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I watched as the boys left. Naomi didn't seem to notice, but I knew she knew as well. The red one was already ticking me off and Naomi didn't seem to like it. I was curious on whether or not she liked him.

"What do you mean, remember everything....?" I asked silently after the guys left.

"Before we were human," Naomi answered, her tail swishing slowly behind her.

"We were always human," I said. "I remember my baby pictures, my fourth birthday party, moving from the middle of Illinois to New York, meeting you, meeting the girls, that night for your birthday party...! I was always human!"

"You were," Naomi sighed, looking down. "It's confusing, but before you mutated into a Turtle, you were human. So your life was basically continuing what would have happened if you never mutated."

"What about you..?" I asked. Granted, she was confusing me. I never remember having to be mutated. I would remember. Naomi smirked at my last mental bought and I blinked, a little worried.

"I only remember up to the part where I met you. A year ago. After that, I don't remember anything. Except my life down here...."

"I would remember if any of us were mutants."

"I said the same thing," she smirked, looking at me. "But after my memory came back, I took it back. Everything in my life was normal... Enough."

"But you're a total freak."

"Not my attitude. Just my appearance."

"You sure about that?" I asked.

Naomi looked at me and her tail tip flicked and I felt a pinch in my mind as something echoed, "All except my ability again."

I blinked in shock as the squeezing sensation left. Naomi looked content as I stared at her. "You can talk mentally?!"

"And read minds," she added. "Along with the occasional controlling them."

"Don't you dare," I growled at her.

"It hurts when I try, so I don't," Naomi sighed, looking down. "But you wanna know about the past?"

"I'd rather not."

"All right," Naomi breathed out, standing up. "Then it's time to show you around."

"Eh?" I said, confused.

Naomi grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet. "I'm showing you around the lair!"

"Nuuuu!!" I said, trying to sit back down. She sighed and grabbed my waist then picked me up. I cried out as she set me on her shoulder. "Gah! Naomi!"

She laughed and swished her tail, making my eyes follow it. Why was it mesmerizing..?

"Because it's my tail," she answered my thoughts.

I growled at myself, already forgetting that she could do that. "Naomi-With-A-Tail..."

"Really?" she asked.

"Well, you are Naomi, but with a tail."

"That doesn't mean it's my name."

"I'm counting it as you're name."

Naomi sighed as we entered a hallway and she kicked open a door gently. We entered a room with a pale yellow color. I blinked in slight shock as we did.

It wasn't like the rest of the lair. The walls were actually a light gray, like someone tried painting it white, but the gray was stubborn and still decided to show through. There were anime posters lining the wall. Like Zelda and Kenshin. Then there were some drawings that looked like they were printed off, but first drawn.

"You guys have a scanner...?" I asked, looking at the pictures.

Naomi nodded and set me down. "You asked Donnie to make it so you can copy your pictures you drew."

"I did not draw these...!" I tried arguing, looking at them closely. "Yet they seem to have my style..."

"You can't argue with me," Naomi smirked.

"I've learned to deal..." I sighed then turned around to look at the rest of the room.

A double bed sat against the wall near a closet. Naomi was sitting on it, messing with a yellow mask. The bed had a pale canary yellow comforter with white circular designs. I blinked in slight shock as it sort of reminded me of myself.

I came up to Naomi and grabbed the mask from her. It was cute! I wanted to wear it immediately, but Naomi snatched it back.

"Until you remember, you're not wearing this," Naomi snapped.

"But I don't...!" I whined. "Why would I want to remember being a mutant?"

"It's not that bad."

"But there's no social life, clothes, design, or any outside world life at all!"

"We have each other, you did wear clothes a lot, even with the shell, and we go up quite often. And if we don't, April and Casey tell us what we missed."

April and Casey... I growled inwardly. They practically brought me into this mess... I'm gonna knock April out... Badly...

"She's been training," Naomi said, getting up and putting the mask up while reading my mind. "And since you don't remember anything of your past, you won't have a chance right now."

"Is that a challenge?" I snapped.

Naomi turned to me and flicked her tail. She sighed then grabbed a small book off a shelf and threw it at me. Thanks to my excellent reflexes, cough, cough, sarcasm, the book hit my arm and fell down, half open.

"What the hell?!" I growled, picking the book up.

"Your journal," Naomi answered, going to the door. "Read it."

I flipped through curiously. The person, or mutant, had very nice handwriting. I sat down on the bed and decided to start at the beginning like any other book I've read, mangas excluded.

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now