at her and it reminded me of how we kidnapped Naomi. Would she react the same way Naomi did..?

"Not even close," Naomi interupted my thoughts.

I growled and grabbed my head then glared at her. "Really?! Can't you keep your own mind waves to yourself?!"

"No," she said simply, flicking her tail. "I'll get Sensei." then she left. Raph watched her go then looked at me. I looked at him slightly annoyed.

"Why do you gotta be so snappy?" he asked. "You don't have to be rude just because Julie's back. Do you think she'll stay long with your attitude being like that?"

I looked down, sighing, because I knew he was right. Then I looked up, "Then how'd you deal with Naomi being as rude as she was..?"

He shrugged then sat down, keeping his distance from Julie. "I was paitent--"

"Something you hardly ever are," I cut in.

"But it was worth it," he continued. "She eventually warmed up. Because I stopped being rude. And I showed her Spike. She liked that."

Looking down, I sighed. Julie really didn't like the things I did. She just hung out with me and doodled when I was working. Maybe I could try drawing..?

"Unless you're really good, Donnie, she won't snap," Naomi's voice came in. I looked over and her and Sensei walked in.

Raph and I stood up, bowing respectfully. Strangely enough, Casey and April were gone, so I didn't really care for now...

When Sensei let us stand straight again, he asked, "Is that Juliet?"

"You really have to call her by her full name..?" Naomi asked. "You know she hates that."

"It shows respect, Naomi," he said to her. Naomi looked away and nodded, crossing her arms. "But is that Juliet?"

"Hai, Sensei," I nodded. I turned to Julie and started to reach the bag over her head when she cried out and ripped the bag off.

"Could you have at least washed the damn thing?!" she snapped, glaring at the bag before throwing it down like a toddler in a tantrum.

"Blame Raph," I said with a smirk. Raph glared at me, growling lowly. Julie looked up and blinked at me then at Raph to glare at him.

"Did you knock me out?!" she growled.

Raph smirked and crossed his arms, nodding. Big mistake, because Julie got up and punched him in the jaw hard. He took a few steps back in shock, holding his jaw.

"Never do that again or I'll hit harder."

"Julie," Naomi sighed, closing her eyes and looking at the ceiling a little. "Would you just calm down...?"

"Why wuold I calm down when there's two giant Turtles, a giant lizard, and a giant rat....!" she paused then looked at Splinter more closely then screamed. "A GIANT RAT!!!!"

"I'm not the only one that freaked out..." I heard Casey's voice elsewhere.

"Yeah, but you passed out," Raph called out to him. I sighed and Julie glared at Raph. Naomi stood in front of him and it made me wonder why they even were together... That made Naomi glare at me.

"Why is there a giant rat...?" Julie whined, trying to back up, but the arm rest stopped her from going anywhere.

"He's not going to hurt you," Naomi sighed, coming up to her.

Julie paused as Naomi came up before looking at her tail, "Naomi-with-a-tail.... Could you help me out here...?"

Naomi flicked her tail in annoyance and sighed, "Naomi. Just Naomi."

"No," Julie snapped softly. "You're Naomi-With-A-Tail."

"I'm the old Naomi you know."

"Except you have a tail."

I could tell Julie was being entertained annoying Naomi. Naomi was having a hard time to stay calm. She usually wouldn't be this far away from loosing her paitence, but I guess with me being a total dick doesn't help.

"Look--" Naomi started.

"Perhaps it would be wise to let this all sink in, Naomi," Splinter said.

Julie squeaked as he spoke, but Naomi nodded, backing up a little. "Sounds right... Thanks, Sensei."

Splinter nodded then left the room. After he left, it had the weird and uncomfortable vibe around the main room. Leo and Mikey hopefully haven't found out about our other kidnapping. But I bet they would do the same in a heartbeat if they could get a hold of Mikito or Sophie.

"So....?" Julie said silently, tapping her heals together. "You weren't lying about the week-long absense...?"

"No," Naomi said. "But you went ahead and lied to me about it being an entire dream."

"Do you like it...?"

"I remember everything that happened..." Naomi said softly. Her voice sounded pained and she looked down as Julie looked up.

Raph grabbed my arm and started to drag me away. I let him because I knew it would be a girls' talk and we didn't need to be there.

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